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originally posted in: STAR WARS 8 DISCUSSION
12/16/2017 6:43:02 PM
Fantastic overall! I had a few minor gripes, especially about the Canto Bight story line and the comedy, but no movie is perfect. Big highlights were: That Holdo light speed sacrifice scene. Easily one of if not the most beautiful shots in the entire film! Can’t wait to see it in IMAX. Rey being a nobody. The idea that you don’t need to be a Skywalker or a Kenobi or anybody important to be a hero and make a difference is a powerful message, and one the galaxy needs to hear as the resistance is down to like 10 people at the end of this film. Snokes death scene. While I think we deserved something in the way of backstory to this guy, his death scene was fantastic. Trying to figure out Kyle’s intentions was an absolute roller coaster. Is he gonna kill Rey? Is he gonna join Rey? I liked that he used her to gain Snokes power was cool and really ads to the idea that he is probably unredeemable. The guard fight was one of the most brutal fight scenes in Star Wars, which was a great treat. Yoda. Need I say more? Literally anyone could die. I know that they didn’t end up killing Leia or Finn, but I was convinced both times. And anyone who’s crazy enough to kill off your main antagonist in the second film clearly has no qualms about killing people. Really raises the stakes and makes the tendon more real. Poe’s arc. Since he was supposed to die early in the original script for TFA, he was just kind of there. But giving him an arc and setting him up to be the new resistance leader after Leia is gone was really powerful. The Battle of Crait. One of the best 3rd acts of a Star Wars film to date. Definitely more enjoyable and less predictable than the Starkiller base scene. Even on Hoth I felt like the rebels had at least a fighting chance, even if it was a small one. But on Crait the resistance is down to like 10 people and the open salt fields are absolutely suicide for anyone fighting against those AT-M6s. The stakes were the highest here and kept me on the edge of my seat the entire way through. Luke’s Force Projection. Seeing Kylo’s absolute hatred for Luke was really cool. The fight scene was amazing, if you can call it a fight scene. The only thing that tipped me off was that he was carrying the lightsaber that was destroyed earlier. The Score. I know a lot of people said the score wasn’t amazing, but I’ve listened to it about 3 times over and there’s plenty of new stuff in there. It really fits the darker tone of the movie.

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