TLDR: OP wants high rate of fire autos back and thinks they will revive the weapon class out of its crippling alcoholism. I don't care if the gun is dealing 10 damage/shot, gimme back me bullet hose.
back in vanilla of d1, auto rifles were pretty good, with suros at the top. after that, they were nerfed in some way and a tombstone was planted on the ground marking where they had been buried. until the launch of d2, autos weren't really in the limelight again. they returned in force with the 450 auto meta and uriel's gift at the top, thanks to high-cal rounds. after the neutering of HCR and with the introduction of the SMGs to a lesser extent, autos have been a joke pretty much since the launch of warmind.
what made ARs enjoyable to use, for me at least, in D1 was the rate of fire. nothing was more satisfying than blasting 60 rounds of Atheon's Epilogue into an enemy and shredding their health bar. Why are there no 900rpm, or even, God forbid, 1200rpm autos in D2? Sure, SMGs more or less absorb the role of high rate of fire automatic weapon, but autos are really pathetic now given that both pulse rifles and hand cannons are competing for the same effective range.
if it really is because high rpm autos would be encroaching on SMG territory, I got bad news for you, because sidearms were here first and they'd like a word with your sub-machine gun favoritism. I believe both sidearms and autos were banned from having high rpm stats (even if autos can be 720, my Eidolon Ally scoffs at your 720.) in order to create a space for SMGs. However, having these back in the game potentially means fewer nerfs for SMGs (looking at you, recluse) because there's more competition in the same range slot.
if anyone from Bungie gives this a read and you think i have more than two brain cells, i have some other suggestions. i love your game and any criticism comes from me wanting the best for it.
-make more long hunter cloaks (think red moon phantom) and avoid making short ones (think menagerie cloak). the long cloaks look wicked and the short ones have a bad habit of being torn for some reason.
-make some of the stuff in eververse also earnable through general play. think the sparrow in the arms dealer nightfall. og fruit ninja did this perfectly, with every blade unlockable through a certain challenge. would be sweet to earn the bound hammer whisper of the worm skin for a flawless heroic whisper run or something.
that's all I got, thanks for reading if you did. make sure you're on wifi, that you turned off the stove, and have a good day.
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