Mañana, Destiny 2 estará fuera de línea temporalmente debido a operaciones programadas de mantenimiento. Permanece atento a @BungieHelp para conocer las novedades.
[b]Where to begin…[/b]
Once upon a time a person created a clan “[i]The Colosseum[/i]” and a discord channel. That person is not me but the founder made such a good group that we got so big that we had to create we a second clan for the same group. Now that is where I come in the storyline, welcome to my clan “[b]The Mangolœrian Squad[/b]”. Mangos and Star Wars.
We are “The Colosseum 2.0” but with a cooler and better name and tbh we are just cooler in general.
Now onto the clan itself, we are super chilled friendly and helpful clan. It’s UK 🇬🇧 based but we have members from all over the world, myself is from Sweden 🇸🇪. We don’t have any drama, no toxicity and any of that bs. We focus on cracking all kinds of jokes and having a bit of humour is important for us. As a girl I can say that this clan is very female friendly and we all love to help each other. You’re free to stay for as long as you want or need to and there’s no expectations or obligations to be very active. We are here to help you enjoy the game more ☺️
We use mostly discord because it’s easier but there is no obligation in joining the discord. If you are afraid to use discord but you want to use it, lmk so I can help you and try to get you comfortable using it ☺️
The only requirements there is:
- Be 18 or over
- Be kind to everyone
- Have a sense of humour, because as mentioned we like to have fun and laugh
There’s no bans or kicks and if someone is being rude tell them that the team told you to tell them to f*** off!!!
Alrighty that’s the end, pretty please consider joining the clan so we can have fun 🤩
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