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Modificato da Kody: 8/1/2017 5:11:05 PM

Damn liberals spreading lies about the environment again

[url][/url] I wonder how much money these "scientists" got from the Hillary fund to come up with these "facts". I was going to add a line in for the more clear-minded revealing that I'm trolling, but it's just too hard. It doesn't get any more serious than this. I don't even know if I want to have kids anymore because I know this is what they're going to have to deal with. But of course, people will continue thinking this is a mass conspiracy because Al Gore flew on a jet. EDIT: I'm going to add all rebuttals here. Perhaps we will see a trend. Rebuttal 1: Scientists are sometimes wrong about the weather, therefore don't believe anything they say. Rebuttal 2: The world obviously isn't going to end, so pay no attention to environmental studies. Rebuttal 3: Bird flu, Ebola, et al. didn't end the world like the tabloids said, so don't worry about environmental research. Rebuttal 4: Science will progress a lot in 100 years, so relax. Rebuttal 5: Climate change doesn't matter because rising sea-levels are the only problem and we can solve that by moving uphill. Rebuttal 6: OP doesn't do everything he can to stop adding CO2 to the atmosphere, therefore his whole argument is wrong.



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  • Aren't they always lying about something?



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    2 Risposte
    • The ice caps have actually been increasing in size, temperature has been lowering, so it's bound to increase by 2 degrees in the next 100 years, in the arctic, the average temperature is -34 degrees Fahrenheit, so becoming -32 degrees on average won't cause he world to explode Really, read multiple articles from different points of view and you might actually learn something about the world, no news outlet is 100% right or 100% wrong, all of them have missing facts or lies



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      1 Rispondi
      • 2 things: Piri Reis map of 1513. Shows Antarctica before it was covered in snow and ice. Odd since Antarctica was covered 6000 years ago I think. If you believe in climate change, then you believe in evolution. We will evolve



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      • Remember when the Dust Bowl happened and America collapsed entirely and didn't go on to defeat the N­azi's in WWII? Me too. What a dystopian nightmare we currently live in because of poor agricultural practices that ended up causing disaster that can't ever be overcome ever, no matter what. I think if I'm any more sarcastic, I might pass out, so we'll leave it there for now.



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        14 Risposte
        • only retards don’t believe in climate change



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        • Modificato da Nate9090: 8/1/2017 12:07:17 PM
          But what if the scientists are wrong and we accidentally make the world a better place for nothing?



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          • You spelled libruls wrong



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          • They arent flat out lying but they are bending the truth by a metric -blam!- tonne.



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          • People are always gonna be in denial



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          • Hey. You now have +1 for likes. My job is done. Liberals gone hate



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          • When republicans can't spell environment.



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            2 Risposte
            • I don't understand. Isn't it conservatives who don't believe in climate change?



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              • Also scientists are not sure about global warming. It needs to stop being taught as a fact with definitive outcomes and solutions because every single year predictions change fairly dramatically and not all aspects of the planets climate system are understood. A simple example is if you take the IPCC's most recent report it will differ from most other reports aimed at predicting the same thing. Actually given their predicted economic impact (like thats even a real estimate) it would be better for everyone economically to not waste money on subpar climate change policy and technology but just go about our business as normal. The 'science' is built upon many wild guesses and arbitrary predictions and they have no supporting data for drastic mitigation policy. Yes you should limit pollution and do your best not to harm the environment in every way possible from dams, to improper waste disposal, to oil spills but all this pseudoscience about CO2 being the devil detracts from other issues and makes something that may or may not be an issue into the single focus.



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                2 Risposte
                • Meanwhile, Leonardo DiCaprio whines about saving the environment while he parties on a 400ft luxury yacht.



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                • Is this from the same people that can't tell me if it's going to rain on Tuesday accurately?



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                  19 Risposte
                  • Nukes happened Lots of nuke tests 1940s - 1990s Nukes are like miniature stars collapsing All of a sudden in 2016 ice caps begin rapidly melting Coincidence? I think not. There is no stopping this. Water levels are going to rise like never before. Goodbye New Orleans.



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                    3 Risposte
                    • [i]theyre putting chemicals in the water that turn the frogs gay![/i]



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                      5 Risposte
                      • why should I care [b]when I[i] HAVE [u]A LIP FULLA DIP[/u][/i][/b] [spoiler][b][i][u]YEE YEE[/u][/i][/b][/spoiler]



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                        • Modificato da OldboyVicious: 7/31/2017 9:47:28 PM
                          I'm not saying that climate change isn't real. Here are some real facts. In the 1980's, scientists predicted that if carbon emissions did not lessen drastically in order to fix the hole in the ozone, there would be a new ice age by the 2030s (they had said within 50 years). They asserted this with 100% certainty. The hottest weather on record, according to climate scientists who compare actual written records from history with tree-ring studies to corroborate the evidence was in the 11th century. There is evidence to suggest that earth's climate is significantly affected by solar activity. Solar flare activity has been more active in recent years than previously observed on average, which may indicate that this solar activity may, in part, be causing global warming/climate change symptoms. The green industry is a multi-billion dollar industry led by businessmen just like the oil companies. There is no reason to think that one industry is more good or evil than the other. Each industry will leverage whatever it can for maximum profit. So like I said, I'm not trying to say that climate change isn't real, but I'm humbly suggesting that when a politician cites a politically funded study in order to get people to behave a certain way that supports their interests, or to try and generate income, do not blindly believe everything they say and to research the facts yourself. When putting effort and resources into taking care of the environment and our planet, they should be directed toward the places that will make the most positive and real difference.



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                          14 Risposte
                          • Where I live we follow the farmers almanac and history. Seeing as how my area really follows the same pattern I'm expecting a horrible winter.



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                          • Modificato da Knight: 8/2/2017 2:40:04 AM
                            ok m8



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                          • I remain unsurprised by the ignorance in the comment section, sadly. I wonder what it will take to get these people (mostly conservatives) to understand what a crisis this is becoming. When will people figure out that they don't know as much about this as scientists who study it [i]professionally[/i]?



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                            32 Risposte
                            • How dare you tag this garbage with "science".



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                              2 Risposte
                              • I just find it funny how us Humans have the nerve to say we are going to destroy life on earth it truly is baffling.



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                                13 Risposte
                                • [quote]Rebuttal 2: The world obviously isn't going to end, so pay no attention to environmental studies.[/quote]Rebuttal 2A: I don't think anyone is worried about our planet crumbling apart. The Earth will survive, the living things on it, however...



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                                  3 Risposte
                                  • The world won't end. We will, but the Earth will live on because it's a -blam!-ing space rock... until the Sun goes Supernova in a few billion years and incinerates it.



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