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Modificato da Drunkules: 12/17/2015 9:35:31 PM

Dear Bungie (For Serious) - SRL

Dear Bungie- I've been playing SRL off and on for two days now. I gotta say, it's nice to take a break from raiding and quest lines to just cut loose and do something totally outside of "the grind." I think it's safe to say that this is the most fun I've had in the crucible outside of iron banner. Please, make it permanent. It's nice to have an activity outside of raiding where you can bring more than 3 people. It gives people a chance to get their feet wet with crucible ranking. It's a nice mental break from the repetitive clicking of point and shoot. That said, please consider these three points for a future update/implementation: [b]1. Add more maps, please.[/b] 21 days can totally cover 2 maps but... I want to see a hairpin turn through hellmouth, or a steep descent down the swiss alps, etc... [b]2. Make Gates optional not mandatory.[/b] Speed boosts are nice and all, still, they should be a perk. I want to be able to chart my course on my own. It's mildly annoying to slow down because one missed a gate. We should be allowed to maintain a top speed irrespective of hitting the boost(s). Please, let us be able to run our sparrows at top speed without needing the boosts. And, make the boosts small in size (like when you're in first) and make them grant a base speed percentage bonus. (eg 10% base max after 3 or 4 consecutive gates) [b]3. Give me the ability to shoot the guardian in front of me [/b](ie stop driving like a jagoff) That rando gaurdian, you know which one... we've all experienced this. the one who dodged me out of a gate? or who dodged me off the cliff? Or who wedged their sparrow underneath me? Let me shoot at him or her! Payback is nice. We should have the ability to fire one to three burst shots from the sparrow, enough to slow him down (25% base per shot) While we're at it, if we don't shoot any shots in a given lap, those three bursts turn into one shot in the next lap, with tracking. If a guardian gets hit with a tracked shot they get ground to halt. Thank you for both the opportunity and forum to articulate this. I really do enjoy playing this game as a whole. Across the awesome guardians that I've had the opportunity to fire-team with, the great worlds and fun quests you've all developed, I can tell that SRL has a place on the crucible. I imagine that with these three things the "newness factor" wont wear off and people will continue to play it. Kindly, DSG



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