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Modificato da NMDurham: 4/6/2016 7:29:09 PM

Can We Stop With The Racism Complaints?

Okay, can we stop using whites as the universal scapegoats for anything that goes wrong? This is absurd. For example, whites used to own slaves. Okay, I get it. That's bad. But just about EVERY OTHER CIVILIZATION HAD SLAVES! Now I don't see people going around saying stuff like, "OMG the Spaniards had slaves that's super racist!" Why? Because that's "Holding their past against them." But somehow even though I've never had a slave I'm guilty for what other whites did many many years ago. How does that make sense? That itself is racist because whites are the only ones who get the blame for this stuff. There were even black slave owners in the U.S. but will people tell you that? No! Because once again that's holding blacks accountable for the sins of their ancestors and it'd be racist to hold that against them. Also it was the north that was so apposed to slavery and set them free! Whites also helped out with things like the Underground Railroad but once again we don't get credit for anything positive we did, only the wrong things that we did. What makes this entire thing so stupid is the fact that the only thing that makes us different from each other is a little bit of skin pigmentation. That's it. And somehow because I'm born with lighter skin than other people I'm all of the sudden guilty for all of this stuff that a bunch of people did years ago. There's no such thing as 'white pride' because then everyone else would complain about all of the bad stuff we did and take us on a guilt trip. Let's be honest here, the real racism is here, but it gets no media recognition because that wouldn't fuel enough hate for them. So can we stop being babies over this whole stupid ordeal and stop recognizing each other by skin color instead of character? For those who didn't read all of this basically people need to get over their pasts and tiny differences and man up for the greater good. Edit: Accidentally made this post twice because of a bad internet connection. Oops!



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  • I'm so black, I blend in with the hoodie I'm wearing.



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  • I'm so white. One might say I'm a cracka



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  • But slavery gets shit done.



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    6 Risposte
    • Aw.. did someone get mad at you for using the N word?



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      3 Risposte
      • I like how a good majority of people think slavery is 100% gone when human trafficing is rampant across most of the world. I'm not dissing you OP, I think your post is spot on but I think the thing you've truly exposed here isn't counter racism but rather people supporting pure ignorance for personal gain instead of seeing the reality of it all.



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        2 Risposte
        • Stupid white person, wait I'm white



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        • Oh crap, just as I finished my paper about how everyone on off topic is stupid I get proven wrong. Thanks -_-



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          1 Rispondi
          • I saw this tumblr post about how when slavery was abolished the owners were paid compensation for each slave they had to give up, and this person was complaining how 'black people' never got compensation for being slaves - kinda implying that black people nowadays should be given money for their ancestors being slaves. Like wtf? This generation of white people didn't pay that compensation and this generation of black people aren't slaves or recently freed slaves, so the notion that either party should feel guilty / entitled with regards to slavery is completely retarded.



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            • The US doesn't care about global slavery. Only slavery in American history. That's why, if people cared about slavery in general then history would be different. Also do you think they should get over it when it affects generations? Your parents and your children? The end of this last century black life improved but that doesn't mean it recovers them from how they started off In the race. Did you know Vietnam war veteran families are more likely to be poor than average citizens? They came home without any degrees or their jobs taken. Their children are now likely to end up like their parents due to the cycle of poverty. If you were an old man and saw how you couldn't afford to help your child, would you just forgive the government then and there?



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              13 Risposte
              • Yeah, it's always funny considering that the British were actually the first ones or at least one of the first to make laws against slavery, but also freed them if they found a ship carrying slaves. They even made fun of Americans and their constitution, since they were claiming to fight for freedom whilst still having slaves.



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              • Teeth so white they'll shoot up a school



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                1 Rispondi
                • Where did all this anger come from? Forget it. use that anger, come to the dark side.



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                  3 Risposte
                  • No ur racist



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                    1 Rispondi
                    • I don't know what you're motivated by to make this. There are many forms of racism. If you're interested as a subject I've taken many classes in the Humanities department and recommend watching (Race: The Power of Illusion). It's a doc you can watch for free. Tells the real story with great scope.



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                    • Red Chinese communists!



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                    • Theres such MASSIVE problems in the black community right now that its mind boggling they are even focusing on the random black criminal gunned down by "racist white cop" 1. Majority of their cities/aneighborhoods are in shambles. Trash everywhere. Its pretty much guaranteed you go in a half white half black city, the white side will be clean and the black side dirty. They treat their own areas like shit yet expect whites to treat them like Gold 2. Drive through a black area. Notice how young black males just have to stare at you like they want to kill you? I remember leaving detroit and going to a relatives white city for a holiday and I pointed out to him how weird it was not having everyone stare at me like they want to fight. Just the whole attitude in their cities is on edge 3. Crime rate through the roof. Absolutely no self accountablity here. Focus on one white cop killing a black criminal yet ignore the babies being shot in drive bys. Ignore the numerous crack houses. I could go on and on but theres no point. Again just laughable they focus on trayvon martins of the world instead of trying to better their community for the good blacks



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                    • It's usually not about that. Its about how whites were oppressing African Americans as early as 60 years ago. And, as a direct result of that, the black community remains largely in poverty. This country didn't properly pay back the debt it owed to African Americans.



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                    • Kill all blacks



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                    • They're just jealous that they didn't invent most of what exists today. I will give black people credit for inventing peanut butter though. That shiz is groovy, dawg.



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                      4 Risposte
                      • The ironic part is that white shaming is more racist than pretty much anything I have ever seen any white person do or say. And my grandma loves racist jokes. A lot.



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                      • The only whites that were in the slavery business were the Portuguese, the Spanish, the British, and the French. Not the Poles, not the Ruskis, not the Greeks. Yet all white people are blamed for slavery.



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                        1 Rispondi
                        • Racism is like a scab, it will never heal of you don't stop picking at it.



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                          3 Risposte
                          • Modificato da G_Senpaii_: 4/7/2016 11:28:14 AM
                            All that bull you put about whites bieng a scape goat your so fukin arrogant.....95% of white people still till this day are the only ones that still make racist comments its not just about the slaves back in the days its about you prejudice cocksuckerz think your better than every other ethnicity in the country you donald trump sympathizing b.i.t.c.h .......Gone.....



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                            15 Risposte
                            • 1
                              Stop nagging [spoiler]nagger[/spoiler]



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                            • White man can't jump



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                            • No one will take my racist joke book



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