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11/28/2017 8:50:22 PM

Incoming Developer Commentary about Destiny.

Hey, there. Tomorrow, we had planned to conduct the final stream prior to the launch of “Curse of Osiris” to show off some of the weapons and armor the expansion includes. Instead, we are investing all our efforts into delivering some higher priority information about Destiny 2. You’ll hear from studio leadership about their assessment of Destiny all up, they’ll talk about our goals for the game going forward, and you’ll also learn about how we’re reacting to your feedback with some game updates that will arrive in the next few weeks. That will appear on the Bungie Blog on Wednesday. Thank you, DeeJ

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  • No matter how Bungie "fixes" D2, this toxic community will forever be exposed for what it is. Toxic. Bungie clearly isn't the only one with communication issues! It's obvious they've handled the release of D2 poorly thus far, there's just NO excuse for how pessimistic & vile the playerbase has shown to be... We've witnessed EA change course with BF2 over the controversy with microtransactions, Ubisoft dropping yearly AC releases in favor of better quality, Activision and Call of Duty... okay maybe CoD isn't a good example of changing for the better (even if WW2 setting is new again) but you see the pattern here! Companies DO listen to feedback eventually, or right away if it's delivered EFFECTIVELY. Man up. Voice your valid concerns like an educated functioning member of society. Move on. And hope for a response/ change. This is how the world mostly works. Bungie is handling this game like an ongoing consistently evolving universe as it always intended, so let's keep the communication open and productive to help facilitate the changes we want!! OR we can continue to bash, belittle, and resentfully begrudge our favourite franchise only for the developer to turn it around thru eventual updates and leave those who created hate forums and desperate discussions to look like crazy maryters who sacrificed their own self dignity and respect for a "better" game...get over yourselves. We're better than this. Or maybe we're no better than the Bungie we so desperately love to hate.

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    • when is this due?

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    • Modifié par Forgotten : 11/29/2017 4:39:13 PM
      No one is asking for replayability. I am getting worried that we will never see customizable armor/weapons and private matches.

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    • I'm excited to see the Blog. Hopefully you guys hit it out of the park.

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    • Heres an idea. How about making a special event where we can play the changes in a sandbox type of event and vote. You kno, like the Faction Race, just let us play the posible changes and or solutions BEFORE you choose the way to go. Include us in the conversation, dont take for granted the sole opinion of some youtubers or the internal senior leading whatever design team. LEt us taste the changes BEFORE you make them permanent. Let us vote! How about that?

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    • This is all we wanted good on you deej.

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    • Modifié par MEKERITE : 11/29/2017 1:59:09 PM
      Strike specific gear/ loot Ability to pick which strike i want to play Allow endgame content to be desired not just a completion. Allow the tower vendors rotation of specific gear (Ikora needs bigger things to do than repeating story missions) The gunsmith seems to be the only one that has an continuous usefulness since his materials are gained from every planet [b][u]Eliminate the XP scale down[/u][/b] If someone wants and has the opportunity to time, run among the different events, lost sectors, caches, do not assign a penalty for the time put in to the free roam. Not everyone like crucible, not everyone wants to run through the raid, some people just want to go out to the open world and shoot aliens. Personally I miss snipers in the secondary position, i do like to sit back sometimes and pick of enemies (pve) from a distance, in the "power" position ammo limits this enjoyment. I DO NOT LIKE THE NEW SHADER IMPLEMENTATION!! It should not be tied to the economy process. Added perks to raid gear/weapons The implementation on D1 siva raid and oryx gear/weapons was excellent A combination of those should have been the path forward for D2

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    • 10 Please watch

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      3 commentaires
      • Modifié par crispus  : 11/29/2017 3:46:51 PM
        I was a destiny 1 hardcore player.. and only jump on now to aid friends I made in the community. But the most fun I had in d1 was challenges I’d set myself. Soloed the nightfall many a time (without using exploits such as ice breaker sniping in the nexus strike) or no land beyond only pvp (which got easier with and more difficult with certain updates) And I acknowledge many achevied far greater than I. But it was the balance of the uniqueness of your random weapon role build and how you set up your class with what exotic pairings that provided a power fantasy dynamic where as a team you’d surely conquer and as a solo or small team your chances decreased in some cases dramatically, but you had a chance. The memories I have of wining a trails round for my dead teammates with nothing but 3 no land bullets or trying and trying and trying again to beat the machine priest nightfall with expousure and trickle active only to finally take down priest and rid myself of the invulnerable ogre that gave me the greatest sense of accomplishment and pride playing the game... now we have nightfall encounters that are basically impossible to do solo just cuz u want to... no high skill gap pvp weapons.. no holy shit that guy melted me with gom huh? Is that actually good I sharded mine damn....... I get you want the game to be all about the group and working as apart of a team, but that doesn’t represent your entire audience some of enjoy the challenge in handicapping ourselves... and some don’t have the social network to play otherwise why punish these people? If nothing else can be done over the short term plz remove the kick to orbit time out on the nightfall, I’ll at least have a reason to play once a week then and probably for a decent haul.... Edited+ I don’t always play games for a social/ teamwork experience most the time it’s an escape from everyday life.. if I want to socialise I’ll go to pub, rock climbing, the beach etc. don’t force the community to play the way you personally play or think games should be played... we all play for different reasons and to different ends. Give the solo and hardcore players challenging goals or you’ll loose us to your competition

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      • Modifié par ZeroAttack : 11/29/2017 4:06:44 PM
        I was debating as to whether to post this or not but I think this is a great time for us to be honest as a community and let Bungie know how we truly feel about not just Destiny 2, but the franchise as a whole. I will come and and say it: Destiny is the most disappointing franchise I have ever come across in my years of gaming. I know this is a heavy statement to read, but it is a sentiment that I have been harboring inside me since the launch of Destiny 1. I was so hyped for this series and to hear the promises of having adventures all throughout the stars fighting evil and defending good. I think that this is a sentiment most of us have shared as children, but to hear that a game would allow for us to (somewhat) live out that dream in reality was something that really captivated me like no other video game has in my life. The way that Bungie made it sound was that Destiny was more of a "life experience" than just a game. Then came the release of D1 and I was sorely let down by how pedestrian it all felt, and while, yes, major improvements were made to the gameplay, I still don't think that Destiny was where it should be as a game. I have gone from passion to just intense hopelessness whenever I see or hear about Destiny on social media because most of the time the news behind the franchise is just bad. It reminds me too much of what Destiny could have been. Many are saying that Bungie needs to pull off a "Hail Mary" today, but the reality is that that moment was during the D2 reveal, and frankly, they blew it. But I still had hope. And then Destiny 2 came out and my worse fears came true. Now with the release of the Curse of Osiris DLC, I haven't had even the slightest of interest with it. I barely know what it is about and the little that I do hear or read about just sounds disappointing and underwhelming. Reminds me of back in the D1 DLC days again, and I don't know, but I just don't think that I can give Destiny as a series another chance. As hard as this is for me to say, Bungie, you lost me not only as a Destiny fan but also as a fan of your company. You guys used to be great. I grew up with the Halo games and I have fond memories of the experiences found in that series. Destiny should have been that, but magnified tenfold. What I see here is not just a step back for a series, but also a step back for a once beloved developer. What is frustrating is that we as a community know that you guys are capable of more than what you are putting out and this is the reason why so many of us are disappointed and angry with the state of this series. I hope that my heavy post isn't interpreted as a "hate" post, but rather a post from a once passionate fan whose flame has been extinguished by your lack of clarity, honesty, and transparency to your community. So, Bungie, I really do hope that you guys can one day reclaim your throne as one of the top-tier developers in this industry. I really feel burned out and don't really feel like anything that is announced today will bring me back to the joy I once had with this series. And for the fans that continue to still have hope in Bungie, I really hope that this game is able to live up to your expectations (the way it should). Good luck.

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      • wheres the link to the blog then when i searched for it i got information from 2013

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      • I think the best part of destiny 1 was the crucible. the crucible in D1 was a place where there was ALOT of variety. you could play something like iron banner all day and not get bored. there was 6v6, very unique weapons, and it just felt fun. To me, it felt like you could play all day and not get the same experience twice.

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      • Like to see there own recuiting page so Xbox as there own page for recuiting and pc and ps4 . Plus like to see a recuiting page for destiny 1 as there still a lot of players play destiny 1 most look like they are new . Plus add clan feature on destiny one like destiny 2 but with out the clan ranking up system .Plus try advertise small clan then big clans because they have more members small clans don't get a chance to get players I see clans have more then 1 they have sup clans that needs to be stopped because the small clan still don't get players. if they have 90 to 100 members they shouldn't be posting but they still our any chance someone stopping this like monitor the recuiting page for a week or 2 . A recuiting page should look like this Recuiting page set up should look like . Clan name __________ Pc □ xbox1 □ ps4 □. Age group  __ to __. Pve □pvp□ Time zone _________. Country  ____________. What chat app you use __________ What time the clan is online _____________. Destiny 1 □ destiny 2 □ And how many times you want posted up in the time zone your online This what I think a recuiting page set up should look like nothing else should be on the post

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      • Destiny is only a game seem to me like some people live in the game world . Yes there a few problems with d2 but in time it will get better . Know point sending fire messages to bungie . They have lifes too . The only thing we can do is write down on what we want to see in the game to make it better . What I like to see in destiny 2. Clan rewards  need changing  to where the fire team only get the rewards but the clan gets xp boost. Gear and weapons  need to have different  rolls  as the same as destiny 1 . I like to see destiny 2 with a clan building where we can build to make us work as a team . Maybe build are own weapons  and gear with clan logo on . Strike gear and weapons  . Wants the bounty Hunter back . Wants  daily story  back at your level like in d1. Timer on night fall option . Public events on the old tower . One weapon I like to see back tracking on rockets  . Yes the Gjallarhorn .put a smile on your face when your team says rockets . Better solar systems  map where you see your planet's . E.g.  warframe  planet  system  like that . Want the moon and mars and venus for own potral . More hidden quest in game . Like to see fail safe as a exo . New model with flesh on or a holagam Want to the stranger lady back  . Like to get mission  off Amanda holiday . Flight mission simulator  in the hanger. Theses our only idea bungie. Clan building I think in racking up with xp  in the clan unlocks logos to go on weapons  and gear and shaders your clan has chosen . Plus having a clan building I think it would be good to able to research weapons  and gear rolls  . By having bounties you have to get theses completed   with your clan to research rolls to go on gear and weapons  . I think they should only let you change one roll on any gear ones a week put only once on the price of gear .

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      • This what we all want destiny 2 to be the same as destiny1 in every way weapons and gear we want god rolls and end game destiny 2 had nothing to offer to us as what we played on destiny1 sort it we bungie as we our your customers and customers our right see where's your player base gone where the top games gone . Here's a note bring back everything we got in destiny 1 in to destiny 2 and I come back if not another player that will not return vote if you want thus sorry about the spelling and grammar

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      • Just don't try to throw a bone again and fix the issues of the game. Add ranks. Add random rolls if you want to keep the static rolls keep them only in competitive. Add the option to choose the game mode that we want. Add heroic strikes and specific loots. Add 6v6 modes. Add special perks on the raid gear/armor. Give us a reason to grind and play.

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      • Modifié par Lober : 11/29/2017 2:56:42 PM
        Just something I wanna add and which no one talked about in this thread: *Bring back Strike-exclusive Legendaries. Otherwise, those Strikes don´t make any sense if you are at max. Light THX

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      • No wonder the game is so out of touch. Our community manager only has one character on each system and neither of them are even close to 305. Bungie needs someone that is actually part of the community to be the manager!

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      • Modifié par broseph502 : 11/29/2017 3:54:52 PM
        The people I feel the worst for, besides the console platform players of this franchise (which Im a part of), are Deej and Kosmo. Having to champion and speak on behalf of the product we received in early September hasnt been a joy, Im certain. I use the word product with intent because this game in many ways devolved from a break through game riddled with flaws but deep with the promise of greatness. Destiny 2, in my opinion, broke the hope of this games greatness and make it feel like a product. It was gorgeously crafted, had a deep and amazing story in the grimoire (albeit lacking implimentaion in its vanilla form during game play) and posessed the absolute best shooting mechanics I had ever experienced in a game. In Destiny 1, I could play for hours without any reward, just for the joy of the fight. The only thing to ever mar the shooting mechanics was a lack of sound networking infrastructure. I am not your average fan, I liked grimoire and pvp. Destiny 2 kinda breaks my gaming heart. I was a diehard "fanboy" tbh. My hobby aside from gaming was defending this franchise, hell I got my AoT shirt ordered with in days of it going live and have a Destiny shirt or hoodie for everyday of the week. Most of all the outcry that has been sounded from within this community I can understand. Sure it would be sweet to have goals outside of a weekly milestone to work toward like exotic class item bounties or level achevements from a faction or regional npc. Absolutely a more rewarding loot system that gave us the "gjally drop" moments of old, would make the new worlds and activities feel like the house you grew up in as a kid. But as a very niche minority, these arent the glaring issues from which my gripe stems. Upon playing the beta something felt wrong and it wasnt just because it was a beta version. The lack of random rolls, that gave me an investment system to happen upon a weapon that felt like mine, Id learn to deal with. The new weapon system that made the game feel slower and less like Destiny will be easier to balance and will work out better in the end, less chance for power creep. And the sorry connections of old in D2 werent as bad as D1s at their worst, but felt off even at their best (other than the ps4 danger testing days). When the pc beta dropped the lack of parity was alarming. As I watched my favorite community members stream the pc beta I couldnt help but wonder why it wasnt the same. The shooting was playing out differently. Some of the things that felt broken in the console beta were working without issue on pc. I was worried. Game came out and it felt like a moderately hollowed out version of the Taken King. It was a decent movie without the John Grisham novel to refer to in grimoire. The story was better but everyone felt like Cayde with their dialogue and delivery. And well Gary was just a poor mans Bane. The game was lacking the reward systems of the Taken King as well. But the shooting was still off, it wasnt right. The inequities of the beta never left. Pc came out and I dont have a gaming pc but I can watch on Twitch. And as I watched the previously unthinkable, became apparhent. *They did the nuanced tuning to the games mechanics for pc, not console then scaled. The updates to the old engine are calling for MORE processing power and ALL consoles have become the Xbox 360 and Ps3. The physics engine isnt being properly hashed out on my console and the 30fps that I couldnt get, held the magic that made Destiny what it was. The info tab of the Skull of Dire Ahamkara was speaking about my console and the lack of reality was the experience I would forever get of Destiny 2, on my console. I was Destined for nothing more then the cardboard guardian in the crucible and only thing left was the cheap theatre because the joy of this shooter was much less real. * Its been stated by members of the Bungie staff that pc and console have the same sandbox but anyone who has watched or played both can see, this is not evident. The community is angered about many things right now. And these thing are real but pretty evident. And with QoL these complains should subside some. But after the first balance patch the song will change because it will be more clear to the average player who looks into it or pays attention. "On console we are happy to sell you this product with all the same content. But Mr/Mrs Consumer we regret to inform you that your console (no matter which one you own) is seen as an underpowered legacy platform to our engine. Even though you are the majority, your hardware limits you from receiving the same game." QoL can be addressed but the lack of parity between the experiences the different platforms gets goes beyond timed exclusive content and into the realm of "if I dont have a gaming rig, am I even getting to play Destiny?"

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        • I would of much rather have seen the live stream and then a blog post later in the week. Is this new post going to at least showcase the gear that was going to be shown on the stream? So to make up for a small screw up you make a bigger one by not giving us the live stream we have most been waiting for?

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          • I feel as though Bungie tried so hard to fix the storyline In D2 (which I thoroughly enjoyed btw) that everything got left on the back burner. It’s almost like they completely flipped the issues that they had in d1 and d2. Now the storyline is good, but the insane loot system, the tokens, and the zero personality to crucible choices, weapon rolls and the one use shaders are, in my opinion, are ridiculous. Also, the fact that every ounce of lore behind the Iron Banner (which may seem trivial I know but I’m a huge lore nerd) made me not want to participate in Banner at all because it completely destroyed the reason for it, along with no light level enabling. The almost infuriating grind of Destiny 1 was almost unbearable at times, but it made playing it so much more rewarding. Now you get several powerful engrams a week that you can basically not do much and be at max level. At least have kept the clan engrams dropping at ten so you have to grind SOME to get the loot from them you wanted higher light. These Are all my opinions, and I am a clan founder, and loyal player who won’t stop playing, however since the community voice is listened to I figured I would throw my opinion out there.

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          • I want more Grind!! Remove Tokens I dont want to get PVP or Raid weapons from the Clan Lady. I want to get PVP weapons from doing PVP and Raid weapons from doing Raids. Event specific loot. Strikes, Nightfalls, Raids, Crucible and Heroic versions of these things. Love this game i never played D1 cause PC Master Race dont let D2 be a Division......

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            • Im sure there wont be any dates given for when any of this will happen.

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            • Modifié par NEXUSNITRO : 11/29/2017 2:36:45 PM
              Bring back the website tracking for our stats for pve & pvp Strike specific gear/ loot Ability to pick which strike i want to play Allow endgame content to be desired not just a completion. Allow the tower vendors rotation of specific gear (Ikora needs bigger things to do than repeating story missions) The gunsmith seems to be the only one that has an continuous usefulness since his materials are gained from every planet Eliminate the XP scale down If someone wants and has the opportunity to time, run among the different events, lost sectors, caches, do not assign a penalty for the time put in to the free roam. Not everyone like crucible, not everyone wants to run through the raid, some people just want to go out to the open world and shoot aliens. Personally I miss snipers in the secondary position, i do like to sit back sometimes and pick of enemies (pve) from a distance, in the "power" position ammo limits this enjoyment. I DO NOT LIKE THE NEW SHADER IMPLEMENTATION!! It should not be tied to the economy process. Added perks to raid gear/weapons The implementation on D1 siva raid and oryx gear/weapons was excellent A combination of those should have been the path forward for D2

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            • I hear people pissing about the weapon set up and wanting to go back to primary special and heavy... which I understand... However... I for one love this new system... perhaps... a compromise can be made... the ability to select another primary in the secondary slot to sacrifice a special weapon... a choice that the player can make... So... A person running hard light and better devils can choose their ability to save ammo over... and their buddy that they are with runs origin story and some hypothetical sniper for more power... a trade off... a choice... Isn’t that what this game is all about? Being able to make our own style? And about sub class trees... an easy fix... Keep all the same perks... just make it so we can mix them... so say I can take 1 and 2 from path of outlaw... and 3 and 4 from sharpshooter... or something like that. Maybe shuffle a few abilities around... But seemingly pretty simple.

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            • Modifié par elser : 11/29/2017 2:30:10 PM
              I don't see why this could not have all been done on stream,id like to see the body language of the person trying to sell me on the future of this game. apart from the usual problems everyone is talking about ,i at the very least I am hoping for enough dam vault space to collect everything in this "collection" game.i never would have thought this would be an issue in d2 after all the trouble in d1. I'm already having to delete items I would like to keep every time I get a new weapon or armour piece and if I have to delete season 1 items to collect season 2 items I wont be happy Hopefully we see less reskinned items because that is just dam lazy and should not be a thing. My hopes are high as I love the franchise but I'm about at the point to delete the game. Heres hoping for a successful day tomorrow,good luck Bungie,praying for actual results or a clear defined path and not a throw money at the screen circle jerk

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