Mystics are back!
Welcome everyone, if you missed my first set of Mystic gear you can check them out here
This is the second set of its kind. Enjoy and let me know in the comments what’s your favorite exotic so far!
As always there will be links at the bottom for each previous and forward post.
Name: Dance Of Flames
+2 Mobility
+2 Recovery
—>Choose one of the following perk options.
—>Exotic Perk Option 1: (Free As Fire) While using Dawnblade, the Icarus Dash and Phoenix Dive Perks are always active.
—>Exotic Perk Option 2: (Solar Powered) Icarus Dash and your rift have a shorter cool down. [Icarus Dash now has a 4 second cooldown, takes 5 seconds off of rift cool down]
—>Mystic Perk: Both Perks are active when you’re not equipped with an exotic weapon.
Name: Sacred Gift
+2 Mobility
+2 Resilience
—>Choose one of the following perk options.
—>Exotic Perk Option 1: (Blessed with Light) This armor gives an additional +3 Recovery.
—>Exotic Perk Option 2: (Grateful Gunslinger) Significantly reduce recoil and reload speed on your primary and energy weapon.
—>Mystic Perk: Both Perks are active when you’re not equipped with an exotic weapon.
Name: Dawn is Here
+3 Resilience
+1 Recovery
—>Choose one of the following perk options.
—>Exotic Perk Option 1: (Remember the Light) Enemies that step into your ward of dawn are blinded and drop an orb for your teammates.
—>Exotic Perk Option 2: (Follow Me) While using Sentinel, your Rallying Force and Shield Bash Perks are always active.
—>Mystic Perk: Both Perks are active when you’re not equipped with an exotic weapon.
Link to #21
Link to #23
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