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Discussioni su Destiny.
Modificato da iso-JustAGhost: 9/12/2015 2:25:11 AM

Stop Saying 2.0 Sucks

Why is everyone saying 2.0 stuff sucks. Just stop, it's pretty good. Just because you can't go around with Thorn and TLW being op doesn't mean it's "Bungie Ruined Destiny" Lol I like to see one of the whiners in the forums program a point-and-click game. Oh yeah and thanks Bungie for the great game.



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  • PvP wise, I don't like it but it's ok I can manage. PvE wise, let's not even start because I'm capable of killing someone from Bungie! They done f*cked it up! 2.0 it really isn't great. The only "great" thing is that they nerfed Thorn and TLW but that's it. They barely buffed ARs. ARs can't truly compete with pulse rifles or scout rifles. Pulse rifles and scout rifles are pretty much the same as before but since they nerf thorn and TLW they come out and look good now.



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  • They need to make the TTKs lower on all weapons in order to make shotguns less rampant.



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  • Modificato da DweltSpider2477: 9/12/2015 3:33:37 AM
    do me a favor?please don't ever talk about pvp EVER you scrub,with you're not even 1.0 kdr lmao you have go to pve where you belong.



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    1 Rispondi
    • It's the best patch they've ever released to date. This is the most fun I've ever had in the crucible. I think I also like the year 2 weapons better then the year 1.



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    • 2.0 sucks. There, I said it, what're you gonna do about fuccboi?



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      2 Risposte
      • Modificato da TechnoKat: 9/12/2015 3:17:03 AM
        2.0 sucks Deez nuts. [spoiler]While the update itself isn't a bad one, the premise for it is just a -blam!-ing dick move by Bungie. Basically, in addition to invalidating every minute that people spent playing the Beta, whoops. I mean, year one and the making all of the gear not only less powerful, but 100% pointless to have when TTK comes out, they've set the tone for the rest of the series. "Give us your money every few months or quit playing because we aren't going to leave anything for you if you don't." No. That's not Progression. I know there are someone of you that think that's how it works in other games with leveling systems, but you'd be wrong. Progression doesn't make it so that new players who just started can entirely skip over the older parts of the game because they can just go right to the new stuff. Progression just means that now you can move on up a ladder past the old stuff and on to newer stuff and that the old stuff is still relevant until you're at the point where the new stuff is available. Basically, these "expansions" are poorly disguised subscription fees to keep playing the game. [b][i][u]TL;DR: The update isn't the problem, Bungie's newest douche-y cash grab is. [/u][/i][/b][/spoiler]



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      • People are allowed to have opinions, regardless of whether or not you agree with them.



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        5 Risposte
        • 2.0 sucks. Land of the free baby.



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          1 Rispondi
          • I love 2.0 so far. But people are allowed to think differently. And there will [i]always[/i] be people who think differently. That's life. If other people's opinions about a video game get you down, you should probably re-evaluate what you're really getting upset about.



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            2 Risposte
            • Modificato da ncexnyc: 9/12/2015 2:31:29 AM
              Not sure what, "2.0 stuff sucks" posts you've been reading, but the ones I have read discuss quite a few other issues.



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            • Bump



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