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10/6/2020 8:00:22 PM

Zero Hour Herioc...unable to pick up keypad

To whom it may concern, I am on the last singe (solar) for the “Repair Schematics” quest. I’ve done and finished both Arc and Void, but when trying to do solar this week it won’t let me acquire the solar keypad. I’ve restarted my Xbox1, I’ve turned it off and unplugged it for 5 minutes along with unplugging and restarting my internet and nothing is working. It still won’t let me pick up the solar keypad. The two other members in my fire team were able to pick up the key pad. The two other members in my fire team were able to pick it up. Please have a timely reply and fix to this issue as it’s being vaulted and I’d like to get this done while I can. Thanks.

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  • Hi. Thanks for your report. You may want to [url=]clear your console cache[/url] and then try again. If on PC, You may want to [url=]verify the integrity of your game files[/url] in the Steam app to see if that helps with your issue. Could you provide a video of this occurring so we can look into it further? A YouTube, Twitter, or [url=][/url] link would be the best way for us to view it.

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