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Discussioni su Destiny.
Modificato da Valten X: 9/23/2015 9:19:39 PM

Bungie is TAKING our money away.

This is so stupid. I paid 100 dollars on destiny. Now I can't play that anymore since I don't have TTK? Really? What the -blam!-. I can't even afford TTK right now. This is bullshit. I can't play destiny the game that so much memories came from and now I can't play it anymore. Is this even legal? Like now CMON. Now I regret buying destiny........ ;_; Edit 1: all of you are -blam!-. How about being in my situation and understand. You probably would be mad too. Stop being ignorant for once and actually think please. Edit 2: thanks for all the people that are supporting me and actually giving me advice instead of going apeshit on me. ;_; Edit 3: Thanks for 1221 replies :D. My thread blew up fast. 1221 replies under a day. Thank you all! Much love to you all



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  • ..... Noob go Kickstarter and give me 6% for giving you the idea... Your welcome



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    1 Rispondi
    • 1
      What exactly would you be doing in Destiny right now? Because you can still play crucible. You can still run strikes. You can do the story. You can patrol. The only things you can't do are high level end game content. Which makes sense because the level cap increase is part of the dlc. Even if they opened the nightfall up for you it wouldn't be doable.



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      3 Risposte
      • It's $40 man. If you can't come up with that over the months before it came out, then you have bigger issues. Not being hateful. Just calling it how I see this issue



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      • I know what you mean! Monday night before release bungie came into my house and took 40 bux from my wallet. When I woke up Bungie was sitting on my couch with my xbox controller and had installed TTK. They forced me to sit on the couch and play TTK! Oh the horror :( I need someone to hold me...



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        1 Rispondi
        • You have had months to save up. Sounds like its not really a priority for you or else you would have saved up the 40 bucks. :) you can still play all story missions, strikes and raids and multiple PvP playlists. I know what its like to be broke but when I was broke I made sure to save for the things I cared about.



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          1 Rispondi
          • Where's Butthurt? What's happened to the world?!



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            3 Risposte
            • If you can't afford 40 bucks for a game then you shouldn't be gaming. Get your broke ass a job. Plus you still have access to all the stuff you paid for; crucible, strikes, missions, raids, poe. What did they take away from you?



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              4 Risposte
              • Modificato da Thr3e2wenty8: 9/23/2015 8:18:18 PM
                Remember back when they were making Halo and they were a non-profit organization? Me neither.



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                1 Rispondi
                • If you can't afford it you should get your priorities strait and not be thinking about playing a game



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                  5 Risposte
                  • I know isn't this stupid? If only they had warned us months in advance and told us weeks before what the exact pricing was going to be and what it would contain! Silly Bungie what are they thinking......



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                    3 Risposte
                    • [spoiler]This isn't meant directly for you but more people in general[/spoiler] If you can't afford the $40 price tag for something that will last you for a few weeks at least then why are you complaining about not being able to play destiny? If you take the time that you would've been playing and use it to get money then you'll be able to buy TTK in no time. Go to your neighbors and ask to mow their lawn for 5-10 bucks, in one day you'll have enough to buy it. A minimum wage job where I live pays around $8.50 I think, in 5 hours you'll have enough. A quick Google search brings up people panhandling and earning between 5 and 25 dollars an hour, I mean damn that's more than I make. TLDR, if you can't afford TTK then take the time you would be spending on destiny, make a little money and just buy it. [spoiler]Yes I get some people have lots of different money problems and this won't help everyone but $40 isn't that much honestly, it won't break the bank or your back to earn that much. [/spoiler]



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                      3 Risposte
                      • I'm glad they did it. Gets bitches like you out of matchmaking



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                        4 Risposte
                        • Cry more, you got what you paid for. We paid for more we get more. Cough up the dough or stfu



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                          5 Risposte
                          • Modificato da Void: 9/23/2015 6:24:47 PM
                            Destiny has some MMO elements. Honestly if you weren't expecting to require paying for DLC for Destiny you're a moron. If you can't afford $40 you probably shouldn't be playing games anyway.



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                            1 Rispondi
                            • So you're saying your money was TAKEN [spoiler]if you know what I mean[/spoiler]



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                              1 Rispondi
                              • why do bitches like you do this after every DLC? you know its going to happen. why do you act so supprised? are we supposed to feel sorry for you? what if i said since i put $2500 into my car and still can't afford to turbo it, should BMW do it for free since i can't afford it? just shut up Meg. go and mow some yards or donate sperm. $40 isn't that hard to come by if you want it bad enough.



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                                5 Risposte
                                • For months we knew how much the taken king was going to be, why moan now, did you just hide your head under a rock and think the cost would just go away, I bet u got some stuff u could.sell/pawn to make $40 !



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                                  1 Rispondi
                                  • Modificato da Jeff257: 9/23/2015 7:19:47 PM
                                    Bungie didn't take anything. In fact I distinctly remember giving my money to Sony to buy Destiny Digital Guardian Edition last year and The Taken King a few weeks ago. I don't recall anyone forcing me too. But I did give them my money with the knowledge that I would be able to buy more content in the future. Yeah funny enough they have employees working on new content that need to be paid so yes they have to charge money for that same content. Sorry if I have no sympathy for whiny butt hurt babies who feel they should be given new stuff.



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                                    1 Rispondi
                                    • We are GIVING them our money



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                                      • I on the other hand have a hefty amount of money in my bank account. But i will not pay more for a game thats literally not complete. I was already suckered enough. All you who are fine with this its your own doing. Triple a game makers have forgot about making fun games and choose cheap routes of grinding slim content to reach your wallets. One day we will have games with better than real life graphics but will have to pay dlc for everything a game should have on release



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                                        1 Rispondi
                                        • They can take more of mine. I feel like I got away with murder for getting TTK for only 40 bucks.



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                                          5 Risposte
                                          • Whether we wanted it or not, we've stepped into a war with the Scrubs on So let's get to taking out their command, one by one. Valten X. From what I can gather, he commands the Butthurts from a cry baby thread just outside of #Destiny. He's well protected, but with the right team, we can punch through those defenses, take this beast out and break their grip on the bundle babies



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                                            3 Risposte
                                            • Seriously... Stfu



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                                              • 1
                                                Advice get a job



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                                                13 Risposte
                                                • I spent 160. I bought a hard copy TTK so I could have it on the shelf. Try to save better. I work 50 hours a week and have school and somehow have a i296 char on destiny.... You can do it! Keep driving towards your goal!



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                                                  1 Rispondi
                                                  • Herp herp da derp



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