I've been farming heroic bounties for hours and I am never rewarded with a red border weapon. If bungie didn't want us to craft these weapons, why in the hell are they so hard to aquire? I've tried all farming methods, none of them are dropping red border weapons.
They added red borders to heroic public events and significantly lowered drop rates from vip patrols. One way to destroy the only somewhat target farm there was...
Bearbeitet von Kouz_MC: 6/6/2023 4:41:24 AMYep, silent nerf happened week 3 or 4. A silent nerf also just happened a couple days ago for seasonal activities. Deep Dives Tier 5 used to drop 1 or even 2 red frames every single completion. I completed 5 tier 5 runs yesterday with a friend and no one had any red frames. These silent nerfs here and there every week are a curiosity for me. Why are some nerfs in the twab, and other massive adjustments to drop rates not? Like hey, sure we care to know that “the purple in color blind setting 25, row 15, column 75, soft taint, on the reticle wasn’t displaying properly,” however hey, we reduced the drop rate from 100% for tier 5 to 0% is not to be disclaimed. Typical bobo coco.
Non of the Neomuna weapons are worth it
The heroic patrols got nerfed btw.
Did they remove them? I havent had one in SOTD yet
To be honest I stopped patrolling Neomuna pretty quick after the campaign. Just not fun slogging on around a patrol area that annoying… one shot threshers, red bar bullet sponges, and lackluster rewards. I’m usually a completionist but I’m barely halfway on some of the the terminal overide things and only unlocked one red border.
Aside from the quest red borders, I’ve literally had 3 red borders drop from Neptune. Just gonna spend all the deepsight harmonizers to get the rest, but even then I’ll still be one short right now.
you have to get them from the public event now. they changed it.
I hear ya, I just stopped trying.
Yeah same here, still haven't crafted one weapon from that set.
They did something to it since the new season the exotic patrols give other rewars to before it was only neo guns
Yeah i keep getting ones i have allready crafted when all i need is one nore pulse to drop
nimbus rankups after level 30 after you aquire all the gear he has, will drop nothing but weapons. that's your best bet.
nimbus rankups after level 30 after you aquire all the gear he has, will drop nothing but weapons. that's your best bet.
Legend campaign on all 3 characters followed by season pass upgrade material is the only way now I Think. I got most of them from the campaign and topped up with the material that lets you make it a red border.
Good luck I was around level 100 with Nimbus before I finally got my last one. It took me over a month just for one red border and from about level 30 with Nimbus to around 100. I had the rest before they nerfed the drops luckily. After the nerf heroic patrols never dropped a a single one for me and I did at least 5-10 a day some days far more than that. Even had others helping and most of them just gave up on ever getting the rest of what they need.
Yeah they’re terrible. Hopefully Bungie boosts their drop rate soon. Last night I finally hit the bullet and spent a deepsight key thing on a Round Robin to get the last one I needed.
The strand machine gun and the SMG - both non craftable - are pretty good. I would like to get the heavy wave frame launcher though. And also can't get red borders. Anyway. Who cares.
In reality.. why do you want them? Lol they are all doodoo
Bearbeitet von Obi-Juan: 6/5/2023 1:16:27 PMThe neomuna deepsights are clearly ruined after they used to be easy on release. Bungie has probably massively decreased the droprate to the point where they are practically nonexistent. Do yourself a favour and the weapon you are hunting the most, spend your seasonal pass deepsight harmonizers on getting it's deepsight. Did that for my final round robins.
Same. I had to use a Deepsight Harmonizer yesterday. :/
Bearbeitet von rottingvermin: 6/5/2023 2:23:55 PMDidn’t one of the updates say they lowered drop rate of deepsight on heroic patrols? Found it “REWARDS Faction chests on EDZ and Nessus are now awarding Glimmer and XP. Added Neomuna weapons as a drop change from completing Heroic Public Events Reduce Neomun weapons drop chance from VIP Patrols ”
Yea that part of the game is pretty grindy lol
I don’t even think I’ve gotten one yet 😅 How’re you supposed to get them?
Bearbeitet von The Hermit IX: 6/5/2023 11:02:32 AMThey do drop and I finished getting all my deep sights last week. I’ve crafted the fusion and the pulse. I’d suggest running Heroic public events, Heroic patrols, doing all the weekly rewards and missions. Also fill up on Nimbus bounties regularly. I did get some from him with reputation rank rewards. You can get 3 guaranteed deep sights per character by completing the campaign on all of them. Good luck and the drop rates were better the start of this season for me.
I've only had red border weapons drop from Public Events and Nimrod rank ups. I was farming those gold patrols but gave up ages ago. Do Public Events while completing bounties, patrols and opening chests and gathering the region materials for Pneumonia rank, best way but still takes ages.