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Destiny 2

Discussioni su Destiny 2.
Modificato da Ghostfire239: 12/22/2017 12:54:37 AM

I'm Not Very Good With Arcstrider. Any Tips on using Arc-Staff in PvP?

I'm going to be straight up here, I don't like Arc-Staff (Or Arcstrider as a whole) in PvP. It's great in PvE, it does crowd control far better than Bladedancer did. But when it comes to PvP, I think if we put a Year 3 Destiny 1 Bladedancer and an Arcstrider in the same series of PvP situations the Bladedancer would be more successful in all of them. That being said, we have Arcstrider in D2 and Bladedancer isn't coming back so I want to try and get better with it and hopefully I'll begin to like it. I've been using the bottom tree, and using dodges to get close to enemies (and occasionally the slam attack) but I never really see any success in this. At least one of these 3 things always happen to me when I use Arc-Staff: 1. I kill a person and get teamshot to death before I can dodge again 2. The team just backs up and teamshot me to death (or run if it's just 1 person) 3. I use my arc-staff as a way to distract the enemy team so my team can get the drop on them. I was also wondering how to challenge a FoH when you're both using your supers. Every time I challenge one I die before I can either hit the again or back off because of the aftershock. If anyone has some tips to best use the Arc-staff super then please let me know.



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  • I’m working on a guide for arcstrider but here is a quick tip. Buff your neutral game as much as possible. Unfortunately the arc strider super is the worst in the game for this one simple reason: it gets defeated by all other supers in a 1v1 scenario. For this reason, you need to make sure that your neutral game is very strong. I like to use shinobus vow with skip grenades, but you can also use the foe tracer or the stompees. Regarding the super, be very mindful of what other supers are currently active in the game by looking at the top of the screen. If you see some has their super, then don’t pop yours. Its almost always best to wait. The last tip is to pop the super when your opponent is cornered. Don’t use it a mile away and come running in. Pop it when they are stuck in a hallway or room and then manœuvre yourself in using the dodge. Nope this helps.



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