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Discussioni su Destiny 2.
Modificato da lil dUb wiezy: 9/20/2017 2:50:21 PM

Chest cooldowns

I was farming on IO for rep tokens, so i could get my disappointment of a package from Asher. But i suppose i was going too fast from chest to chest to chest. I found 3 chest in a span of 8 minutes. Being super casual and also just exploring. Then i found a 4th soon after(~2min) my 3rd chest. Inside of the chest was NOTHING. [b] 3 chests in 8 minutes is too fast!?!! [/b] This is ridiculous. I wasn't even aggressively farming. I was just casually playing the [i]game[/i]. I waited 3 minutes and tried to pick up the glass... AND GOT NOTHING.. So i waited another minute before picking up a chest... AND GOT NOTHING. I then waited a little over a minute before trying the one [i] right next it [/i] I FINALLY GOT A TOKEN AND GLIMMER. This is just insane that this arbitrary timer even exist. Either visually put it in game, or REMOVE IT. EDIT: Apparently this timer exists to stop a glitched chest on Nessus that could be opened repeatedly. But this was a problem in destiny 1 before tTK and they fixed it to were chest wound yield rewards from that glitch. Now they can't fix it in destiny 2. I know this existed in destiny 1 but it was NOWHERE near a prevalent as we've seen so far in destiny 2



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  • Its ridicilous that this is still an issue i am sitting bored all the time doing nothing when i could be farming and looting chest, this game feels like a nice shell that is empty on inside there no soul in it just a empty shell.



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  • [b]The timer is absurd, i completely agree.[/b] Personally Iv done all the sightseeing i need, now I want to play efficient, with my every step. Namely farm the few pieces of gear sets i still miss from the various planets. Its the only thing left for me to do.... collect stuff. But the timer stops any attempt to advance in a reasonable speed. I dont know what the exact cooldown is, but it ruins the fun of exploring. Exploring which [b]was[/b] my number 1.



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  • It could also be from a glitch. I opened one of Cade's chests the other day and it seemed totally empty. Then I noticed that the engrams had fallen down over a ledge, so I jumped down to grab them without thinking and went out of bounds. They did not show up at the post master either. Two engrams, one rare, one legendary, lost forever. After doing some research I discovered this: I'm not sure if there is anything that we, as players, can do to avoid losing loot from these chests, but at least we know about this problem now. Between this and the timer on chests, I must admit I'm disappointed.



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  • Simple fix, remove the chest from nessus



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    4 Risposte
    • chest cooldown has to go



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    • #feedback



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    • The timer is absolutely ridiculous especially since they provide us a consumable that shows where the chests are lol. I know bungie hates it when people say this is a farming game. But I somehow think they missed the fact that every activity in this game is to farm for better gear.



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      2 Risposte
      • Did they nerf the exotic drops from PE? Ive been grinding and none in last 2 days, whereas I've received many up until then.



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        • I need glimmer anyways from all my mod buying and dismantling. So I just pick up a chest and kill adds for a bit then search for another. No problems here



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        • It's pointless because it's not even really an exploit/glitch. I was farming chests on titan through regular play with public events, targets and patrols in the mix and was able to get chests far quicker than that exploit ever could. It's a simple case of a select few people ruining it for the rest of us, not that it should even matter. Especially when you consider that Bungie added ghosts and scout reports to the game SPECIFICALLY to help make finding chests EASIER!!



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          • I know the feels bro. The only armor I want is on io and I can't even farm the best way to get tokens because of this shit. It needs to be removed and soon. Losing motivation fast.



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            1 Rispondi
            • Bump



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            • bungie is really -blam!-ing this game up hard also those things like datalattice count towards the timer



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            • This has screwed me over on Cayde's chests as well.



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              • I especially love the planetary materials challenges. Get 10 of whatever material, complete the challenge, yet my inventory amount has increased by 3!



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                • The so called Nessus loot cave and the Titan public event glitch really weren't that big of problem. You could get good loot at a good pace just by playing (before the lockout timer). Now everyone who moves fast from chest to chest gets punished. This is not the correct way to solve something that really wasn't a problem. This is why we can't have nice things.



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                • This really needs to be undone. Please keep bumping up this post/thread to get Cozmo to read it



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                  • [quote]I was farming on IO for rep tokens, so i could get my disappointment of a package from Asher.[/quote] Couldnt have said it better myself. Just give me the damn cloak you blue bastard.



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                    7 Risposte
                    • Modificato da BiggusThiccus: 9/20/2017 3:39:19 PM
                      >Be Bungo >Want's to make loot and shoot game >Makes overall good game, 7.5/10 >Game has a lot of farming >Makes challenges around farming >Gives us rewards through farming >Makes consumable that helps with farming >Bungo hate farming >Bungo smash >Bungo starts making weird design choices like normal >"I know! Let's make a game with a butt ton of farming in order to level up, but let's make it so you have a timer that you have to follow. Let's say... 3 chests per 8 minutes?" >Wait >Bungo has even better idea >"Let's not tell anyone about this! I'm sure our loving playerbase will never find out about it or complain about it in the slightest!" > :D.jpg Seriously though the fact that this is even in the game to begin with shows me that bungie doesn't know how games work



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                    • Modificato da Doink Soulz: 9/20/2017 11:49:22 AM
                      This is literally counterintuitive to Bungie's main promise on patching things in D2. They made weapons with single rolls because if one particular weapon was a problem, they could tinker with that without the whole archetype being thrown out of whack. They could have singled out the Nessus chests, but they went completely backwards this time and nerfed everything, COMPLETELY IN THE CONTRARY OF WHAT THEY SAID THEY WOULD DO.



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                      4 Risposte
                      • Modificato da Deximer: 9/20/2017 4:12:35 PM
                        That's because it feels like there are 100 things to loot, but no enemies. Where are all the mobs? Zones are barren as hell. 3 here, 3 there. Unless an event starts it's empty af. How can I put time in between looting when there is nothing to kill?



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                        2 Risposte
                        • Yeah, this is the most stupid -blam!-ed up thing I've seen in Destiny 2 so far. It is REALLY stupid. You pay for a map that shows you the chest, but after 3 chests you're locked out of them. WTF. For real.



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                        • Modificato da Sideswipe: 9/21/2017 2:18:57 AM
                          I'm not convinced the lockout is real. Everyone's description of events leading to a lockout all involve different time frames and different loot sources - HVT, PE, random chest, Cayde's Stash, etc... According to the source I've read: [quote]You can loot four random chests and gather four materials from nodes every five minutes without triggering the lock out, but if you go for a fifth within this window, you’ll find that the next chest or node you tap will be empty of anything but Glimmer.[/quote] So OPs timeline for the lockout is [i]longer[/i] than what it's [i]supposed[/i] to be and doesn't even meet the requirement of 4 chests looted. So it's either: 1. The lockout has different requirements than the article reports. 2. There is no lockout, loot is bugged. I'm inclined to think loot is bugged for 2 reasons: 1. Everyone's experience with the lockout is different. There's little to no consistency in any of the stories. 2. There are items whose sole purpose is to [i]help you[/i] farm chests. Why add these if there's a lockout/cooldown? I know it's Bungie, but c'mon...



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                          5 Risposte
                          • Modificato da mccwrc09: 9/20/2017 5:16:05 PM
                            The Timer thing everyone is spewing out doesn't seem like a timer. It sounds more like a glitch. Which should be fixed by Bungie As soon as possible



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                            4 Risposte
                            • Anyone else missing Borderlands right about now? bungie just needs to go over, play borderlands, and come back and give us a new raid. Whats the reward? Come on, yall know what's coming....wait for it....wait for it, LOOTSPLOSION! One of my favorite things in raids, is to stand back adn watch the pretty rain fall from the striek chest, yeah its mostly disapointing blues...ok, almost always blues, but now and again its like eeee! purple! or eeee *gargle sputter flop* exotic!...granted its a cheap thrill since nothing i get in exotics go past 275, and its pretty much always gloves or chest, the only 2 i have over 275, but still its fun to try and get more exotics.



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