You had to claim the code prior to the deadline. It wasn't sent automatically. It's too late to get a code now.
I thought I claimed it when I had it sent to my email address. I [i]should [/i]still have access to it, since I completed it, but I'm hoping Bungie can help, especially since I'm among those who have been playing the game weekly since launch.
You had to click the link in the email to generate the code. Just getting the email before the deadline isn't enough.
I don't think you understand.. The link originally worked and I did have a code, but I didn't think I needed to screenshot it, since it was a personal link sent to my account, not to everyone. So when I first got it, the link worked, now it doesn't and I didn't memorize the code.
Same applies. If you viewed the code and didn't write it down then you don't have a code. Bungie has told the same to others in your situation.