My name is [b]DeMix[/b] and I started an [b]Xbox One Community Group [/b]a little while back. This is [b]NOT[/b] a clan, it is a group. A place to find and make some friends. I'll be honest though it isn't really a forum. So if you coming here to post you can, just know it isn't really made for that. I love the Bungie.net Community, it is full of amazing creative people. And it grows bigger and stronger everyday. But yeah, if you want to join a very chill, friendly [b]XB1[/b] group, this is the place for you.
. Be awesome
.Be chill
.Be on XB1
The group is called "[b]The God Knockers[/b]". And no it is not a religious group. Just though the name sounded pretty sick. If you have any questions leave them down below. You can just join by the way, no invite required.
[b]The God Knockers [/b]- https://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Post/648790/209176205/0/0
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