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Modificato da BenjyX55: 11/8/2016 4:00:31 PM

Here's what's gonna happen after the election.

[spoiler][quote]We'll be fighting in the streets With our children at our feet And the morals that they worship will be gone And the men who spurred us on Sit in judgement of all wrong They decide and the shotgun sings the song I'll tip my hat to the new constitution Take a bow for the new revolution Smile and grin at the change all around Pick up my guitar and play Just like yesterday Then I'll get on my knees and pray We don't get fooled again The change, it had to come We knew it all along We were liberated from the fold, that's all And the world looks just the same And history ain't changed 'Cause the banners, they are flown in the next war I'll tip my hat to the new constitution Take a bow for the new revolution Smile and grin at the change all around Pick up my guitar and play Just like yesterday Then I'll get on my knees and pray We don't get fooled again No, no! I'll move myself and my family aside If we happen to be left half alive I'll get all my papers and smile at the sky Though I know that the hypnotized never lie Do ya? There's nothing in the streets Looks any different to me And the slogans are replaced, by-the-bye And the parting on the left Are now parting on the right And the beards have all grown longer overnight I'll tip my hat to the new constitution Take a bow for the new revolution Smile and grin at the change all around Pick up my guitar and play Just like yesterday Then I'll get on my knees and pray We don't get fooled again Don't get fooled again No, no! Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! Meet the new boss Same as the old boss[/quote] [/spoiler] Anyone saying that the world will end if either of the candidates win is, quite frankly, an idiot. If Hillary wins, what's the worst that can happen? She enacts some common sense gun control measures? Your taxes go up a bit? What's the worst that can happen with Trump? Some pussies get grabbed? Some minorities get offended? The White House gets bulldozed and replaced with a new Trump Tower? Let's get real, people. Hillary isn't going to take away your guns. No, not because you're going to shoot her. It's because she legally couldn't even if she wanted to, which she doesn't. Trump isn't going to nuke anybody. Pressing the big red button to launch the missiles probably requires more force than he can apply with his tiny hands. Neither of these two will be great, but in four years, we'll all still be here to choose someone better. In the end, if the opposing candidate wins, the parties only have themselves to blame. Democrats for not feeling the Bern, Republicans for not choosing literally anyone else.



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  • I dont think Trump will follow through will [b]all[/b] his policies, but he's a safer option than Killary. Old hag. Liar and murderer



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    • [quote] The White House gets bulldozed and replaced with a new Trump Tower? [/quote] Lel



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    • It is going to be another 4 years of nothing being accomplished. Our problem is no one in the House or the Senate can accomplish anything. I may not be the biggest Trump supporter, but I hope he keeps his word about "Draining the swamp". That being said, The Wall will not be built. Mexico will not pay. Illegal immigrant roundup will not be happen instantaneously. Muslim's will not be banned. Hillary will not get locked up, those emails will never show up. Russia and China will not be our "friend". The NSA will still watch us. And ISIS is still a bunch of asshats. They will not just disappear. Your right to bear arms will never be taken away. Calzones will always be better than pizza. We as Americans are great and we need to get back to living our life. Just be thankful that the most negative campaign is over and now we need to bite the bullet.



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      • Well Trump has already named a top climate science denier to the head of the EPA. So it begins.



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      • Ah, authoritarianism always comes back to bite you in the ass. The power of the executive branch has been flexed for the past eight years, and now we get to witness what happens when the ring of power is given to the opposing side. The state is a really fun weapon to swing at people with, but the fun stops when the other guy picks it up. At that point, you probably wish you hadn't spent so much time sharpening the blade and tempering the steel.



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      • >The year is 2048 >Trump's Empire has taken Europe and is now invading North Korea >Trump the Ever-Living is working on plans for his Mars base >One of Trump's advisers entered the war room >"My Lord, we just received news that your strike team has failed. Kim Jong Un is still alive." >Trump stood up from his solid gold throne >"Looks like I have to do this myself." >"Sir?" >The Trumptator adjusted his tie >"I need a weapon." >Trump's holocopter (a helicopter with a cloaking device) positions itself above Kim Jong Un's palace >"This shouldn't be long." >He jumps from the holocopter without a parachute >Trump lands standing up, his solid gold armor preventing any bodily harm >The palace's doors open on their own upon Trump's arrival >Lord Trump moves quickly through the palace >The guards put up little resistance, the Trumptator taking them out with headshots >Trump the Immortal enters the throne room and is quickly surrounded by palace guards >They encircle him and take his gold plated assault rifle >"Rooks rike you're stumped!" said the Korean Dictator with a smile >Trump smirks "I don't think so." >Our lord unleashes his dual omni-blades and cuts down the guards in a matter of seconds >Kim Jong Un takes out a handgun from his inside his jacket >"FRUK YOU!" he screams as he empties the magazine >Trump raises his hand and stops all of the bullets Matrix style >Lord Trump aims his trademark gold plated revolver at the Korean dictator >"Kim.." >A bead of sweat ran down the side of Kim Jong Un's face >Trump the Undying pulled back the hammer and smirked >"You're fired" PART 2: >The year is 2066 >Wake up, turn on TNN (Trump News Network) >Watch the destruction from the Blitzkrieg of Europe >Think to myself "Thank God I live in Trumptopia" >Look outside my window >Notice the Trumpstapo kick down my neighbors door >They drag out my neighbor, Francisco Pedro Alejandro Gomez >Trumpstapo force him onto his knees >A man in solid gold comes up to my neighbor, closely followed by his guards, the Trumpen-SS >I squint and notice that it's him, it's really him >Trump the Ever-Living >Trump the Undying >Trump the Conqueror >The other neighbors started to gather around >"You're illegal aren't you?" Our Lord asked >"No senor, no no!" >"That's what they all say" >The Trumpstapo got him on his feet "What should we do with him, my Lord?" >The Trumptator smirked >My neighbors begin to chant >"Wall! Wall! Wall! Wall!" >"Send him to the Wall! Take him away!" >My neighbors cheer and celebrate >Several days later >Turn on TNN >On Fridays, TNN live streams the Wall >All the illegals found that week are stood up on top of the Great Trump Wall >Notice my neighbor is among them >A man in solid gold appears on top of the Wall >How he gets there is unknown, he just does it, he's Trump the Ever-living >The camera zooms in on our Lord >"To all illegals that continue to taint Trumptopia, I will find you. And I will stump you." >Lord Trump begins to kick each illegal one by one off the wall >Their screams echo and quickly disappear as they fall to their death >Those that came to Wall to see the action live shout "STUMPED" after each illegal is kicked What a great time to be alive PART 3: >2068 >Emperor Trump is nearing his goal of world conquest >The North American Empire can't be stopped >Mexico has been destroyed and the blitzkrieg of Europe will begin soon, lead of course by the Emperor himself >America has truly become great again >A rebellion has risen in the NAE >Comprised mostly of libcucks and nogs who want their welfare back >Have tried several times to assassinate Trump the Ever-living but all have failed >The rebellion has devised a new plan that they think will succeed >Have an operative that is Trump's personal servant >Will put poison his wine >The Rebellion will meet at noon before they carry out the plan >The operative goes to the secret meeting location >The rebels tell stories about how a man named Bernie almost defeated Trump >They say how everything and everyone would have been free if Bernie had won >One rebel adds on to the story "Trump wouldn't have won if people knew of his immortality" >A man with a scar under his right eye gives the poison to the operative >"Poison him, end our suffering, it's what Bernie would have wanted" >He takes the poison and hides it as he enters the Trump House >The operative gets the wine and adds in the poison >He stops before entering the Oval Throne Room >"For Bernie" he says to himself as he enters the throne room >He is immediately stopped by the guards who take the wine and aim their weapons at him >"What's going on, it's just wine!" the operative proclaims >The Emperor stand up from his solid gold throne >"Do you truly believe this plan would have worked?" >"Your rebel friends have been dealt with, one of my agents told me of your plan" >The man with the scar under his right eye enters the room and stand next to Lord Trump >"No, NO! This cannot be" the operative says in disbelief >Trump the Ever-living takes his gold plated revolver from his desk >"You're fired" PART 4: >2016 >Trump has just been elected >About to say first words as president >He adjusts his tie and looks straight on into the audience >"Obama, you're fired" >Shortly after this Trump reveals that he's immortal and destroys the constitution >Trump is emperor for the rest of time >2025 >Emperor Trump has solved all of the US' problems >Illegals are stuck behind the Great Trump Wall >The Trumpen-SS keeps degenerates off the streets >Nogs are enslaved again >Trumpstapo sends all illegals that try to get past wall to Trumpentration Camps What a great time to be alive PART 5: >2087 >The Trumptopian war machine controls all of Earth's surface >This has become a problem since there is nowhere to deport immigrants >There isn't really such a thing as immigrants now >That's just what Trump the Unstumpable calls anyone who rebels against him >The common solution has been to attach weights to their feet and throw them into an ocean >But our great Lord Trump is stuck now >There is nowhere to expand >No place to conquer >No place, at least, on Earth >Trump, not to be stumped by Earth, turns his eyes to the stars >He invests about 5% of his net worth (100 quadrillion Donald Dollars) into his space program >He amasses a fleet of 2000 Trump Destroyers and hundreds of thousands of Trump Fighters >The Trumpwaffe is disbanded and all Propaganda Bombers are converted to starships >Flash forward to 2104 >Trump the Conquerer is ready to begin his conquest of the Solar System >He puts out a law that all able-bodied men must serve in his glorious conquest or be deported >Immediately all the citizens of Trumptopia rush to our Lord's aid >Those who didn't are immediately stumped >Trump the Mighty addresses his people >"Today, we embark on a new conquest" >"A conquest whose single goal is to stump all of the illegal aliens in the Solar System" >"Today, we are no longer the Empire of Trumptopia" >"We become the Trumptopian Galactic Empire!" >"Hail, Trump!" >"Hail, Trump!" >"Hail, Trump!"



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        4 Risposte
        • After the election, I see America as a smoking radioactive crater. Too much?



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        • We were screwed either way m8.



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        • trump will actually try to ruin the world he will reverse all regulations on fossil fuel corporations stop all environmental deals put religion back in government ruin the economy etc Hillary is the only choice, voting other wise makes you a complete idiot



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          35 Risposte
          • Hillary literally wanted a war with russia.



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          • worst thing that would happen with hillary was war with Russia that would probably lead to nuclear battle. not just some "gun control"



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            3 Risposte
            • Please don't let Bernie run again, I don't want to live in a socialist country.



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              13 Risposte
              • Modificato da Olmeck: 11/9/2016 2:42:36 PM
                The Republicans control the executive and legislative branches. They will also soon control the judicial. Depending on health and retirement they may control the judicial branch for many decades. How is this good?



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                9 Risposte
                • In four years Kanye will save this country



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                  • Modificato da Cultmeister: 11/9/2016 10:04:02 AM
                    Year 1: President does some big flashy announcement that makes it look like he really is 'changing' things. Year 2: people start complaining the Pres isn't God like they thought he was Year 3: Pres does something bad and everyone gets on his case about it Year 4: everyone has had enough and puts all their hopes and dreams in another candidate. This is the cycle of government



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                  • Actually if Trump wins BLM said they would actively kill as many white people as they can. You know for "tolerance." So there is that to look forward to. And the only reason i believe it is because this terrorist group has actively burned down three cities for less.



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                    19 Risposte
                    • Bbq in the morning for me. Put a pork butt on the smoker about 7p. I get off work at 7am. So a good 12 hours at 250. Yum



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                      • Trumps tax plan is extremely inflationary. The worst that could happen is a low tax plan with a protectionist attitude and it appears to be coming. Hello stagflation



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                      • I can't wait for the next election so I can vote for [spoiler]Donald Trump again! :)[/spoiler]



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                      • Modificato da Alfred6418: 11/9/2016 6:16:07 AM
                        [quote]Some pussies get grabbed?[/quote] I'm dead.



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                      • "common sense gun control" K den bud



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                        1 Rispondi
                        • Nobody wants a career politician, and this election cycle is proving it



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                          • this might just be me but i feel like trump purposely said he would do extreme things to give himself more media attention, but in reality will be average but on the worse side if he wins the election



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                          • If trump wins the world is gonna freaking EXPLODE [spoiler]imma g-horn the ground [/spoiler]



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                            2 Risposte
                            • Modificato da Eluminary: 11/9/2016 12:38:17 AM
                              It's actually even less all the president can do is some control over foreign policy and nominates Supreme Court Justices. Some Republican s are already saying they're going to block all of her choices for the next four years if she wins for the Supreme Court so even that might be off the table for what the president can do. They've already been blocking Obama for a year on this. To get anything major done they have to get through Congress and Congress has done nothing for the past six years no matter who wins that's unlikely to change.



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                              • When we have republicans saying that they would have voted for the dem candidate, had it been anyone but Hilary, there's a problem. It's time to start voting for parties and politics and not a person. The elector system needs to go too. Make every vote count and let it be a reflection of political content - and not who the least dirty candidate is.



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