I am doing the sheated lightning quest for my hunter and have 12/30 kills. I notice alot of the time if I kill 2 players with my arc blade it doesn't count.
What counts towards the quest and what would you suggest is the fastest way to complete this quest?
It needs to be in quick succession rather than in arcblade because I have killed someone at the start and then at the end of arc blade and it didn't register.
Editado por androctonus1984: 1/18/2016 2:19:20 PMI also don't understand how it counts. Did it for Nightstalker. Sometimes 1 kill counted as 1, sometimes 3 kills only counted as 2 or 2 kills counted as 1. Some kills didn't count at all. Finished the quest, but still don't understand how it counts the kills... :-)