[quote]Today, Update 2.7.1 introduced an issue that affected currencies and pursuits. We immediately brought the game offline to mitigate any loss of materials while we investigated. We have identified the issue and the good news is that we were able to deploy an update to the server and will not have to update the game client.
We have rolled all character data back to our most recent backup at 8:30 a.m. Pacific before the issue was introduced. This will restore any lost materials caused by the issue, but players will lose any progress they made if they played between 8:30 a.m and 10:20 a.m. when we brought the game down for maintenance. Any purchases made using Silver or Bright Dust during this window will need to be repurchased. Any Silver spent or purchased will be restored.
The server update is complete and we are beginning to bring the game back online now. Stay tuned to @Bungiehelp for updates.[/quote]
Once again you puked a patch on us without proper beta testing, perhaps your whole team needs to learn and memorize this phrase “would yo like fries with that sir”
SMH bungle.
I don't think you know what "beta testing" means...but hell...don't let that stop you. Tell us how you really feel.
[quote]I don't think you know what "beta testing" means...but hell...don't let that stop you. Tell us how you really feel.[/quote] I know all too well about beta testing patches and updates, been in IT for over 30 years. I guess that much experience dealing with Microsoft and Mac deployments rules me out in your eyes. Lol tommie lol
lol pretty good man
P45 time and even the fast food chains would likely say no once they learn who they used to work for 😂
Bungle would likely find a way to nerf them fries accidentally
What In this event could have possibly impacted your very important life to make such a mean comment? Grow up.
It shows their incompetence on delivering patches. Note that I said "delivering" because I believe that they never tested any patches they put out. So much so that this last screw up caused something never seen before on Destiny 1 OR 2: a Total rollback.
Maybe you have to start on some big software projects. There is enough testing, but finally someting went wrong and have to be solved. At my current position, release means that systems goes offline for 2 DAYS, and often you can see many open issues after that 2 day period. THere was some data migration to change some inventory limits and someting was broken. I can imagine that you cant find that problem if you have some limited data sample for test purposes or that live data are somehow broken/inconsisten, which is nothing special, it happens in real live every day. Guess that Bungie did best with fixing problem. They shut down server to avoid when they identify problem. They use last possible backup (snapshot) , then they fix data migration scripts and did that migration again. After then servers goes online. Sure there is small gap about 2hrs, which is not covered. Sure it is possible to revert data and add progress but it will require deep analysis how correctly add progess from those two hours, and implement some new migration. Too much effort to fix that.
Bearbeitet von Dragunov1987: 1/29/2020 3:09:19 PMYou would be right if it was something like a bug on a Raid encounter or something very specific (like It was on the "Ogre crash to orbit" that happened on Last Wish before). However, this time was something VERY obvious. You, literally, just had to login in the game to notice that your Mats and currencies were gone. Hell, I haven't even logged in the game (saw on DIM my Enhancement Cores were gone from 147 to 5 and my glimmer gone). They didn't even try the patch out this time, if they did, they would surely have noticed, as everyone else did. Maybe the "Why it happened" was hard to discover, and that's natural with so many lines of code, but the main problem is that they didn't know that this happened (which, again, was a VERY perceptive thing) and rolled out the update on live servers, proving that, as many people thought, they didn't test the update. Edit: Typos.
It didn't happen to everyone. Maybe it's a little more complicated than you think.
It happened to enough people to justify a rollback, something that the Destiny franchise never did. The cause is more complicated? Fair enough. Not noticing the problem on the QA part of the process? THAT'S what bugs people (myself included).
It’s a big universe and this is just a video game. Bungie is now trying to roll out an enormous amount of content in very short windows. Play it or not. Just don’t be mean about it, that’s all.
What enormous amount of content? Where and what? You don't mean those few small extra rooms and couple of weapons and armors. (Maybe you meant Eververse crap?) There are brutal long standing bugs in client, atrocious netcode (P2P was never good idea), bad servers and with each change brand new bonkers bugs. (Fun especially in paid content like inability to interact with EDZ obelisk) Mean comment? That was still very mild. You want mean comment? Not trusting them even with fries. Maybe they should start copying some other developers, like providing Public Beta, killing P2P netcode (or at least have servers monitor matches to spot anomalies) and start fullfiling their promises (like that fabled amount of content)
You have no idea what you're talking about. https://gist.github.com/nessus42/f12f094e4abe30c0d00c9b4c86c387ce https://youtu.be/Iryq1WA3bzw
He has every right to say what he pleases just as you. If you don’t like him being mean don’t read his moments. That’s all.
[quote]It’s a big universe and this is just a video game. Bungie is now trying to roll out an enormous amount of content in very short windows. Play it or not. Just don’t be mean about it, that’s all.[/quote] How much did smoke before making those comments.
It shows they dont test there patches, that can be a major issue. If they tested there patches alot of bugs that come out due to “patches” or “fixes” could be mitigated. Seemed obvious
It was fault on some data migration, not patch itself. You cant, usually, test those data migrations on full real data sample. You often have just small testing data samples, which do not correspond live data, which can be in different conditions - inconsintent, faulty... that is nothing special it is normal in many big systems.
I take it that you and the OP are both game developers that have years of experience in making online looter shooters. You both are probably experts at implementing fixes, patches, nerfs and buffs. Otherwise you’d never make comments about something you have no clue about.
By your logic, If someone sells you a car without a motor, you wouldn't have the right to complain, seeing as YOU (probably) doesn't have "years of experience in building cars". Same thing if you go to a restaurant and they serve you burned food since you "don't have years of experience running a restaurant". See how your excuse is nothing more than bull?
If someone buys a car without a motor? What kind of excuse is that? Bungie cannot upload a patch/update without QM assessment listing to either XBL, PSN or Steam. People are claiming that Bungie isn’t testing their updates before taking them live. This just isn’t possible. XBL/PSN/Steam wouldn’t allow it. If I don’t know what I’m about, then I usually keep my mouth shut 🤐
Bearbeitet von Dragunov1987: 1/29/2020 3:54:02 PMThen, PLEASE, explain to me HOW they would test a patch, see that it drained all of their resources and still launch it. Because it was VERY obvious that "something was missing".
Again, you are making assumptions that they don’t test or knew that it would bug the system. We’re talking about a complicated hybrid server system, and like I said in another thread... the butterfly effect where a small flap of wings can have massive impact elsewhere can slip thru any testing.
Dude, the issue was literally on their faces. No one opened their character screen during testing? Or their inventory? Or the "testing" was to see if the game "went into obrit" and launched a patrol? If your QA doesn't detect that something is wrong on the main menu of your char, something is VERY wrong with said QA.