So, I've been perusing the forums regularly to gather information, read plausible CE theories, and refill my humble stash of 10 million guardian tears to date. I have probably stumbled across 3 or 4 separate posts littered with comments like:
"WTf, ALl MY exOtiCs arE DumB now F*** U BUNGIE"
Or perhaps the ever so witty cynic:
"Have fun playing with your pointless exotics, they're obsolete now. Pfft. Brb gonna go play GTA V and fap to interracial midget hentai. Plebs."
I'm here to dispel the rumored exotic crisis, and explain with grammatically correct sentences and cunning logic as to why you can all throw away the Kleenexes, gorilla glue your discs back together, and prepare the endless D-Pad dance parties, because exotics just became a little less awful. Ready?
Well, Destiny forums. You've gone and done it again. Reading is your friend, because illiteracy will get you nowhere, and clearly it's only made you presumptuous and melodramatic. I'm going to make this crystal clear for all of those who feel as though research isn't a necessary evil:
[b]Exotic upgrade trees and XP gains are increased based on the progress of the weapon.[/b]
As of now, each exotic takes 85,000 XP to upgrade from base standard. With the upcoming patch, your exotics will become less powerful, but not obsolete. Here's an example...
[u]Icebreaker-300 attack[/u]
2x the XP gains, which essentially means you'll only need 42,500 XP to fully upgrade it
[u]Icebreaker 275 attack[/u]
1.75x the XP gain
Etc., etc.
To simplify; if your current exotics are at least 50% upgraded, it will most likely only take a few day's worth of bounties and a handful of strikes to upgrade. Stop complaining, stop assuming, and start reading. Oh, and by the way, no one cares what you choose to do with your characters.
It's actually 85,000 XP per exotic as of now, whoopsie daisy.
Xbox or ps
Dang. Thought this post was about exotic dancers.
I hope you're right. However, a 25% increase does not seem to justify all the hours and materials you put into the gun. it should be at least 50% (which may still be too low). I'd rather have all my materials back and spend an extra day or two grinding the exotic. I think most people would take that option if the game somehow presented it to us.
Edited by MurdiusMaximus: 12/8/2014 8:10:47 PMFirst off, well written and informational. My problem stems from how vague it was all presented. First off, the info should have come from Bungie, not GI. Secondly, there was absolutely no mention of exotics starting at 300 once you level them, nor anything about needing less XP to master the guns again. It was as if the worst news came out first and only when the community blew up about it did Bungie get off their rockers and give more info. Had all of the information been presented at the start all of the rage could have been avoided. The leveling makes sense now, but any rage endured by Bungie is Bungie's fault alone.
A lot of words but I don't feel informed at all, actually it seems you may be mis informed because you said if your exotic is at least halfway upgraded it won't take long, but your exotic will be wiped out so having it upgraded half way means nothing
I don't mind the reset. I'm just sad because I almost had my exotics halfway upgraded. I just wish they would have put the option to reset exotics last weekend. That way when the dark below released I would have my icebreaker ready to go. Lol
Actually post upgrade your exotic starts at a higher damage, 302 I think, that's why people, myself included, think it should be necessary to max the exotic before upgrade BUT not require the second exotic shard for upgrade. Also I remember it being said that they get new perks so it's truly v2. I'm sure their "exotic" perk will still be there, but the other lesser ones will be more useful.
Hahahah the [i][u][b]TRUTH[/b][/u][/i] of exotics lol, get it... Truth... As in the rocket launcher.. *cricket noises* no? Alright.... Bye
Where do you ger those numbers? An exotic needs FAR more than 25k of xp's. More like 250K. And where is it stated that the current progress is added to the new upgraded version?