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10/12/2017 6:55:14 PM

What's the scariest video you've ever watched or scariest moment you've experienced?

Well since it's October, and tomorrow is Friday the 13th, tell me something scary you've experienced or scary video you've watched (preferably on YouTube). [spoiler][b]....still [b]erased[/b][/b][/spoiler]



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  • I remember seeing this movie as a kid on tv and being terrified. As an adult it seems quite funny and not at all scary. But when I was young it was kind of disturbing and I couldn’t get it out of my mind for days.



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  • I remember watching a video a while back about this guy called Carl Tanzler. Basically he was a Radiologist who dealt with Tuberculosis patients. One day, whilst working, he encountered this woman called Maria Hoyos. He'd previously had a vision where an angel had come down from heaven to visit him, and Maria looked just like that angel. Needless to say, he fell deeply in love with her. Before he could express his feelings to her, however, she died from Tuberculosis. She was laid to rest above ground in a mausoleum-type thing (I can't remember the name exactly). Now here's where things start to get weird: Tanzler would break into the mausoleum at night in order to spend time with Maria's corpse, often sleeping with it. As time went on, Maria's body began to decay. Wanting to prevent this, Tanzler stole her body, and took it back to his home. To offset the decomposition process, he began to replace her body parts with various substitutes. He replaced her hair with a wig and her skin with wax, creating this horrifying patchwork doll of sorts. He wasn't caught until months later, when Maria's sister came to check out the house. She'd been alerted after neighbours had noticed Tanzler entering his house with an unusual amount of female care and beauty products. When she arrived, she asked to see her sister. Carl took her up to his bedroom, where, outfitted in a wedding dress, lay Maria's corpse in bed. Her sister alerted the police and Tanzler was arrested. Strangely enough, Maria's body was put on display for the general public to see for about a month before a full autopsy was performed, revealing other disturbing additions Tanzler had made to her body (including a tube he inserted, allowing him to perform sexual intercourse with her). After the autopsy was performed, her body was laid to rest in an undisclosed location in the hopes nobody could tamper with it again. As for Tanzler, I'm fairly certain he committed suicide a few years later. His body was found next to a life-size effigy of Maria made out of various household items. For those of you morbidly curious enough to look into this further, just google either Maria Hoyos or Carl Tanzler. You can find photos of Maria's body and I think there's even footage of her autopsy as well. Personally I find the photos of her body when it was found to be pure nightmare fuel. There's something really unsettling about them and the fact that you know that there's a decaying corpse underneath all that wax make it even worse. I think it has something to do with the whole Uncanny Valley thing.



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    • Looking in a mirror every morning



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    • SCP-939



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    • At this specific Park and Ride next to a dark and thick forest, no traffic lights, nothing. So at night the only light you had was your car lights. So my parents claimed the boogyman lived in those woods. That if children misbehaved all a parent had to do was park near the woods. Turn off the car and the lights, and the boogyman would come out of the woods and steal you. Once as a child, i was maybe 6 at the time, I cried about my sister being a real bitch to me and my parents had enough of it and pulled into the park and ride. They explained the story of the boogyman and I went dead silent. Now, the car is off, and all the lights are out. I was already petrified of the dark, and now some boogyman monster was going to kidnap me. My parents even went as far as rolling down my window, and locking the windows from being rolled up claiming he was coming. Idk how my parents thought this would make me calm down and everything would get better, but I LOST MY SHIT. I was Grade A panic attack. I was hyperventilating, losing consciousness, my heart was probably beating at about 120 bpm, I was sweating, I wouldn't let anyone touch me, and according to my sister, I knuckled my seatbelt, curled into a ball, and tucked myself into a small corner. My parents rolled up the window and drove home. I refused to leave my room for hours afterwards cause I was still petrified of the boogyman. The area was so traumatizing to me as a child that up until I was 19 and they installed a traffic light there, I avoided that place like the plague, day or night. I wouldnt look in the direction, would not drive by the place at night, never parked there, and drive faster by it. Just looking at the place would bring a feeling of dread, and I would imagine being murdered or kidnapped by a devil looking figure. Very vivid as well. Sometimes the imagination would get so bad I'd have to pull over and take a minute to recollect my thoughts. Im now fine with the area, almost as if its just the woods. My parents, on the other hand, have no memory of this. I also remember my sister trying to drown me, too. I now have a fear of unclear and/or deep water.



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      • [i] [/i]



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      • Don't touch me I'm scared...very disturbing



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        • Listen to this at night in a room as dark as possible. It's terrifying. Make sure there is no visible light as it will allow your eyes to believe you're asleep and dream while being awake. You will have a nightmare induced by the sounds (use headphones or earbuds for best results).



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          • Search up "I feel fantastic" on YouTube. Most disturbing shit I've ever seen



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          • My cat woke me up in the middle of the night saying "Hello, Rachel" I'm still wondering if I was just crazy, my cat can talk and is screwing with me, or I'm haunted.



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            • When I was very young (say 3,4) I woke up one morning to an odd feeling, like someone was lightly pushing a scratchy qtip into my ear. Confused, I went to feel it, and immediately felt a sharp pain. A large mud dauber wasp had found its way into my ear, and didn't appreciate me pawing at it with my tiny hands. My ear swelled up to about three times its normal size, and my family called me Dumbo for about a month.



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              • Sitting in a porta john that's 150 degrees inside and seeing there's no shit paper....



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              • Modificato da unsanguine: 10/16/2017 6:36:29 AM
                Ive experienced sleep paralysis. It was my first time and i was pretty scared. I didnt imagine anything around me, i was just there, stuck.



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                • i had a dream that maggots kept crawling out of my skin [spoiler]guess you can say im dead on the inside [/spoiler] [spoiler]ba dum tssh[/spoiler]



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                • Not too scary, but I was in my aunt's house one time when I saw two feet at the first landing of the stairs. It stood there for about five seconds then walked off. Everyone was in the dining room at the time, and this was not long after my uncle died



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                • Trying to sleep without my hot wheels blanket. Worst day and night of my life.



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                  • 2
                    When I first started with my current company, I used to laod semi trailers with packages. Well, another hub in our area had a bomb threat called in, then an anthrax scare right after. Needless to say, we were all a bit jumpy & our company had us looking for specific "suspicious" type packages. Anyways, we had on in our area that got flagged, so everything gets shut down. We all get bunched up, which I hate, & told to wait for bomb squad. They get there & isolate the package. We have 2 supervisors get hurt, so we are getting really nervous. Turns out, it was a vibrating sex toy that was hitting another sex toy & making the weird noise.



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                    • Scariest moment. My son having a 104 temp, seizures then saying in a icu bed at Vanderbilt children's hospital for a week. Had a bacterial infection that spread to his brain. As a father, not being able to protect your kids or do anything to help them is something that makes you feel like you failed them.



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                    • Ok. Its a little long but bear with it as it did legitimately happen to me. Ive had a history of strange things happen to me or my friends when they are around me but this one takes the cake. It was back in highschool. My friends came over to hang, play games, watch tv etc. My parents went to their rooms, mom sleeps separately because dad is violent sleeper, and my dad took my dog Dakota (yellow lab) to his room so she didnt bother my friends. It was about 2 am when my friends decided to leave. I was still wired so i went to my room to watch some Family Guy and try to settle in for bed. My room is a square. Door on the west side in the middle, my bed opposite of it on the east side, and my desk with my wall mounted tv next to the door entrance. My mom would occasionally get up super early and come to my room to get my dog and let her out to go to the bathroom. So as I'm laying there watching Family Guy i hear someone moving outside my door. I figure its my mom. The door to my room barely cracks open and i figure its my mom coming for Dakota. I get up and say, "hey im still awake Dakota's in dad's room." No response so i repeat it. Still nothing. Then the door cracks open a little more. At this point i say louder "mom Im awake." Then a hand pops out of the door crack and hovers over my light switch. Its has long fingers, its grey, bony, and it is moving the fingers in a rhythmic pattern. I start screaming "mom" and "who is there I'm armed." (Had a 22 in my room and a replica sword on display on my wall.) I start screaming at whoever this was and I reach for my sword on my wall near my bed as I'm sitting there. As i do the hand jerks still and the fingers stop moving. It quickly slips behind the door and slams it. I yell "hell no!" and jump up with the sword and throw my door open. Couldnt have been more than 2 seconds between the door slamming and me opening it. No one is there, but i can hear someone moving downstairs. I am yelling at the top of my lungs for both my parents but neither respond. My dog Dakota is whimpering in my dads room. So instead of going to see what was wrong with my parents i head downstairs quickly like a genius. I can hear things moving in multiple rooms. I turn on every light, in every room, and i find nothing. I thought someone was in the house but the doors were locked, no windows were open or busted, and no signs of anyone being there causing the ruckus that i heard in pretty much every room. Sometimes i would hear things in rooms that i already checked but i never saw anyone or anything causing the noises. I then hurried upstairs. My dog was still whimpering. I went to my moms room and threw the door open while screaming that "someone" was in the house. No response. I went to her bed side, grabbed her and began shaking her because i was beginning to panic. She would not wake up. It started to dawn on me then that "someone" must have been "something" because my mom would not wake up. I began to cry from fear and panic (something im not proud of but i was 16), then suddenly she began to wake up. She was startled to see me standing there half naked holding a sword. She asked me what was going on and i said "there is someone in the house and you wouldn't wake up." She then gets up and we head to my father's room. Same thing. He wouldn't wake up easily which confused my mom. We searched the house together and found no trace of anyone just like when i searched. My parents were baffled and i was very upset at this point. The fact that they wouldn't wake up was extremely disturbing as neither are heavy sleepers. Also my dog whimpering in the other room instead of barking was scary. Idk who or what that was that night but it gives me goosebumps recounting it here. My parents, some time later, said i must have been dreaming before i came to wake them up, but if that were true all the lights downstairs would not have been on and they would have heard me yelling and woken up. My mom doesnt fully agree with this explanation either because of how hard it was for her to wake up my dad. Which in her words was "something she's never seen from him", I've explored several possibilities since then and none can answer what happened. Someone or something was in the house that night and it was able to keep my parents dead asleep, almost coma like, make noises in multiple rooms at the same time, and cause my dog to cower. And for those thinking this is just a story it is legitimate and freaks me out every time i think about it.



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                      • I am not sure... I've had nightmares, but.. Can't really recall anything huge in real life. Some scary things were losing my parents in Amsterdam while I was a small kid and hearing my name being called while I was alone at home. I searched for someone who could've been trying to prank me or something. Nobody. Oh well.. Must have been the wind, right?



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                      • Watching TV on my bed, bedroom door closed, all the windows in the bedroom closed, mid-October. The curtains and the blinds blew open as if a window was still open. Angry that someone opened my bedroom window, I got out of bed to close it. My eyes were still focused on the TV, while I was reaching for the window to close it. I pulled the blinds and curtains away from the window so I could close it, and that is when I noticed the window was closed. I paused for a few seconds. . . . . . . . . . . . I GTFO of that room.



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                        • One time I was falling asleep when I heard my brother yell help. I strained my ears to see if it was just me or to see if I would hear it again. I then promptly heard my brother yell help again. I scream for my mom and she runs to my room asking what is it. I say I heard my brother yelling help. My mom then goes to my brother’s room and he is fine, just reading and he swears he didn’t yell help. I don’t know what I heard that night, but I was the only one to hear it, and it was definitely human words.



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                        • What's a video?



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                        • Scariest moment of my life was, without doubt, when I crashed my car. The first thing I did when I regained consciousness was to poke myself in the legs and wiggle my toes to make sure I wasn't paralysed. I'm pretty sure I'm lucky to be alive. The other scariest moment was just days ago, when I first experienced true sleep paralysis. I hallucinated a giant pale faceless creature that stood over my bed staring at me.



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                          • I had a cop point a gun at me all of a sudden in atlanta one time. I was just on my phone i guess there had been an incident in that area (in downtown). Now im black,and while i dont feel all cops are crooked, i thought i was a gonner



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                            • Modificato da Unicorn Goo: 10/15/2017 11:24:09 AM
                              I was 6 or 7 and watched the original It. I remember laying in bed horrified and having my face covered with the blanket. I finally mustered up enough courage to move it and see, but I thought pennywise was going to be right there staring at me.



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