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2/6/2024 10:13:09 PM

Clan stuck on "provisional".

Hi, I joined a clan in Destiny 2 so I can do the clan specific Trophies in Destiny 1. The clan has 5 members so it meets the requirements to not be provisional. The account that created the clan is a number of years old. However, when in my Destiny 1 game, it shows that my clan is provisional. I am the only clan member to have this issue. I have attempted to sign in on PSN and Xbox live. Unlinked and relinked my PSN. I also tried leaving and rejoining the clan numerous times but nothing changes on Destiny 1. Any help with this issue would be appreciated as I spent money on the DLC and the game to specifically trophy hunt this game but this glitch is locking me out of my platinum. For more clarity, the problem platform is PSN. Everything is still linked. I know this game is super old but any support would be helpful Thanks

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