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ursprünglich gepostet in: Neomuna redborder weapons unobtainable!!!!
6/5/2023 5:36:01 AM
In reality.. why do you want them? Lol they are all doodoo

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  • Bearbeitet von Desolator0: 6/5/2023 6:29:33 PM
    Phyllotactic Spiral is an Arc Messenger but with Voltshot, Round Robin is a craftable Strand Loud Lullaby, and Iterative Loop is an S-tier PvE/PvP fusion rifle. What are you talking about?

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  • [quote]Phyllotactic Spiral is an Arc Messenger but with Voltshot, Round Robin is a craftable Strand Loud Lullaby, and Iterative Loop is an S-tier PvE/PvP fusion rifle. What are you talking about?[/quote] Iterative S-tier? Ahahahaha, there are better picks

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  • [quote]Iterative S-tier? Ahahahaha, there are better picks[/quote] You're insane. Iterative is the only Voltshot fusion in the game and it's free DPS with a Bait and Switch Apex + Izanagi's or Witherhoard. You get even freer DPS with its Nanotech Rockets.

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  • Bearbeitet von The-IIID-Emp1r3: 6/7/2023 7:56:35 PM
    [quote][quote]Iterative S-tier? Ahahahaha, there are better picks[/quote] You're insane. Iterative is the only Voltshot fusion in the game and it's free DPS with a Bait and Switch Apex + Izanagi's or Witherhoard. You get even freer DPS with its Nanotech Rockets.[/quote] As if i care about a perk that's only active on kill-reload, specially on something that CAN reload so slow, volshot is only good on an smg/sidearm or the Mechabre Imagine being so sweaty that you'd bring it up with the argument "itS thE bEst FrEE DpS", absolute lol

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  • [quote]As if i care about a perk that's only active on kill-reload, specially on something that CAN reload so slow, volshot is only good on an smg/sidearm or the Mechabre Imagine being so sweaty that you'd bring it up with the argument "itS thE bEst FrEE DpS", absolute lol[/quote] So you're just a bot who's never heard of Compulsive Reloader + Voltshot and is incapable of leaving a single trash add alive to kill 💀 Use whatever you want, but it is objectively the best free DPS, and if you want to take 5 phases and waste time killing your bosses, be my guest lol

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  • Bearbeitet von The-IIID-Emp1r3: 6/7/2023 8:07:23 PM
    [quote][quote]As if i care about a perk that's only active on kill-reload, specially on something that CAN reload so slow, volshot is only good on an smg/sidearm or the Mechabre Imagine being so sweaty that you'd bring it up with the argument "itS thE bEst FrEE DpS", absolute lol[/quote] So you're just a bot who's never heard of Compulsive Reloader + Voltshot and is incapable of leaving a single trash add alive to kill 💀 Use whatever you want, but it is objectively the best free DPS, and if you want to take 5 phases and waste time killing your bosses, be my guest lol[/quote] "5phases" Dude what boss are you implying, we didn't have issues with bosses in this game requiring max 2-3 phases (omitting GotD bosses because bungo made them have more hp than even Nezarec and this dungeon is a 3 player activity so), things haven't changed, for you to bring up 5 sounds like copium, are you telling us you require this loadout to do your part for the team in a raid? Because i don't, i don't need this to get things done, i get by with anything that was previously meta... Because they still are if used right [quote]So you're just a bot who's never heard of Compulsive Reloader + Voltshot[/quote] Oh yeah I'm def new to this game /s [quote]is incapable of leaving a single trash add alive to kill [/quote] Cope

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  • I want the hand cannons and pulse rifle, the only 2 I really care about. I really like the pulse rifle. It's a good arc pulse, IMO

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  • [quote]In reality.. why do you want them? Lol they are all doodoo[/quote] It's not that this comment won't age well, it's more that it's just completely wrong

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  • The Pulse, HC and Fusion are all solid and worth a pickup. HC and Fusion are both probably the best currently obtainable of their archetype, and the pulse has some good rolls for PvP.

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  • [quote]In reality.. why do you want them? Lol they are all doodoo[/quote] Lol, no a crafted Round Robin is actually insane.

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