Rift itself could be a great mode. The whole strategy of sticking together is great. That is where the good part ends.
The reset when a team gets a point. Whilst, it seems a good idea, it slows the game down far to much. Especially, when it's the first to 5. Maybe the first to 3? Or at least if a team goes 3-0 up. Make it a mercy? I mean if a team is good enough to go 3-0 up they're clearly higher skilled players. The lesser skilled are just spending a full match on a respawn timer. It can quite easily make people just not care. That ruins it for others.
I've been on both sides of 5-0. The best matches are the ones which finish like 2-1. Both sets of teams are about same in skill level. Unfortunately, those games only happen in like 1 in 10 times. Unless you can find a way to balance this then you need go back to the drawing board.
Many other games out there have variety of game modes but they also have maps suited to it. All your maps are 3 lanes. This really has a negative impact on certain modes. Maybe make some 5 or 7 Lane maps? Maybe more vertical? You need more variety to get round the map.
I like the idea of changing iron banner and adding a seal to chase but when the seal has a 300 point triumph for completing objectives and thise objectives are hard to complete unless you are very good at pvp. I have played around 150 games this week and the week before when it was active and i only have 126 points. I have gone 15 games with out a single point because i just am not good enough to be able to get points. BRING BACK CONTROL PLEASE OR MAKE THE POINTS COINT FOR TEAMMATE DEPOSITS
Editado por A_mo: 6/1/2022 12:08:46 PMIt would probably be a good idea to somehow make the matches where it seems pretty certain that one team is going to win a little shorter. It also feels strange that it shows a black screen after a round instead of a score screen like the other modes that have rounds. As far as "balancing" the score that's something that might begin to happen by itself over time but even if it doesn't its going to end up happening anyways. If I were them I'd pull some numbers out of the air and make the score closer then put it in the twab that they tweaked team balancing (or whatever its called) so it should be better this weekend if its not happening by itself.
Rift was a fail even in D1. I dunno why people were getting exited for its return.