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Destiny 2

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5/23/2022 1:00:24 AM

Bungie Shills/Mindless consumers

Due to the amount of heat I got for my previous post about why Leviathan should be brought back as free content in the legends tab I want to pose another question. Why do so many people that play this game act like mindless consumers who believe bungie is capable of doing no wrong? No matter what their practices are, even if a situation actually disadvantages themselves these players will mindlessly support the status quo and believe bungie is correct and right in what they are doing. The only evidence I have for this is people who were pro vaulting content (weapon sunsetting is a whole different can of worms which I am not ready to open). And people who actively think the game should have less free content (people who seem to love pay-walls?) I appreciate bungie has put out some amazing work in their games and I myself love what they are doing with the narrative and story in the present game. But paying for every piece of content while having no appetite for critique is a blatantly naive and honestly quite childish mindset to be in. Why does this exist?

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  • Bearbeitet von GR3Y_F0X0076: 5/24/2022 6:58:59 PM
    I can appreciate the F2P wanting good endgame stuff, and if they are new its an Oof, I'm willing to venture most of the player base has played since 2017 I myself since 2018. Leviathan was stale as fun as it was, menagerie was not stale, but needed a tuning. Im glad they took it out to re vamp it. Mars Io Titan and Mercury, out of the 4, Io and Mercury should have gone, Zero Hour moved to the tower like prophecy. EP on Mars and the Worm God Strike alone worth it. And I always had fun on Titan. Data wise mars and titan staying and having the throne world added to Mars probably would not have made WQ download any better\worse. Lore and story of it, actually having things disappearb within the game. Like planets and ships [and the activities therein] is pretty cool and does breath life into a game. As a heavy MMO [WoW, EverQuest, Trion's Rift] player having all the things all the time after 3 expansions gets stale fast. Besides If the game were to be"REAL" most of the things us guardians have done would have resulted in final deaths and one and done scenarios. He'll even tabletops like D&D Warhammer 40k are almost all one and dones and you only keep your character and the next "game session" is a whole new oddly connected experience. Food for thought.

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  • Bearbeitet von Woko Haram: 5/23/2022 3:45:57 AM
    Bungie has integrated many manipulative practices to get people addicted to the game without their knowledge. A lot of these people are the same people who will die on the Bungo hill regardless of how ridiculous the argument may be. This game has tons of aim assist and fluid movement which tricks the average player into thinking they are some sort of gaming god when this is not the case. Since they only get that feeling playing Destiny they become addicted and attached to it and will double down in their defense of this shitty hamster wheel mobile game. A good example of this is when they deliberately release things that are overpowered but locked behind a substantial paywall only to nerf it into the ground once the sales numbers drop off. These average players who think they are gaming gods will start dying to these broken items in crucible or see someone else excel in a raid etc w said items and that will hurt their fragile ego and thus they purchase the ever increasing amount of monetized trash in this game only for it to get nerfed then it's on the the next thing. The nepotistic relationship between Bungo and content creators is another means of manipulation. Clickbait vids about the newest and most broken/OP gun/item that is in reality just some halfassed reskin of an older weapon but seems strong because the player using it can use any weapon in the game and slay out in public lobbies due to the deliberately unbalanced matchmaking which favors said content creators perpetuates this shitty and manipulative cycle. This game is structured very carefully and deliberately. It just seems like Bungo are trash developers who are creatively bankrupt when the truth is that they are very creative but morally bankrupt. Just look at what the employees of the company say to the players, it's always the same non-answer or some sort of sarcastic remark. Other times its actual gaslighting.

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    4 Antworten
    • [i][/i] The shills have found this post

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      • Bearbeitet von piratepatchy243: 5/23/2022 2:36:29 AM
        It's pretty simple, you're going to have disagreements.

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        2 Antworten
        • Imagine you're the voice actor for Dominus Ghaul or Asher MIr... You worked hard and are proud of the recording work and personality you put into the character. Then Bumgie steps in and decides to completely DELETE AND REMOVE all traces of the content you performed in. All your work erased from history. What other medium, movie, game, show, book has this happened in? Kind of sad and pathetic Bungie does this.

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          • I'm not for it but I understand why some people are pro vaulting

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          • If you don't support Bungie's practices, just stop giving them money. Honestly, it baffles me that people complain about Bungie so much yet continue to patronize them.

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          • It exists because people have different thresholds on what they deem acceptable. For me, Destiny is the only game i play and i believe that $125 is an acceptable price to pay for a full year of gaming. This, plus the fact that i continue to enjoy the content released makes it a pretty simple decision. Others won’t agree and that is absolutely fine. It’s that simple.

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            6 Antworten
            • [quote]Due to the amount of heat I got for my previous post about why Leviathan should be brought back as free content in the legends tab I want to pose another question. Why do so many people that play this game act like mindless consumers who believe bungie is capable of doing no wrong? No matter what their practices are, even if a situation actually disadvantages themselves these players will mindlessly support the status quo and believe bungie is correct and right in what they are doing. The only evidence I have for this is people who were pro vaulting content (weapon sunsetting is a whole different can of worms which I am not ready to open). And people who actively think the game should have less free content (people who seem to love pay-walls?) I appreciate bungie has put out some amazing work in their games and I myself love what they are doing with the narrative and story in the present game. But paying for every piece of content while having no appetite for critique is a blatantly naive and honestly quite childish mindset to be in. Why does this exist?[/quote] Not getting another dime from me lol all this time no new matchmaker or dedicated servers then where has our money gone to enhance our experience???

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            • Bearbeitet von Dredgen Araphel: 5/23/2022 12:38:56 PM
              I have the choice and right to pay for goods and services for the games I like and play. Siding with a bunch of freemiums and mostly burnt out players doesn't benefit me in the slightest its my money.

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              • Didn’t they say that the vaulted content would eventually come back with new stuff to do for free? I swear that was the case but idk maybe I’m just crazy.

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                • The usual ones here have been doing it here since the halo days I've seen. The problem is Bungie has been enabling them so much through inaction for over a decade that they're completely institutionalized and indoctrinated. It's actually quite tragic what Bungie has done to them.

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                  • When the bungie defence force hit the forums usually means we are in for a very content light season… or they are preparing to make us pay extra money …

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