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postato inizialmente in: Iron Banner 6v6 is being postponed
4/10/2018 2:09:14 PM
But do you disagree? Should bungie lose rights to destiny?



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  • Nah, look like they are in the process of making things right. Act will olny make the game worse than it is. Almost all these companies are going the same way with this shit. Bungie just couldn’t with it being a looter.



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  • Way to forgiving, bungie had 3 years to get it right, we are going on year 5 shortly, so almost halfway through the 10 year “plan” and bungie still can’t figure out what they want destiny to be, just pathetic in every possible way.



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  • No Bungie shouldn't lose the rights to Destiny Definitely not to Activision If they screw the contract up, Activision will own a % of Bungie (which is punishment) What should happen is that Destiny eventually dies (it's on life support in a vegetative state), and the Gamer never buys anything from Bungle or Activision ever again And from this moment - never allows another developer/publisher to get away with offering up sterile, half hearted, cash grabbing games, never pre-order DLC (always content that's cut from base) or £40-60 Season Passes (they need to die), never spend another red cent on microtransactions (they need to Die), especially for Triple AAA titles that have already cost 💰💰💰



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  • ....what? HAHAHAH I -blam!-ing love how twats you lot are. Seriously, they messed up and are actually fixing their issues listening to community they have changed shitload of the stuff because of the community, That alone is a courtesy that EA, Ubisoft or any other developer had never done, they had just deemed it a failure given up and waited for dust to settle until release of the next DLC THE GAME they are planning on. But hey THE GAME MUST BE THE WAY I WANT IT AND IT HAS TO BE IT NOW! because nolife gamers on tandrums are exactly what motivates bungie to do your desires. Holy hell you seem like a lot of wankers who just whine for attention, "We just want the game to be good" yeah right. Kind of like trump claims he aint racist while blocking certain citizens from entering U.S. The hatwagon has run its course and now its time for the game to live, And despite your "D2 is dead" it's still quite alive and from my perspective the player amount has even increased, atleast I see more players day in and day out. How can I play the game? because I understand that mistakes were made and I give Bungie a chanse, And they have not dissapointed yet. Seriously 6v6 iron banner is delayed for a fix and you start a tandrum over it? Seems more like you are looking for an excuse to whine.



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  • This is why you don’t do drugs kids^



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  • I truly feel sorry for society, if you don’t value the time you invest in gaming why would you value anything in life



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  • Because you end up on forums making bad jokes.



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  • Modificato da Demon_XXVII: 4/10/2018 10:53:14 PM
    @Nutsack You need to calm down, stop snorting Tide pods... Bungie wouldn't be in the mess they're in now if they hadn't binned 3 years of development/franchise building and actually took on board most of the positive feedback that was posted on Destiny 1 once lively forum Instead, they listen to those willing to accept mediocrity (both product/game management structure), the very same players who throw money at the screen for cosmetic micro transaction crap and bland boring pre paid DLC sold back to the players as Add-on content Simplified & boring formulaic narrative Bungle have totally screwed up and took their once great reputation (Halo1-3, Reach/ODST were a long time ago - The brains/passion/devs behind the premise of D1, were long gone..... - all that experience wasted during power struggles and in-fighting) They are now the company that produced 'Destiny 2 - Be Casual' Reputation destroyed



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  • kinda toxic but you've got a point- it takes me 2-3 minutes to start a d1 match and 30-40 seconds to start a d2 match. The playerbase is not dwindling– at least not in a measurable way.



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  • Bungie has made some very serious bad moves in D2. YongYea, Layman Gaming and others have described the way Bungie treats their customers as an abusive relationship. It's documented. Bungie had to take down a job opening looking for people with experience in manipulating players to micro transactions and designing in game activities that get players to purchase micro transactions. Articles have been written about it. Star Wars Battlefront ll got a lot of spotlight but D2 is considered just as bad and as of now worse since a large part of the game content is in the Eververse store. The bright engrams are designed- with RNG- to make what you wish to purchase expensive if not very expensive. None of this is Deej's fault. He doesn't make the decisions and is just doing his job. Bungie is not the victim here. You're going to have a very hard time convincing anyone who keeps up with gaming news that it is a company that deserves our trust.



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  • OOOoooooOO gobble gobble !! gobble it up there, fanboi! -- is it yummy? here comes the airpenis! open up wide! lmao - you suckers sticking up for these terds need a good slap in the chops. Go play in traffic, mate.



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  • The way Bungie has treated its players and community has been described as "an abusive relationship" by gaming news outlets. Calling us "twats" just adds insult to injury.



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  • And rhis is why toxic people are funny. They act like 3rd graders when you dont agree with them. I do wonder how brave your mouth would run if you were face to face with bungie employees.



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  • How could one EVER be face to face with a Bungholio employee??? Ffs ... these azzhats don't even have an email support! Nevermind a phone support. Keep right on sticking up for them you idiot. Oh and as far as it goes - I'D LOVE THE opportunity to tell a dev face to face exactly what a JOKE this game is/was/has become - NEVER have any doubt. Now toddle off there, Junior fanboi, toddle off...



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  • And instantly backing down Hypocritic, cowardly, edgy and toxic Do tell what else can you do? Besides talk bigger than you dare



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  • And insta tly backing down. Hypocritic, cowardly, edgy and toxic. Do tell whay else can you do besides talk bigger than you dare.



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  • Shut up already!



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  • nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnope



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  • Shut up



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  • NNNNNnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnope



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  • Dude. They created it. Why should they lose the rights to their creation just because they effed it up? Get over yourself



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  • No, you see I was brought up with values that are not practiced in corporate America and I will not put up with mediocrity like others. I own a business and operate it myself, I can guarantee if I deceived and lied to my customers or started charging a surcharge on full priced product (everess) I would be out of business. Obviously it’s not a great comparison, but it does not change the facts on how bungie has treated its customers. They do not deserve this community and I for one will nvr purchase another bungie product ever.



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