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Edited by Cruton: 10/7/2017 6:51:24 PM

Friendship is the answer to replayabiliy and endgame content....

Thanks Deej. [b]Friendship is the reason i paid $60[/b]... Edit: Trending. Lmao [i]Thanks Deej[/i].

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  • I had friendship too on d1 where there was more replyable content.

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  • I imagine bio ware is sitting back taking notes on what not to do for anthems end game content.

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      I can't believe this was even his opinion of what end game is... He's basically admitting, "yes we know we don't have much in our game, so I hope you guys can make friends to have fun!"

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      • Edited by Lordsa Jar-Jar: 10/7/2017 8:55:48 AM
        Did he really say that? I don't believe it.

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        • I'd seriously wanna hear a 90°-degree-exscuses from Bungie for this behaviour. Totally ignoring his community and only throw bullshits on them.

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        • Who over 30 makes new friends, I've already made as much friends as I can manage in real life and the best thing is I don't have to see them anymore.

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          • Is this what was said?

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          • I've been gaming with the some of the same friends for decades. Destiny means nothing compared to that. No game does. I feel sorry for anyone who would put any game above friends. Stop worrying about loot, what features were in D1 Y3 but not in D2. What the meta is, why there are no rolled weapons or grind, NF timers or whatever else you think your entitled to. Just grab a few friends shoot shit and have fun. I don't see what's more rewarding than that. If you can honestly tell me what else in a video game is more important than gaming with your buds I'll give you a solid +1.

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            59 Replies
            • Looks like someone needs to buy some better friends!

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            • Lol friendships made in d1 were broken in d2 due to its lack luster content and pathetic excuse for a raid.

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            • Edited by zxionisus: 10/7/2017 1:57:31 AM
              In fairness, D1 was made much better by the clanmates I hung with. Raids were a blast. T-bagging dead teammates in the Oryx raid. Shoulder charging them off the jumping parts. Doing crota for the crux that finally landed on try number 84. Dozens of great VOG runs. Crucible, especially private matches, was a blast. Favorite time period was probably right when HOW started. Weapon rolling, iron banner, new PVE content. The clan was fun. We started separating about mid-way through The Taken King though. Now, everyone who is left just usually does their own thing. Mostly schedule issues. I'm only on Saturdays usually and they play on weeknights. A lot of people complain that the game is for casuals now. If that is true, and it may be, then the problem may be compounded by the fact that a "casual" does not usually have a commitment to a clan of friends (by their very nature). I am a casual because I cannot commit to the time and energy it takes to make friends in the game sufficient to sustain an ongoing, meaningful gaming relationship (work, 4 kids, responsibility, yada yada yada.) A game that is set up for casuals on one hand, but that requires a strong base of friends on the other hand, is not practical. In that scenario, both "casuals" and the more serious players suffer - one from an inability to enjoy the fullness of the game and the other from an inability to enjoy longevity. Destiny 1 had its ups and downs for sure. I think the problem here is that we may have been expecting a D2 universe that expanded on D1. Instead, we got a new game that brought us back to step 1. It will be good after 2 DLCs, I'm sure of it. But it's hard not to feel like a child who just got his lolly pop taken away and replaced with a box of raisins...or celery.

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              • Edited by SuperHugger: 10/7/2017 7:34:57 AM
                Friendship is useless in a game as competitive as this. I play this game with my friends, and no matter how hard I work at the Crucible I cannot be of value to the team. I get the worst scores in PvP, and I can tell it's a let down to the team, particularly in the Trials. It's more advantageous to everyone to find people who are a benefit to their fireteam than to play with friends. Effectively what I'm saying, is that Destiny is a capitalist's game. Best gear, best players, best loot. If you don't meet the requirements to create a good fireteam, then you're useless to the endgame. Unless you simply want to play with friends for fun and don't care about the game. For some, they're lucky enough to have friends that are equally as beneficial in the game.

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              • Edited by goldstarlestelle: 10/6/2017 3:27:41 PM
                Oh no, he did not say that did he...seriously.??!! Man does he think D2 is some kiddie cartoon that teaches life lessons with Care Bears This is kind of embarrassing imo. Jeeze.....still kind of in shock....

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                6 Replies
                • You can't be serious he said that right??? LOL October 10th is almost here and I'm heading back to Mordor. I got called an idiot for me spending 100 dollars on shadow of war while some people did the same thing. This community is full of hypocrites. No wonder why bungie doesn't even take its community seriously anymore. They don't even acknowledge our feedback sometimes

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                  • So when does this Friendship Live Event start?

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                  • It’s ok man. No one wants to be your friend anyway.

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                      Im in mcdonalds, reading the forums, on ma phone, geezer looks at me, hes by the condiments "wheres the salt???" I pass him my phone.

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                      5 Replies
                      • I've met no friends, but I've encountered a lot of uptight people who think they are god and everyone else is shit, and they are serious about how badass they are vs everyone else.. Sad, really, really sad!

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                      • can someone add the Friends Intro song to Destiny 2 trailer?...just something that would be funny

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                        • This is horrible lol. D2 is just not that good and it’s sad this is the response.

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                        • Seriously, what a fkn schmuck. 'Hey guysssss. We've noticed you're not un-hiding the fun the way we intended. You're supposed to enjoy the severe lack of content, variation and value-for-money [i]with ya matessss[/i]! See where all that [i]fun[/i] was hiding?!'

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                        • They have nothing left......

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                        • 61
                          Fun fact: The game's title was originally going to be "My Little Desiny: Friendship is Space Magic," but there were legal problems.

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                          • Friendship is the answer and there's no matchmaking on nightfalls.

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                          • Edited by OkamiToge: 10/7/2017 6:17:09 AM
                            He couldn't think of any more garbage to say so they've started looking up more BS. I BOUGHT D2 for ME not for 'FRIENDS' if they had givin me the money then yeah maybe, but they didn't. Gary is the only one that's 'legend' and he killed his friend.

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                          • "Friendship", what a load of lip service garbage. I am so over pathetic little people trying to take a high moral stance to win over the gullible masses, they use words like friend, like, love, duty of care etc in the most inappropriate places such as video games. These kinds of people are the ones that after shaking your hand you need to count your fingers as they are always looking to gain something from you. When a rep of a game development company starts using such terms I will no longer have anything to do with that company, their role is to make a product worth buying and worth playing not espouse saccharine coated bs in order to portray themselves as "nice people" in the hope that suckers will fall for it and decide "oh its not a bad game cos the people are nice". When people are false/fake with you it is showing you the greatest disrespect imo.

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