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originally posted in: STAR WARS 8 DISCUSSION
12/17/2017 3:29:18 AM
It was an alright experience, to me. It's not what I expected going and tbh it's not what I wanted out of the movie. First off me let just say, I don't think episode 8 is bad. I think it's pretty good, but there were [i]so many[/i] missed opportunities here. They had a lot of chances to delve deep into Star Wars mythology, tackling the morality of the Jedi and the Sith. But they didn't because they wanted Mark Hamill to have one more sassy line. Seriously, Luke practically calls out the Jedi for their hubris, and Rey has a little freak out but then they move on. Its like the movie doesn't really take itself seriously in some parts of the film. I will say that Kylo Ren has drastically improved in this movie compared to the last. He's become my favorite character out of the new trilogy so far. I liked the connection he had with Rey, to the point that they each provided the other their strength. However, that connection was then absolutely cheapened with Snoke. Snoke is probably one of the worst characters, and villains, I've ever seen. They set him up to be this powerful, ominous figure all through out episode 7, and then dumb him down to some asshole in gold robes. Who then later gets cut in half. The only satisfaction that I get out of Snoke is that at least now all of his origin theories are gonna have to die with him. And on the topic of villains, is it just me or is the First Order kind of lame? Poe manages to disarm an entire dreadnaught, which later gets destroyed. Then they lose an entire fleet to a kamikaze attack that could have been prevented, and then they get shown up at the rebel stronghold. General Hux has got to be the most incompetent and wimpish officer I've ever seen. He went from being a somewhat intimidating figure in episode 7, akin to Grand Moff Tarkin, to a literal punching bag in episode 8. Now onto the rebels side. Both Leia and Finn should have died. Leia because she got blown out into [i]space[/i]. No amount of force sensitivity should have saved her ass. Finn's sacrifice was him showing that he was finally not afraid of the First Order. That he was done running, and instead he was gonna stick it to them. Now, some extremely good qualities of the movie are obviously the looks and the sounds. The movie is absolutely gorgeous, from Luke's hideaway island to the First Order Fleet's destruction to the crystal caves of the rebel stronghold. The fight scene in Snoke's throne room was in my opinion the greatest Star Wars scene filmed yet. Overall, I'd give the movie a 7/10. Like I said before, it's not what I expected or wanted. But it definitely has its high points

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