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5/4/2021 5:35:27 PM

PVP thoughts from the bottom of the heap

Hi Bungie I wanted to air some thoughts about PVP, and it's not just the usual rant about cheaters etc., well I hope not. Firstly let me start by saying I am a terrible PVP player, like bottom of the heap, but yet you keep putting content in that demands I play PVP, so I do play and it sucks massive amounts of dead penguin dick because, and this is the main point I want to make, you put me in with Flawless and peeps with insane K/D rates, where as I struggle to get mine over 0.3. I honestly want to get better at PVP but if all I do is spawn/die/spawn/die there is not much room to learn, and this is probably 7 or 8 games out of 10. Why on earth do you not have skill based match making? Surly to goodness this would make more sence, let the flawless players play the flawless players, let the 1.3K/D's play themselves and let peeps like me play each other with half a chance of both having a good game, improving and learning how to use the maps. Make it a league system so when you improve you go up a level and play with other people who have improved or a a bit better than you. Give the higher leagues better gear (but FFS also put that gear somewhere I have a chance to get it like GMs) The constant impossible head shots whiles flying and being behind a wall from across the map with a shotgun are, at best AltF4 worthy and at worst a really good reason not to pay for more content. I am told that you had a lot of complaints from good players that they were getting owned by good players, which to me sounds like a balanced game, but when you are a bad player (like me) getting owned by insanely good players virtually every game is, to put it bluntly, -blam!-ing awful. Occasionally I have some real gems of a PvP match, and by that I don't mean I win, what I do mean is it seems balanced and I feel like I am playing in my league rather than the premiership. Come on Bungie, can you honestly say that a skill based system is unfair and beyond you? I can hear some of you saying "just get good" to which I reiterate the point, how do you do that when you get very little chance? Do the kids who are not to quick at maths get better by being plunked into a PhD lecture on modularity theorem for elliptic curves? Do people who are new to sports get good by being thrust into a top tier match? No none of this happens, you start at the bottom and improve over time, some improve rapidly and some not so fast. Of course it works if there are players that challenge your skill but being insta killed is not challenging it's boring and makes you want to just uninstall the game. There is another argument that suggest joining a clan and learn with them, the issue with this is (and there are some good players in my clan) that they are all sick of the cheaters and really don't want to play PvP so they only play with the good players in the clan (obviously not wafting to ruin their hard worked for K/D by having me and I totally understand that) and you only learn so much by being carried which is what happens when you have a few really good players around a really bad player (again like me). In closing, and I realise I am just one voice and everyone will have an opinion on this, but surly everyone would feel better if they were playing against people at a similar level as them? It can't be much fun running around a map insta killing all the bad players with your felwinters etc, as that can't present a challenge to your skill, which is what we are all looking for? It's certainly what I am looking for a challenge and to improve at a game I enjoy. Obviously there are challenges to balancing a game and I just thought I would share my ponderings in the hope that they are ignored and forgotten lol

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  • Why would bungie redesign PVP for players that hate PVP? If you struggle getting a 0.3 KD then you're getting stomped by average and below average players, not the top players you think you're dying to. SBMM doesn't work in Destiny because the player base is small and spread out around the world. This in turn results in all the players that like PVP being stuck in long que times and terrible connection quality in their game. I'm not a flawless player, I barely ever go into trials and I generally get stomped there to even reach 3 wins. However based on my stats overall I'm above average. So for player like me, I get stomped in trials, and I can generally hold my own but have to put in a lot of effort to do well in Survival with SBMM. Now I want to also play crucible and have fun, not sweat all the time, so that's where CBMM control comes in. Sometimes I face ridiculous teams and get called on, other times I'm part of the team dominating, but I get to actually have a good time. PVP should be designed for players who like PVP.

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