Hi, spoilers ahead for those who have not played Lightfall.
So within the campaign of Lightfall after defeating Claus and his horde of powerful servants. We witness his death and we all took a moment to live in the glory. [b]But[/b] it was short lived as the Witness took control of our ghost, making them part of how we lost the Traveler. Within that cutscene we had a chance to stop it, the only thing to do was...[i]to shoot our ghost[/i]. The one -blam!- us, picked us to be a guardian, keeping us company thru our darkest time, the one who we call friend.
[i]What im trying to get at is, [/i][u]what would you choose and why?[/u]
Also, was hoping where Bungie would allow us to choose if we had to shoot our ghost or not, which won't lie, was let down. I mean, we chose not kill Mithrax from Year 1 and they still kept going with it. I mean come on
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