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Editado por MAJOR TAO: 3/20/2015 4:00:42 AM

Seeking Destiny's Story ~ A response to "Solving Destiny's Story Dilemma"

Dear Comrades in Destiny, [b]Planet Destiny's Taylor Bair recently commented upon Destiny's fractured storylines.[/b] [b][/b] For my part, I think of Destiny's story as a jig-saw puzzle that Bungie has torn into shreds. Some of the puzzle is thrown at our characters.....while the rest was flung to the howling winds and scattered about. I feel that Mr. Bair makes several good points in his article addressing Bungie's multiple failures in telling a coherent story. [b]1) Player Character & Non-Player Character Interactions are extremely limited. [/b] We can't quiz Xur about his origins, empathize with Eris about her suffering, or flirt with Tess Everis,. Nobody gets to tell Master Rahool what a heart breaker / tool he is...and get a genuine reaction of dismay, aloofness, sympathy or even a "stop whining" message out of him. We can't go back to the Speaker and persuade him to tell the whole story of the Traveller's arrival...and the fall of civilization which came after. Character interaction options can make the game more fun and more interesting. The Ghost is our constant companion but much of his dialogue has gotten stale. Certain dialogue triggers at incorrect times: "Well - at least it's chained up !" or lacks enthusiasm or novelty. While NPC civilians at the Tower can talk AT our characters - we can't say ANYTHING BACK to them. We get to know almost nothing of their hopes, their fears, or how they regard the Guardians. I'm sure you've noticed that player characters never speak outside of cut scenes. [b]2) Story information has been hidden away in obscure places.[/b] Why can't we interact with the Grimoire in-game ? Where's the tie-in to the main game ? This game is centuries in the future, yet there is no holographic-library to learn things from. Narrative npc guides who can tell the story are overwhelmingly scarce or severely underdeveloped. Eris's recent arrival is a notable exception and gives me hope that Bungie will continue to expand npc storytelling roles and voices to pull the threads of the story together. "I [b]could[/b] tell you of the great battle centuries ago..... ( but I won't ) ~ The Speaker [b]3) Environments Don't Tell Stories by themselves...! Environments are the STAGE for Stories to Be Told and Unfold.[/b] I strongly disagree with Mr. Bair on his assertion that environments tell stories. No, environments are the setting, the backdrop, and the foreground. They are the space we move around in. Environments may have clues, features, artifacts, a past, and a present.....but it takes SOMEONE to tell that story or to piece it together. Environments provide the place for characters to enter into dialogue or conflict. [b]Example of expanded character interactions[/b] Major: "Here is a city buried in sand... What happened ?" My Ghost ( could say...) "The Darkness attacked, the people were wiped out. Then came the wind. Many moons passed and now the city is buried. The people are gone....but the Darkness is still here.... ! Major: Reply option 1) "How do you know ?" Reply option 2) "Should we be running already ?" Reply option 3) "You're late with the enemy detection AGAIN !" My Ghost: Reply options: 1) "Look at_____" 2) " Heavy weapons -- NOW ! " 3) "They were CLOAKED !" [b]4) What this Game needs is MORE BANG BANG ! [/b] Wait,.......No. There's LOADS of BANG BANG ! I imagine the power struggle that must have occurred for two visions of what Destiny could become. The Bang Bang Faction won the vision quest hands down and Destiny is a game with outstanding gun play and powers. The story RPG faction got thrown into the dungeon in chains....and as a result, Destiny is incoherent, hard to follow, excessively full of mystery and remarks that completely piss me off as well as being transparent evasions of good opportunities to tell Destiny's story. [u] The Mysterious Exo Hunter before the Black Garden Mission[/u]. [b]"I don't even have time to explain why I don't have time to explain."[/b] <[u] After the Black Garden Mission[/u] > [b]Major: "Hello there ! Hey - we killed the Blob about some explanations / expositions ? ! [/b] Mysterious Exo Hunter Babe: [b] "Umm.............................................."[/b] 5) TerraMantis was able to sum up much story lore and details that help viewers connect the dots in the Destiny Universe. HIs video is marvelous. Bungie could learn from this guy. [b]Bungie.....can you find a way for this story exposition to happen IN THE GAME ? [/b] [b]It is my hope that Destiny finds it's storytelling soul...because at present that soul is lost in the Void.....waiting to be found and brought back into the Light. [/b]

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