As a Hunter, Gunslinger has always been my go-to. Honestly, I’ve never had much of an issue with the lack of defensive buff. Time it right, and you shouldn’t worry about it.
However, Destiny changed the sandbox to incentivize players to challenge supers instead of running from them. Combined with other sandbox changes, I now can get killed in mid animation with an AUTO RIFLE. If I dare peek a corner if I activate behind cover, I get easily killed by a small firing line. And with Vorpal Weapon our now that deals bonus damage to guardians in a super, and with so many weapons that can kill you quickly, Golden Gun get’s the absolute shaft.
Beyond that, I have these issues with GG:
- The timer goes way to fast for even 3 shot golden gun, which forces you to use it when you know enemies are nearby, which will likely get you killed.
- 6 Shot’s Damage falloff is so harsh, a guardian will survive a shot if they’re just out of range.
- Compared to Dawnblade, GG only gets 3-6 shots (more if you score a kill), no tracking on shots, and doesn’t last nearly as long. If I only have 3 shots that I have to line up, give me more time to actually aim my shots.
All I want is more time for the few shots I have, make 6 shot’s damage falloff not so severe (e.g. let it kill anyone under 5 resilience regardless of range), and give me some defense in a sandbox that encourages challenging supers.
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