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12/7/2017 4:20:07 PM

So , wheres the communication now??

You preached about listening and being more involved with our concerns. Yet here we are, 2 days later after you dropped a turd into the toilet. Yet still no comments about how underwhelming your DLC is? How people are being blocked out of the prestige modes if they didn't buy the DLC. How your new strike is a story mission with 2 others? How most weapons are re-skins again of previous weapons? How short the actual content of the DLC was? How much more angry your player base is? How dead the game feels right after a new DLC drops? How there is no time frame to fix Prom. Lens which is crippling PVP? Do you honestly think $20 was worth what you gave us? Stop being dick weeds and do something about this turd you call a game, no more PR bullshit. This isn't even a fall from grace. Its more like swan diving down a 20 step flight of stairs.

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  • Do you need them to hold your hand, tell you it's okay and put a binky in your mouth? FFS. DeeJ actually communicated yesterday, check his twitter. The whiners on this forum are absolutely ridiculous.

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    10 Antworten
    • 1. They said yesterday that they are looking into a solution for the Prestige activity problem. 2. They said **pre-launch** that two of the story missions were going to be expanded into strikes and added to the strike playlist. That is not a "problem". 3. If you think "most of the weapons are "reskins" you haven't played very far into the content. 4. WTF did you think you were going to get for $20....exactly? 5. They cancelled their last marketing stream, and put out nearly an hour-long podcast last week to addresss that anger. As well as a detailed blog post outlining changes to the game, that was updated in yesterday's weekly TWAB. 6. Not sure what game you're playing, but numbers were upto 2 million players yesterday, and a third of 60+ member clan was on last night, and were almost to Level 1....and I haven't even played 2 of my three characters yet. Cause I'm doing the weapon quests on my main. 7. They said yesterday, that a patch fixing the Promethus Lens bug will be pushed with the scheduled patch on Tues. 12/12. 8. Yes, compared to what I've gotten from DLC for other games? Yes. Communication is a two-way street. Bungie needs to talk......but we also need to LISTEN.

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      205 Antworten
      • I bought a used flesh light for $20...Now that was some money well spent

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      • Bearbeitet von Nicewander: 12/8/2017 4:47:03 AM
        [b]HOW DARE YOU![/b] [b]BUNGIE DEFENSE FORCE ASSEMBLE![/b] We must fight all [u]heretics[/u] like this guy who is railing against Destiny 2, it's amazing content, it's [i]superb competitive multiplayer [/i]and it's astounding replayability! Nothing compares to its greatness! [b]THE SILENT MAJORITY STANDS WITH BUNGIE'S DECISIONS![/b] Just look all over the internet! The game sites, youtubers and the game's population [b]praise[/b] this game daily! This game is ten times better than that old game Halo, with it's [u]stupid[/u] [b]8v8 Capture the Flag on Blood Gulch[/b]. Screw that noise, all I want to play is [b]4v4 Survival on Legion's Gulch![/b] Talk about vastly superior level design and amazing gameplay! All of you [u]naysayers[/u] should just go! The majority want this game to be this way, that's why the population is in the [i]five millions[/i]! If you say otherwise, you are just spreading [b]fake news.[/b] [b]So shew away and let us enjoy this incredible sequel and all of it's glory! [/b] [i]Bungie is the best game company of all time. [b]Over 700 talented individuals and two external studios delivered this magnum opus.[/b] There is no other FPS in the world that can compare to it's stellar gameplay and action-packed hero moment infused competitive gameplay![/i] I can't wait to see this game lead the way in E-Sports, right alongside[i] Overwatch[/i] and [i]League of Legends[/i]. With it's incredibly interesting gameplay, there is no wonder it is [b]Top 5 on Twitch[/b] everyday! [b]Y'all are just jealous of the amazing success of Destiny 2. Get over it snowflakes and move on to other games.[/b] EDIT: [b]I DON'T KNOW IF Y'ALL ARE WATCHING THE GAME AWARDS, BUT DESTINY 2 IS WINNING EVERYTHING![/b] EDIT 2: [b]DESTINY 2 DEFINITELY WON BEST ONLINE CONTINUING GAME AND DESTINY 2 WILL DEFINITELY WIN GAME OF THE YEAR, SUCK IT LOSERS[/b] EDIT 3: [b]I AM VERY HAPPY THAT THE LEGEND OF DESTINY: BREATH OF THE EVERVERSE WON! GREAT JOB BUNGIE![/b]

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        157 Antworten
        • Im sick of people defending such mediocrity. Open your eyes guys if you are having fun thats fine but dont complain that were whining when were trying to improve the game.

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        • Some people spend $20 on a book of lottery tickets and win millions, other lose. Some people buy a tank of gas for $20 or a few packs of cigarettes and they get into a car crash or develop lung cancer. I found $20 and gave it to a homeless lady a couple of months ago. Maybe she got drunk with it and did bad things, maybe she bought a winning lottery ticket or just had a nice meal, I don't know. What's your point???? Some people are not happy with thee $20 expenditure and believe it reinforces negative behavior by a company that is always looking to offer less while asking for more. Eventually you have to draw the line somewhere or before long Bungie will be selling bricks in the tower with your name on it for a $20 fee; mark it. Nothing wrong with people demanding value for their money spent; it's the capitalist way.

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          3 Antworten
          • Promethius Lens is an exotic either move out of the way or get better. Same sob story from year one when you whinny little crucible bitches don't like something you say nerf. How about you just shut up and let others enjoy the game. Yes it may be underwhelming. Yes it may not be worth the money we spent, but that's the gamble we all make every time we buy a -blam!-ing game. Get over yourself

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            20 Antworten
            • Bungie response: We're listening folks. We're looking into incentives to play certain game modes. Strikes will be more rewarding than ever. We're looking at giving you more incentive to play. There's going to be incentive to play crucible sometime in the future. We haven't the slightest clue when more crucible game modes will be released but we're giving our development team an incentive to think about it. We're looking at improving our exotics sometime in the future. The sand box will be finely tuned to give you more incentive to use guns that no one likes to use. The general idea is that we want you to think that we're working hard but really we're going to try to get the most money out of you by spending the least amount of cash.

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            • Oh shut up snowflake. I’ve heard crying thst the dlc was only 4 hours. Then 3 2 1 Now it’s only 30mins. Reality check. Destiny isn’t the problem. You are.

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              4 Antworten
              • Anyone still defending bungie by this point is just blind and clueless.

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                18 Antworten
                • Bearbeitet von Pippo: 12/8/2017 5:44:11 PM
                  The only thing so far they fixed fast and over night, was some glitch with the SRL Record Book in Destiny 1. There was real money involved in there, people could bypass buying it or something? They fixed that within [b]a day[/b]. This shows what is most important to them. A weapon with a damage bug, granting the team with most Lenses an auto-win? We'll fix that... some time... That is still baffling me whenever there's an issue that needs fixing. SRL got fixed sooo fast. Same for that weird walk where you could glitch through walls. Instead of either just fixing it immediately or just disabling it, they removed Trials for that weekend. Or even longer. Now I don't care about Trials per se, but they just removed a weekly activity. Meanwhile, there's still known glitches in the Leviathan. Since release. Even the lair launches with some glitches or bugs; [b]they even wrote that in TWAB[/b]. Disappointing. I'm glad Destiny 2 didn't win any game awards. With exception of soundtrack and visuals, it didn't even deserve any nomination. Bungie's "it's on our radar" is like Blizzard's "that issue is known". Except that you can trust Blizzard they'll deploy a mini patch or hotfix within a few days. They're not waiting for reset day. Or longer. Take a slice from Blizz please.

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                  9 Antworten
                  • You clearly never played Destiny 1. This DLC is way better than some that we got back then and surely is worth of 20 bucks. You don't like it? Fine. But is in no way a turd and you're in no way entitled to anything else than stop playing it if you don't like it.

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                    12 Antworten
                    • With all your ranting let me remind you of what happened when the Dark Below dropped. All the work I had done to get to 30 was made obsolete. The cap was raised to 32. There was no infusion and all old content would never get you past 30. Sounds like Bungie did the same thing they did during D1 except you can infuse. All dailies, weeklies and the nightfall were behind a pay wall. They did it before and they'll do again.

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                      3 Antworten
                      • Bearbeitet von Vex: 12/8/2017 5:13:00 PM
                        Maybe you should go play GTA, they give away all kinds of participation trophy dlc's. Bungie has been doing this since Halo 3. If you hate this kind of game evolution maybe you should have abstained from D1. Half this community has fallen off the outrage cliff.

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                        3 Antworten
                        • i am incredibly shocked no communication today...i was really expecting to come home from work to a new blog update or something announced regarding the state of the game. I think i see a PR strategy forming here though. People are no longer complaining about the boring loot and boring gameplay...its now about achievements on xbox and eniverse and such. Those are easy fixes....good way to deflect im seeing.

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                          1 Antworten
                          • Said it before Luke Smith is a cancer that needs to be blasted with radiation. This -blam!-er single handedly ruined destiny. Get rid of him and I bet the game improves 100x.

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                          • I have spent 20 dollars on worse dinners... two days of game play for 20 dollars... that’s a good deal. We pay 20 dollars for a movie ticket... and the campaign went longer than that for me...

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                            84 Antworten
                            • Umm DLC Is fine. More than Dark Below and the raid Lair is better than all of Crota's End and barely shorter as well. They just learned not to call a short raid a raid because of butthurt but they honestly underhyped it. Most fun thing in D2 so far.

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                            • [quote]You preached about listening and being more involved with our concerns. Yet here we are, 2 days later after you dropped a turd into the toilet. Yet still no comments about how underwhelming your DLC is? How people are being blocked out of the prestige modes if they didn't buy the DLC. How your new strike is a story mission with 2 others? How most weapons are re-skins again of previous weapons? How short the actual content of the DLC was? How much more angry your player base is? How dead the game feels right after a new DLC drops? How there is no time frame to fix Prom. Lens which is crippling PVP? Do you honestly think $20 was worth what you gave us? Stop being dick weeds and do something about this turd you call a game, no more PR bullshit. This isn't even a fall from grace. Its more like swan diving down a 20 step flight of stairs.[/quote] - DLC was actually liked by many; little did you know the forums are miniority - They talked about this on the update; isn't fixed yet however - They are actually updated for the strike playlist which both of these strikes are very good; they stated this before what they were doingg with this. - Most? Eh, some of the vendor ones are sure, but nope. - It's a $20 DLC; it was longer than both HoW and DB - Playerbase didn't get angrier tbh, many actually began to like it more, some didn't though - The game is about to have Dawning come out, and there are still verse weapons coming and the raid lair is very much loved, there's the content! - They said it'd be fixed Tuesday, but I guess you can't read you daft -blam!-. -Yes, it was worth a Pizza at Windy City.

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                            • Bungie are too busy hiring individuals for 'engram based progression' to give two shits about anything else. We have to stop supporting these greedy developers.. They care about one thing; profit. Destiny 2 is a prime example of successful marketing, making a horrible, lacklustre game look amazing, when the reality it is it shallow, soul-less and a lie (XP throttling). I will never buy another Bungie game. This game broke my soul and they showed themselves to be no better than EA games.

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                              6 Antworten
                              • I can't believe people defend a multi million dollar company for selling a crappy product. No self respect.

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                                7 Antworten
                                • Were you not aware of what you purchased? They made it pretty loud and clear in the streams what the dlc would consist of. I mean do your own homework as well

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                                • Bungie are reading the feedback on the bungie HQ toilet walls and replying “They painted these walls, To hide my pen, But the shithouse poet, Strikes again!”

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                                • I advise buy or preorder the game you want with pay pal. Then if it’s really bad just bounce the amount through PayPal they have a 180 day policy if the product is “not as described”. So you buy the game use there severs then take your money back so the intent is for them to spend resources and you get your money back. Maybe next time they wont -blam!- it up. <3 “We are "Anonymous". We are Legion. We do not forgive. We do not forget. Expect us.”

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                                  5 Antworten
                                  • Destiny 2 is $29.00 in trade at Gamestop right now. I picked up Persona 5 with it.

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                                    1 Antworten
                                    • My biggest issue that they didn't learn a damn thing from The Leviathan. That people want to be rewarded for their efforts. Beat the crystal phase last night and the chest pops. One person gets a shotgun, one gets a piece of armor and the other four, who put in just as much effort, get THREE measly tokens. Wtf Bungie?

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