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1/20/2015 5:55:37 AM

Being a Mom and a Gamer

Let's face it; everyone has kids now. Right? I've got two boys. Both under the age of two. Spending time with them is the light if my life, of course! Then there's my unhealthy love for becoming someone new with my games. I live vicariously through Destiny, Assasins Creed, Halo, Forza and many more. Where do YOU draw the line with gaming when it comes to your kids? How do you balance your hobby and your duties?

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  • As long as you don't let any of this stuff get in the way of your sammich making duties you should be fine, don't sweat it.

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    • You deserve time for yourself! If playing games is your hobby than so be it just don't let your hobby overtake your mommy time with your kids!

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    • I bought my daughter who is 8 some wii games for xmas. My daughter has picked up on a lot of my hobbies, reading, gaming are the main two. I usually play the wii with her which is at the moment doing some mini games on mario party or playing as the star in mario galaxy. I usually save destiny for when she turns in...

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    • Spend time with them during the day, get all my mommy duties taken care of, try my best to get them down at an early, decent time, then use the extra time for gaming until I hit the sheets. The weekends I play softball, then go home, and tend to the kiddos, the repeat when they go to sleep, except I get to play a lot longer on the weekends than during the week.

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    • My older boys are pretty good gamers, I enjoy running with them.... *They make me laugh.

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    • My wife and I have had 5 children And the older ones play Destiny with me... but we do it only when the Little lady is not at home or she is asleep on weekends. Such is life, play when you can....😊

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    • I believe everyone, not just kids and the husband deserve the right to lavish in gaming. As a man myself, i already make a point to set time aside for my gaming enjoyment every single day ... since my son lives with his mom an hour away, i have plenty of time to game till i have a day off and can go spend the time with my little Champion, my midget EzeKiel. He tries to game to with his older brother, but doesn't quite grasp how the sticks work yet, he's only 3, he'll rofl-stomp me in the future, i know it and am completely ok with it. However, he has a kindle he games on, some minion game based off the movie. Now, I've tried that ... I'll pass. Watching him flick the screen to jump, move to the side or duck makes me awe in astonishment as i myself can't even succeed in doing what he's succeeding at. A Blessing, 100%

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      • I try to only play when they my girl is sleeping. But times when I really wanna play she likes to sit next to me and talk about the game she's three. I get questions like mom did u die? Mommy did u get the bad guy? Mommy is that a spider? Lol sometimes she holds a controller and I try to watch what she wants the character to do and I make the character do that. Like if she says jump I make the character jump. But it is hard to balance time. Me and my husband both are gamers but usually for every hr I play I spend 2 hrs with my girl.

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        • I really wonder how many people would be saying what they say without the internet being used as a wall.

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        • Health and safety first, for everyone. So important to have hobbies or we start using words like "duties". Need to have your own identity not be just someone's wife or mum. Nothing wrong with gaming, just in moderation. What are you going to tell your children when they are older and want to game all the time? Those rules apply to you too. I have four at home and have gamed right alongside them at different times. I have just got back into it with Destiny and hate having to share (nor have those duties stopped unfortunately). ha ha. However I have awesome kids and a great relationship with them all, thanks to all those conversations while sharing their interests including the gaming world.

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        • Sell them for the destiny expansion pack.

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          • Always willing to carry MILFs through the Crucible with @Sented

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            • My kids are two cats that are on me like white on rye. They require attention so I often find myself carving out a little time to play with them before I game.

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            • Perverted 12 year olds in 3...2....1....

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            • My English bulldog Isabella is our kid, and she is always on the couch with us while I play and my lady watches netflix on her tablet :)

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              • I married a VERY understanding wife lol

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                • Any other moms wanna play in on Xbox one gt same as name :)

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                • Read title. Entered thread. Left disappointed. Martha Stewart gaming guru for parents that way -->

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                  • I'm a mom of two beautiful girls under the age of 3! I play during nap time and at bed time, but some days I wish I could just game all day. The boys I run with are understanding that sometimes I have to stand in a hidey hole while I tend to my motherly duties. I'm usually last guardian standing anyways. Would love to find some other moms to play with.

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                    • Everyone needs time to de-sress relax and enjoy some time to themselves, it makes you a better parent when you are spending time with the kids. Each day when i gey home from work its time for chores, family dinner time then homework with the kids. Sometimes we even have time to catch a couple of TV shows b4 beadtime. After 10pm when everyone is bathed, teeth brushed and properly tucked away in bed is finaly my time to escape to exotic far away places.........and shoot stuff lol

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                    • I've got a 9 month old daughter. It was hard for a while to balance being a mom and have time for myself. I would end up not having time for myself at all. Now that she's older and got a pretty good sleeping schedule I can play (and even raid) when she goes to sleep. My kid will always come first though. If I'm on Crota and he's hardly got any life left and I hear my baby crying in her crib I'll leave the game and go soothe her. That's where I draw the line. I'm being told by so many people that kids grow up so quick. There are days where I feel like playing Destiny and not necessarily be chasing a little one around the house. When that happens I just tell myself that memories with her as a little baby are worth a lot more than finding a cool weapon in a game that won't even matter to me down the road.

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                    • Don't have kids yet. If I did though, they'd be playing the golden years of gaming before the modern stuff. Don't get me wrong, this generation is fine but the yesteryears of gaming is what I'm about through and through.

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                      • *raises hand* I don't have any kids yet.

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                        • Society and culture from past generations have created this belief in life style, to be a good wife is to in other words be a "slave" in your own home. I can't remember how irritated I'd get when I saw my mother bring the dinner to the table, set the table for us all, then once she called us to eat we each took our plates and had our share. At least me and my brothers did, her partner would sit at the table tell her to serve his plate, bring him his drink so that he could eat(as if he had no hands of his own.) My brothers and I would wait for mother to sit so that we may start eating and by the time we did her man was ready for seconds, she would eat last and only once everyone was done, she'd was dishes and clean the table his man went to sleep or watch television. This irritates me because if one is in a relationship, it means that the two persons involved make each others life simpler. She would not rest or have time for herself till near midnight by then she was always too tired to do activities for her own enjoyment. This life is not one to wish upon anyone, nor one that should be seen as morally correct. I have a girlfriend and everytime we eat, we wait for one another and eat together. Clean after ourselves and do everything evenly, and I'll often offer to do things on my own for her to relax and watch tv, read, or simply scroll around in Facebook. I set my mind to never be a man/partner in a relationship that will ask my partner to grab a napkin and wipe my face because I got something on it and will not clean it myself, that is humiliating and disrespectful to my partner and should shame the person doing so. This is kind of off topic from your question but my point here is that being a mother does not mean enslaving yourself and letting life slip by a cultural role. I once told a woman from work that had a 2 year old daughter, that just because she has a daughter she should not give up on her own activities because of it, for she will only blame her children for not enjoying herself, this of course does not mean to not care for the child but to enjoy her life as equally as she cares for her growing youth. I say play away, we all need some time to be entertained, and not entertaining.

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                          • Kids take 18-24 years to despawn.

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                            • I have my one year old son. I play when he takes his naps.

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