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Edited by Cozmo_BNG: 2/18/2017 8:14:41 PM

Upcoming Health Regen Perk Corrections

There were some unintended changes applied to Health Regen Perks due to a change to Hungering Blade. You can read the [url=]full Patch Notes[/url] here and the further Explanation of what happened [url=]here.[/url] In the last 3 days since the Hotfix we have been listening to the feedback from the community and been working on some corrections . Our current plan is to roll back most of the unintended changes like Ward of Dawn cast, and Embrace the void. You can read the full list of rollbacks below. The other affected Perks are getting different changes that the Sandbox design team believes will be more beneficial to the game rather than simply rolling back to the old settings. Here is Sandbox Designer Josh Hamrick with an explanation of the changes. [quote][b]Josh Hamrick[/b]: When we talked about Regen earlier in the week I ambiguously talked about what and when we would be making changes because I wasn’t entirely sure. The majority of the change wasn’t intentional, but when I looked at the problem from afar, I could see how it may be beneficial in some ways after hearing feedback from the community following the Sandbox preview stream. For example, some of you had concerns that Hungering Blade was changing while other similar perks, such as Cauterize, were not. This unintended change was going to give us the ability to see what that would look like to make both of those changes. I wanted to make it clear that it was possible that we could find something that we wanted to keep. I didn’t want to say that we’d put it all back, when we might not. Having an enemies ability or attack be able to completely erase any progress you've made and completely reset an encounter feels bad. Also, when 1 hit kill weapons are less dominant those abilities and attacks become more dominant, as they are much harder to stop. This change allows those abilities and attacks to still recover large portions of health and buy themselves more time without completely resetting the encounter and negating all cumulative damage that had come before. We have watched and listened all week and this is the current plan moving forward. I’m going to give numbers so that you have all the info, but [b][u]THESE NUMBERS MAY CHANGE:[/u][/b] For each of the elements below we are going to keep the change, but buff the amount of health you get back (+58%) - Hungering Blade - Red Death - Lifesteal - Transfusion (we are also removing the cooldown) - Cauterize (we are also removing the cooldown) For all the rest, we will be reverting the change entirely - Suros Regime - No Backup Plans - Ward of Dawn cast - Apotheosis Veil - Embrace the Void[/quote] We do not have a date that these changes will take place but are currently working on them and conducting tests. It is early in the process, so all of this is subject to change. But as of now, this is the plan. We will give you more details about when you can expect to see these changes in the game as soon as we can.

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  • Edited by theghost26000: 2/28/2018 10:59:58 PM
    add mantle and reactivate trials of osiris and iron banner for Destiny

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  • Day 31 of shitstorm... Monday announced today that there will be a whole lot of things that we can buy with real money. Still no word on how they're going to fix this stupid patch. Thanks Bungie. [spoiler]F*** you Josh.[/spoiler] [spoiler]🖕[/spoiler]

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  • Edited by Dano2point0: 3/6/2017 3:50:14 PM
    Allow me a moment to play conspiracy theorist (fixes tinfoil hat). There is no way that the original change to all health regen perks was by accident. At some point the Sandbox team had a shift in thinking on how or what kind of role health regen was to play in the game. Hotfix was an opportunity to gather information, perhaps for D2, and reexamine the role health regen has in Destiny. The +15-20% buff was simply a baseline or starting point to see how it impacted players. It was the minimum that it was going to be for any perk. If you want a clearer picture of how health regen works you collect a sample from various points to determine its overall effectiveness. Take Cauterize for example. - First trial=Full health regen on ability kill with no cooldown - Second trial= Full health regen on ability kill with 3 sec cooldown - Third trial (Current) = 15-20% health regen on ability kill with 3 sec cooldown - Fourth trial (Upcoming)= 58% health regen on ability kill with no cooldown The only explanation for these repeated changes, including under the pretense of collateral damage from changes to Hungering Blade, is that the Sandbox team is gathering multiple data points for future balancing efforts. If that's the case, just say it and be transparent about it.

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  • While you're at it, just go ahead and nerf golden gun....i think it's too OP because it kills too fast. /s [spoiler] fvcking idiots [/spoiler]

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  • The fact that destiny is so successful never ceases to amaze me. Bungie is so dishonest to the players and often doesn't seem to give a crap about its community often. They also have an unbelievable amount of glitches in their game that should have been caught easily. Cut content. Micro transaction. They give crap to their consumers yet continue to be successful... Thats like me pissing in a cup and selling it as lemonade in my front lawn and having a six figure income each year. Don't get me wrong, I still enjoy destiny. But I'm very shocked bungie is so successful with how they've treated the players and their game.

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    • Hearing Josh hamrick talk about nerfs makes the other nerfs make so much sense. He probably got killed in a super once with a 1k stare so he nerfed it. He probably got killed by a throwing knife one time while he was losing a match so he was mad. He probably ran into a tripmine even though it is easier to see than lights on a runway. Someone probably killed him in year one with red death and got their health back and he was mad so now he continues to nerf it. He probably got beat by blink in year one so he nerfed it because the idea of blink seems like it would be tough to beat. (He would know it's far from OP if he played the game)

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      • Edited by Man at Arms: 3/3/2017 8:40:28 PM
        Day 17 of shit storm... Destiny 2, great. Not one comment or sentence addressing what is going to happen, change, or stay unchanged in the new sandbox patch. Great misdirection. But I am still here to say... [spoiler]F*** you Josh.[/spoiler] [spoiler]🖕[/spoiler] You bought yourself at least 3 more weeks of the current partial birth abortion that is patch See you tomorrow f***er! 😄

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        • Day 18 of shit storm... [spoiler]F*** you Josh.🖕[/spoiler]

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        • Edited by Janus Geminus: 3/3/2017 6:26:22 PM
          Let me get this right? You knowingly broke major portions of weapon, armor and subclass functionality, you did so supposedly by accident. After community uproar you admit you messed up and will fix the accidental breakage you even detail what and how you'll fix it. You lead the community to believe the fix will come within a week's time. You then do not release any fix instead say your still testing the fix ... now you say hey we'll release the fix in a month along side a large content update (which historically always breaks something). Oh and icing on the cake ... nothing you do with this new content including the new micro transactions will be meaningful because in 6 months we're rebooting and leaving behind everything except your character's faces. Seriously??? All I can say is that Destiny 2 (or whatever it's called) better be absolutely amazing and more than we've ever asked for. Or else Destiny 2 (vanilla) might just be the last product you as an independent company ship.

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        • Just remove this litter box update, and try again... that's about all I can say. Don't put something out knowingly incorrect and say "we'll kinda fix it... soonish"

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        • Lol.....Cozmo you are an idiot. And everyone at Bungie is a moron. Here are three words for you masturbators'!!!! Horizon Zero Dawn.

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          49 Replies
          • Edited by TheCyo: 2/27/2017 3:52:58 PM
            I usually ran my Voidwalker once a week through Hard Crota soloing it (yes, still no Crux for me). Since they destroyed health regen, I havent used it in Crucible and I for sure have not used this shadow of former power in the raid. BTW: Even Red Death is no longer usable in this Raid. Great Job Bungie.

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            • Here's an idea: Balance PvE and PvP separately. As a PvE Bladedancer... Yes, despite the shit your encounter designers pull. You should probably hire better encounter designers, another free tip from me to you. What's the going rate for a consultant at Bungie any-way? Back on track: As a PvE Bladedancer I've grown more than weary of the constant "balancing". And no, the patch of gimmickry did not improve the situation to any significant enough degree to off set the endless stream of adjustments in an effort to "balance" PvP. It only cemented the go to choices as the go to choices for PvE. The game-play has become worse with every new patch. I used to be able to melee bosses with my melee focused sub-class because I had a decent amount of damage reduction while my super was active. I used to be able to go fast and was mobile, blinking from left to right without any cool down or UI shenanigans. But who am I kidding, you neither will read this, nor does the development team to have any care or clue about PvE players. I mean, how long have we being waiting for a fix for the Sword ammo bug?

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              • Just ditch your last patch and destiny will be much better again

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              • Edited by Aeon: 10/30/2022 4:41:23 PM
                So changes were an accident but we are keeping them kinda.

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              • Josh Hamrick and the other Bungie decision makers have yet to be terminated after knowing a patch was broken yet released it anyways? If not, eff off.

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              • What Bumgo is doing to this game is the equivalent of shooting someone, fatally wounding them and instead of taking them to the hospital for surgery you give them a bandaid and tell them they're good to go.

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                • Give me my special ammo now

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                • Edited by Man at Arms: 2/25/2017 4:33:22 PM
                  Day 10 of shit storm... I have offered many opinions over simce the 14th, and read the opinions and suggestions of many others; and the response for Josh Hamrick above has convinced me bungie more or less clueless with the daily workings of this game in PVE and PVP. I played in the crucible for seven hours yesterday. It was a rough day. So, here is a constructive group of suggestions. YES... I enjoy using sidearms. Stop the cheating. DDOS in trials. Red bar connections in crucible. Ban some people for cheating already. Matchmaking? What matchmaking. I played the same players over and over again. This happenedbin every playlist. You can't fix it. We know. Admit it already. Reverse all balancing patches to the beginning of time. You have tinkered and fiddle f***ed with this game so much you have no idea what's broken. Instead of buffing weapons you have nerfed every class of weapon and subclass into the ground. The game is in such a sorry state we are actually discussing a nerf to sidearms and No Land Beyond. Formerly the two worst weapons in the game because you have fist f***ed everything else into oblivion. After you undo all of this garbage you have seriouly over thought for 2 1/2 years maybe you can make a real balancing patch that doesn't castrate PVP and PVE. Stop letting Josh Hamrick speak. IRL I am sure he a good person. But a PR spokesperson he is not. Take his keyboard away and get someone in front of us who knows what their doing. Now, I know that nothing I have said is going to be read by anyone other than other guardians, and absolutely none of it will happen. So, in light of that fact let me conclude this rant. F*** you Josh Hamrick. Suck it bungie. I pray to the God above not one of you devs is on Destiny 2 other than as a player. But that is asking too much again because it is blindingly obvious you worthless c*** suckers don't play this game. [spoiler]🖕[/spoiler]

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                  23 Replies
                  • Can we all agree that losing your special ammo on after a trials round is stupid.

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                  • Day 16 of shit storm... The community collectively takes a deep breath and holds it until 9 am PST; waiting for the next phase of the shit show. Make or remain broken... we will see together. [spoiler]F*** you Josh.[/spoiler] [spoiler]🖕[/spoiler]

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                    5 Replies
                    • It's to late. The player base is dying. It's leaving and finding better games to play. You have taken way to long to fix the problem. You have shat on your player base way to many times and they are tired of it.

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                      • Excerpt from something I put elsewhere: [b]The Issue: Accidental Nerfs to Sunbreaker, Striker, Defender, and Voidwalker[/b] Bungie's Response: They actually kept all the nerfs in place when they deployed the patch, and then decided to make many of them permanent. The Result: Several subclasses that didn't need to be weaker... are now weaker. Bottom Line: These nerfs were unintentional. There was no data suggesting that any of these four subclasses needed to be weaker, in or out of the Crucible. Given that you made them weaker accidentally, why keep the nerfs at all? Is this some sort of "we refuse to admit we screwed up so we're not fixing our mistakes" thing? I expect better of professionals. Recommended action: [b]Undo all unintended nerfs.[/b] [i]I'll spare you the rest, but if interested, it's in the Competitive subforum.[/i]

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                        • 🤷🏽‍♂️ can't believe bungie has fallen so far and you expect this game to make it 10 years i am retired military and i like shooting things but a 8am i can't go to the range yet, so i usually shoot stuff on destiny but as soon as i wait for eternity to load in then fly to the tower i lose all interest in playing 1- i have no vault space and my characters are loaded down like hoarders 2- no point doing daily stuff bcus my marks are maxed and anything i buy won't fit in the vault or is under 400light or lame , ugly, or useless 3-i have maxed out most of my vault weapons to 400(the ones that can be) i have the armor sets i like, i'm re buying exotics to waste glimmer then just scrapping them do to NO space. 4-when i actually leave the tower with my head already down it's taking forever to load a game of IB just to be dropped into a 42-3 six on four game 5- yea i got some loot but oh i have no where to put it , nothing to infuse it with, and i already had it from like 4 IB ago. 6-so what about strikes? why do them most of the loot was nerfed into the ground and i have NO SPACE or care to have more then one of whatever 7-let's raid.... ummm no thanks the guns i don't like, the armor i don't care for(i have most of it just to have it) so again why do it if the loot is weak. oh and NO vault space for the crap anyway. I quit 10 years of playing COD even being ranked 300...something in the world in domination for Destiny and it's only year 2.5( bcus Bungie doesn't officially call it year 3) and it's lost so much momentum already. Well bungie i will ride it out with you but just letting you guys know that when a true die hard fan of the game like me doesn't want to really play anymore your doing something wrong. i would stop nerfing,lying, and listening to streamers as a good place to start for fixing your product..... well of to the firing range... maybe i will geek it up and pretend my revolvers are hand cannons when i'm shooting them...🤔

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                          • Why do u need to install invisible tech when we all know everybody is using sidearms

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                          • You intentionally look at what is used most (the best) and nerf it. Now you have f'kd up things you never intended to (actually did but got caught). Your new players may thank you, rightfully so, for making it child safe during war. Some of us remember the Crucible as a place where death was free and handed out quite liberally and with no provocation. We remember how to fight, die, and return to fight again. That's what you removed from Destiny. Good luck against the Darkness. I don't see them nerfing SIVA! Take the hint..,

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