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10/28/2016 5:40:19 PM

Bungie should allow players to keep their statistics private

[b]DISCLAIMER: Before I say any of this, I just want to say that I am in no way claiming to be good at this game. My personal skill level has absolutely nothing to do with this post. If you were to go and look up my crucible stats now, you'd see that I'm far from the best player out there. Now that's out of the way, I'll move onto the actual post.[/b] The elitism present in these forums is turning the community toxic, and I'm just bloody sick of it. If someone makes a post about literally anything, be it fixing a bug, changing an item's drop rate (f*cking crux), making changes to the current matchmaking system, or even something completely unrelated to the game's content, odds are some asshole in the comments has looked up op's statistics. When people do this, they either try to use them to invalidate the points made in the op's post, or just bash them for it. Let me be absolutely super f*cking clear when I say this, okay? Yes, raiding with someone who doesn't know what the hell they're doing puts you at a disadvantage, same with trials. I understand that some people like some kind of assurance that the randomer they picked up is actually going to pull their weight. However, some people on these forums will look up the statistics of literally anybody they see and bash them for not being good enough, as if having a <1 kd somehow makes them a bad person, or having less than 70 completions of a raid makes you non-deserving of a particular item that drops from it. You want proof that people actually do this? [url=]Here[/url] is your proof. One of the trending posts you may or may not have seen is the guy talking about how he and two others form the oldest fireteam in destiny. The post has absolutely nothing to with his skill level, he doesn't brag about being able to 360 no scope or even being a vaguely decent player. Despite this, some asshole has decided to look up his stats and proceed to tell him how terrible of a player he is, and imply that she had a good laugh at his expense. Is that in any way appropriate? F*ck no! This kind of behavior has got to f*cking stop! Since these people aren't the type to change, we need to make this info inaccessible to people like them so they can't do this kind of bullsh*t anymore, or at least make it more difficult for them to find. Bungie controls the servers that store this info, so they must also control how this information is accessed. I propose that they close it off from everywhere except this website, the game itself, and the official Destiny Companion app. In addition, I propose that players should be able to choose whether or not other people can view said statistics via privacy settings. This will prevent people with low kds from being ridiculed simply for having low kds, whilst allowing those who are actually proud of their accomplishments to show it off if they choose to. I realise this post is going to get a ton of sh*t from the community, but honestly I don't give a f*ck, this sh*t needed to be said.



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  • Modificato da The Truth: 10/29/2016 11:51:01 AM
    You can make your shit private dumbass



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    1 Rispondi
    • Think about it. If you don't put the effort and time into the game, I don't want to spend 8 hours doing the raid with you on hard mode and you asking for a revive



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      3 Risposte
      • Modificato da GrundleBeans: 10/28/2016 8:56:31 PM
        [quote]Despite this, some asshole has decided to look up his stats and proceed to tell him how terrible of a player he is, and imply that she had a good laugh at his expense. Is that in any way appropriate? F*ck no! This kind of behavior has got to f*cking stop![/quote] We have a report and mute system for [i]exactly[/i] this kind of thing. Use it. You can also hide your own profile if you don't want somebody looking up your activity. If someone says something you don't like, mute them. If you can't get over it, then you just have a thin skin/social mingling issues and should probably restrict interacting with other people or work to better handle such situations. If you do nothing at all but just sit there seething about what somebody said about somebody else, then you're imagining a problem in your own head.



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        4 Risposte
        • The only stats I check are if a player had an exotic and how many kills with that exotic, when they're complaining about the exotic. Sometimes overall hours played or TimeWastedOnDestiny if they're saying they didn't get a spark



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        • Just going out on a limb here.... but people who have a contrary opinion will inevitably find justification to disagree with anything that offends their viewpoint. I'll give a rampant example- "Get gud scrub!"



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        • It's called stat-flaming. Rather than make the info private, I think the mods should do a better job moderating to remove and prevent stat-flaming (and flaming in general).



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          2 Risposte
          • Who do you think knows more about how weaponry works A good plauer who knows hoe to utilize each weapon to their best potential? Orna bad plauer who struggles with any weapon given to them? Stats do matter a lot in the say. Bastion in overwatch for example was considered extremely overpowered in the first few weaks by bad players, he is now considered one of the worst heroes in the game without any changes, but people adapting to counter him



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            23 Risposte
            • You can already hide your profile. It's a privacy setting.



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              2 Risposte
              • You'll just be bashed for hiding your stats. Which abuse do you prefer? Showing stats is useful. Hiding them never is.



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                2 Risposte
                • Mute them, simple. They are not worth your time.



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                • Modificato da Prof Sheitbag: 10/28/2016 5:44:35 PM
                  I find it funny when people use stats to make their case, like that is in any way an indication of whether an argument is sound or not. For example: claiming "X" gun/subclass ability is too much results in [i]"Derp! Your KD is less than 1! Shut up noob go hom git gud derpa derpa derp!"[/i] It creates this theory of a coorelation between having a higher KD, and having a lower IQ...



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