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Edited by Captain_627: 12/16/2017 1:05:36 AM



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    • Edited by WILLtheKILLA5: 12/19/2017 12:27:14 AM
      It’s just barely good, no where near great with ALOT of problems.

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    • I enjoyed the humor on this movie. I liked it and I think people who don't are just so hell bent on not liking anything but the original trilogy. Poe was great in this movie I think he really came into character as well as Finn. It was nice to see Rey in the role of a Jedi and like doing the work of a master. Mark Hamil is without a doubt the best part of the movie and is great in every scene. I like Rose and crush on Finn that kinda blossoms into something real if it does feel a tad forced. We'll see how it goes in the next movie. Yoda come on! Loved kylo vs Rey and kylo killing Snoke. Things I didn't like, purple haired admiral lady was a bitch and boring, the snow planet at the end was kinda like hoth and I was like really? Again? The dumb leia scene. I mean she should of died there but know she suddenly has force powers. I mean I know she's a Skywalker but still that's ridiculous. The porgs were meh. We still know nothing about snoke so I'm hoping we learn more next movie. Also I know a lot of people are pissed about Phasma but I couldn't care less. I never saw the appeal of the character.

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      • Fantastic overall! I had a few minor gripes, especially about the Canto Bight story line and the comedy, but no movie is perfect. Big highlights were: That Holdo light speed sacrifice scene. Easily one of if not the most beautiful shots in the entire film! Can’t wait to see it in IMAX. Rey being a nobody. The idea that you don’t need to be a Skywalker or a Kenobi or anybody important to be a hero and make a difference is a powerful message, and one the galaxy needs to hear as the resistance is down to like 10 people at the end of this film. Snokes death scene. While I think we deserved something in the way of backstory to this guy, his death scene was fantastic. Trying to figure out Kyle’s intentions was an absolute roller coaster. Is he gonna kill Rey? Is he gonna join Rey? I liked that he used her to gain Snokes power was cool and really ads to the idea that he is probably unredeemable. The guard fight was one of the most brutal fight scenes in Star Wars, which was a great treat. Yoda. Need I say more? Literally anyone could die. I know that they didn’t end up killing Leia or Finn, but I was convinced both times. And anyone who’s crazy enough to kill off your main antagonist in the second film clearly has no qualms about killing people. Really raises the stakes and makes the tendon more real. Poe’s arc. Since he was supposed to die early in the original script for TFA, he was just kind of there. But giving him an arc and setting him up to be the new resistance leader after Leia is gone was really powerful. The Battle of Crait. One of the best 3rd acts of a Star Wars film to date. Definitely more enjoyable and less predictable than the Starkiller base scene. Even on Hoth I felt like the rebels had at least a fighting chance, even if it was a small one. But on Crait the resistance is down to like 10 people and the open salt fields are absolutely suicide for anyone fighting against those AT-M6s. The stakes were the highest here and kept me on the edge of my seat the entire way through. Luke’s Force Projection. Seeing Kylo’s absolute hatred for Luke was really cool. The fight scene was amazing, if you can call it a fight scene. The only thing that tipped me off was that he was carrying the lightsaber that was destroyed earlier. The Score. I know a lot of people said the score wasn’t amazing, but I’ve listened to it about 3 times over and there’s plenty of new stuff in there. It really fits the darker tone of the movie.

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        12 Replies
        • I liked the casino city thing. And when the guy is going through the weapons the owner of the ship manufactures and it shows an X-Wing, it's really the first time in Star Wars they've shown that good and bad are just relative, and to some people, this war just means business.

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          • Luke blue saber?

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            • I honestly hate Rey being a nobody mostly because she’s unnaturally gifted in the force, and didn’t need much training. Even Anakin, The Chosen, had to train.

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              • I hated the Force Awakens, and The Last Jedi was a big pile of meh. Finn's story could've been cut down and the Asian chick was useless as hell. Purple haired chick was a big "nobody cares." Poe should've been 2nd in command if the plan was going to fail anyways. Phasma, once again, was pointless. Adam Driver still isn't intimidating without his helmet Snoke....just what the hell Rey and Luke were the only interesting bits in the film. Everything else was just either boring or lacked direction

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                • Edited by Player3Th0mas: 12/16/2017 11:36:33 PM
                  Also I loved it. People giving it a 1/10 just because they didn't like the movies approach of Luke really need to -blam!- off. I can understand you giving it a 4 or a 5 if you didn't like one character, but a 1/10? You're not looking at any other factors that you should judge a movie on. Acting, other characters, plot, music. A 57% on rotten tomatoes is just bullshit. Just entitled fanboys who think their version of the story and characters is the only version. And if they don't like that one thing, it's a 1/10. Thays why you don't trust review sites.

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                  3 Replies
                  • 4/10 Things I hated 1. Admiral Ackbar's offscreen red shirt death 2. "Leia is unconscious; next in command is this other unqualified woman with no military background and weird hair" 3. Porgs 4. Slowass ww2 bombers. Wtf happened to y-wings?? 5. Luke losing the will to live Good things 1. Luke 2. Throne room fight 3. Yoda 4. Rebel defense outside gate UNTIL they totally bolted after the door was breached.

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                    • IX? Do you even know what Roman Numerals are?

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                      • Edited by Dr. Hard On: 12/17/2017 8:08:15 AM
                        Movie is 2/3s good in my opinion. I would’ve either changed the casino set to where they actually get that jack of all trades guy and remove that aware animals piece for Rose’s backstory. Or just delete it entirely, it’s not a necessary part of the movie really. I liked the stuff with Rey and Kylo. I want them to stop the whole religion thing, it’s bothering me. I was happy they made Rey’s parents nobodies. Her character is stronger because she isn’t just part of a strong force bloodline or something. I don’t know why every battle death was so violent. Everyone just screams so violently and go out in the biggest possible explosions. I didn’t like how the purple haired chick challengedPoe’s perspective on fighting battles. Like, Bitch all he did was ask what the plan was, don’t belittle him for that. I didn’t like how Snoke went out, he was a cool character for the 20 minutes of showtime he had. Imperial guard was badass Humor was good, but out of place in what looked like a darker look at Rey and Kylo’s future and importance in the balance. Actual Spoiler: [spoiler]I would’ve killed Leia. What’s worse is that they never acknowledge her force potency after that ridiculous scene where she comes back to life. [/spoiler] Everything else I liked, just some stuff seemed ridiculous to me, like the hyperspace tracking. I can get behind that, but why is it just Deus Ex Machina’d into the universe? Also, I liked the force connection stuff, but it confuses me. If Kylo got shot with the blaster through the connection and survived, how did Luke die to the lightsaber? Or hell, even the entire firing barrage laid down upon him?

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                      • The whole leia thing flying through space was really dumb imo she should of just died

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                        • Han Solo dies.

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                          • I couldn't stand Kylo's scare in the beginning it [i]TRIGGERED[/i] me for some reason...

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                          • Loved it, second best SW movie

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                          • <That scene with Holdo and the First Order fleet was quite... -blam!-ING AWESOME!! I MEAN HOLY SHIT THAT THING GOT A THIRD OF IT SLICED OFF!!>

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                            3 Replies
                            • You know, I'm okay with Rey's parents being nobodies. The idea that average people, not legends, are what is needed to defeat evil is a really powerful one. Hope the scene at the end with the kid and the broom hints they are going more in this direction.

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                              • Favorite scenes: - Luke tossing the lightsaber behind him - Slicing those ships in half with light speed - Luke taking on the entire army with his force projection - Kylo using the lightsaber on Snoke's armrest to slice him in half - Kylo and Rey fighting the guards side by side - All of the force connection scenes between Kylo and Rey That's it

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                              • The Last Jedi was pretty mediocre. Thankfully it wasn't as much of a copy/paste as TFA was, but it was still pretty bland and predictable. I would've liked to see Rey join Kylo but knew it would never happen. As far as the new brand of Star Wars is concerned, it was decent...miles ahead of TFA but a bit worse than Rogue One.

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                                • It was an alright experience, to me. It's not what I expected going and tbh it's not what I wanted out of the movie. First off me let just say, I don't think episode 8 is bad. I think it's pretty good, but there were [i]so many[/i] missed opportunities here. They had a lot of chances to delve deep into Star Wars mythology, tackling the morality of the Jedi and the Sith. But they didn't because they wanted Mark Hamill to have one more sassy line. Seriously, Luke practically calls out the Jedi for their hubris, and Rey has a little freak out but then they move on. Its like the movie doesn't really take itself seriously in some parts of the film. I will say that Kylo Ren has drastically improved in this movie compared to the last. He's become my favorite character out of the new trilogy so far. I liked the connection he had with Rey, to the point that they each provided the other their strength. However, that connection was then absolutely cheapened with Snoke. Snoke is probably one of the worst characters, and villains, I've ever seen. They set him up to be this powerful, ominous figure all through out episode 7, and then dumb him down to some asshole in gold robes. Who then later gets cut in half. The only satisfaction that I get out of Snoke is that at least now all of his origin theories are gonna have to die with him. And on the topic of villains, is it just me or is the First Order kind of lame? Poe manages to disarm an entire dreadnaught, which later gets destroyed. Then they lose an entire fleet to a kamikaze attack that could have been prevented, and then they get shown up at the rebel stronghold. General Hux has got to be the most incompetent and wimpish officer I've ever seen. He went from being a somewhat intimidating figure in episode 7, akin to Grand Moff Tarkin, to a literal punching bag in episode 8. Now onto the rebels side. Both Leia and Finn should have died. Leia because she got blown out into [i]space[/i]. No amount of force sensitivity should have saved her ass. Finn's sacrifice was him showing that he was finally not afraid of the First Order. That he was done running, and instead he was gonna stick it to them. Now, some extremely good qualities of the movie are obviously the looks and the sounds. The movie is absolutely gorgeous, from Luke's hideaway island to the First Order Fleet's destruction to the crystal caves of the rebel stronghold. The fight scene in Snoke's throne room was in my opinion the greatest Star Wars scene filmed yet. Overall, I'd give the movie a 7/10. Like I said before, it's not what I expected or wanted. But it definitely has its high points

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                                  • I never thought i'd type these words.... The new Star Wars movies are making the prequels look good.

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                                    • Edited by Payola: 12/17/2017 5:51:31 AM
                                      Tbh, I dont see it much of a starwars movie but just a straight dark comedy(not saying other star wars movies and other media didnt have comedic elements). Feels like they tried to make literally everything a joke and while some of it was amazing, a lot of jokes just sucked. I really enjoyed it and need to see it a second time to see how i really feel. Overall, especially after watching the force awakens just hours before seeing the last jedi the movies really just dont link together right at all. Super disappointing for people like me that love the lore and was expecting to see and learn a lot about snoke, the knights of ren, and who rey is. Pretty much the whole movie just completely shit on all of the extremely important plot points the last movie had to make this a good sequel.

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                                    • How did the gambler dude learn about the rebel plan to cloak everybody and run

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                                      4 Replies
                                      • I heard that there was some kind of kinky Luke scene so now I'm scared to watch it with my family.

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                                        • I kinda feel like Snoke was palpatine, considering any possible way he could have lived. A scar like that could come from a big fall, the way he talked about Vader... And cuz, lightning fingers...

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