[url=http://time.com/3965630/men-attack-women-online-losers/]In other news, water has been discovered to be wet.[/url]
What do you lot make of this, you vague collection of female-threatened alt-right misanthropes? And how about the good people on Bnet?
Top kek, this is getting downvoted. #Crybabies indeed. XD
[spoiler]Moderator edit: This thread has been moved to #Offtopic, a more appropriate forum for this offtopic discussion.
Feel free to private message the moderator who moved your post, link to topic, for further clarification about why this topic was moved.[/spoiler]
Editado por KRAANG SUBPRIME: 8/14/2017 1:54:11 AMRes🅱ect women
Editado por Splif daddy Bane: 8/14/2017 11:03:43 PM[quote][url=http://time.com/3965630/men-attack-women-online-losers/]In other news, water has been discovered to be wet.[/url] What do you lot make of this, you vague collection of female-threatened alt-right misanthropes? And how about the good people on Bnet? Top kek, this is getting downvoted. #Crybabies indeed. XD [spoiler]Moderator edit: This thread has been moved to #Offtopic, a more appropriate forum for this offtopic discussion. Feel free to private message the moderator who moved your post, link to topic, for further clarification about why this topic was moved.[/spoiler][/quote] The article says it was written by "Maya Rhoden", nice try tartan but everyone knows women can't work. You are fake news
Editado por Ahhsenberg: 8/15/2017 7:49:51 PM"Study". We all already know people are horrible to each other online - especially on video games. You don't have to be a woman or anything in specific to get harassed, belittled, or downright attacked. Most of the time it's either because of rage or just because people can(mostly kids). It might happen more often to women or whatever, but let's not act like they are the only people targeted. It's just a sad reality that people with noticeable differences get attacked more often.
Article is from 2015. Halo 3 stopped being relevant in 2010.... Doesn't seem to add up well. If they wanted to be really offended, they should have played CoD. I heard way more stupidity across the gamers there than I ever did in around 10,000 games of Halo 3.
Top kek xD
clearly you're an intelligent person if you can't even post a post in the correct forum
People getting pissy over losing at Halo? Hmmm...? Next thing you know, scientist will publish an article confirming that the Klan hates non-whites.
Thinks on my life and where I am now. Yes, I can't argue with that.
You mean people who rage in videogames aren't the ones winning? Color me surprised! Maybe I should ask for a gobernment grant so I can do some research as well. You know, just to be sure.
[quote]A pair of researchers examined interactions between players during 163 games of Halo 3 to determine when men were most likely to exhibit sexist, anti-social behavior toward their female peers[/quote] They call these "findings". ^%#*ing halo 3 multiplayer? How did this not get laughed out of existence?
I wonder what scientific values they used to declare someone a loser?
Months ago* What was that post a while back? Something like "study finds liberals are physically weaker" or some shit like that >shitton of likes Today* This post >downvote brigade Hmmm.
I'm misogynistic, but I'm [i]ironically[/i] misogynistic. In reality, I res🅱ect women
I can disprove any of your arguments with a simple 16 word statement. [spoiler]Boys go to college to get more knowledge, girls go to Jupiter to get more stupider.[/spoiler][spoiler]Making Memes Since '02.[/spoiler]
Buuuut women are assholes
I am not one of those so I don't care. Lmao
163 games of Halo 3 :thinking:
Editado por Unanimate Objec: 8/13/2017 12:26:16 AMI find fault for a couple of reasons; 1) The evolutionary argument is faulty, but not because of what you may think. Think about it, "lower status men...have more to lose." More to lose? Looking at lower status people in an environment, one would've surmised that they have the [u]least[/u] to lose. The bigger they are, the harder they fall. Being in a position of power would imply that there are more responsibilities, pleasures and freedoms to be had. Lower status have less privilege, thus less to lose. A 2.1 KD player stresses about every encounter. A .4 player kills his own teammates. 2) 165 matches is not enough information. Wiki explanation of reliability below. Check sources if you care that much. [spoiler]Temporary but general characteristics of the individual: health, fatigue, motivation, emotional strain Temporary and specific characteristics of individual: comprehension of the specific test task, specific tricks or techniques of dealing with the particular test materials, fluctuations of memory, attention or accuracy Aspects of the testing situation: freedom from distractions, clarity of instructions, interaction of personality, sex, or race of examiner Chance factors: luck in selection of answers by sheer guessing, momentary distractions The goal of estimating reliability is to determine how much of the variability in test scores is due to errors in measurement and how much is due to variability in true scores.[6][/spoiler] In summary, this is not an objective study. Being a "loser" is not a fact, it's an opinion., and needs to be revisited.
No I didn't downvote because I'm a crybaby. I downvoted because your memes are lacking and your content is shitty. Honestly kid you probably got butthurt when pewdiepie came out as a Trump supporter. -blam!- outta here bud.
The bit about evolution seemed like complete bullshit. The real reason for why females get insults launched at them is because the people slinging insults are just trolls who want people to react to what they say. Don't react to them/mute them and they'll go away.
That article reads like a satirical spoof of an actual article.
"But they're assholes to everyone" -some posters here Like that changes a thing.
Misogynists are losers Tell me something I didn't know
I'm gay. G-Respect A-For Y-Women
Editado por GoldenPhantom484: 8/13/2017 5:31:19 PMNah they just savage niggä