Hello, Guardians.
Right this every minute, many of you are acquiring Black Spindle. Surprise!
Wouldn't you know it, there is a bug that is enabling some of these weapons to drop at 310 - that's 20 points higher than intended. In the near future, we'll be releasing an update that will adjust the Black Spindle to match the attack rating for other Year Two Exotics.
It has also come to our attention that you are using this new acquisition to Infuse your other weapons. Good on you. Have fun with that. None of those weapons will be affected by this change - only the Spindle.
Bearbeitet von YDELTA: 10/16/2015 3:59:33 AMReally!? Just tried to get it for the first time...and now Its 280, 290 whatever. Make the mission easier then....no time limit perhaps? Or available for Sale from xur. The lost to light mission to get the black spindle isnt worth the work!!! 280!!! Really !? I thought it was a FUN game!! not so fun now:-(( Big mistake bungie....Big mistake.....SURPRISE!!!😖🔫
Fix my black spendel
Fix my black spendel
Whoever made this decision is a -blam!-ing retard I earned my shit against the bullet sponge bosses and ya'll just have to nerf it..
Deej pls read
Hey, how about instead of nerffing weapons everyone's worked so hard to get or upgrade, you guys fix the damn game! No joke half the people I've played with, in just this week alone have been KTOed or sent to the title screen at least twice (that's a minimum of 2 times) per session, it's happened to me as well. Or is this part of some crazy tactic to keep us coming back & invest more of our time so you can inevitably screw us over via in loot, or real world money? Don't get me wrong I've been having some fun with the new emotes & all, but in retrospect I honestly should have waited to see if this issue would be dealt with, before making anymore "product" purchases from you guys & do keep in mind that while destiny is fun & we might have invested a lot of our time & effort into this game there are a bunch of new games just around the corner (although I'm positive you & any other bungie employees reading this are having a good laugh & I'm about certain that about 90% of the people here defending these bad decisions or kissing your guys' a**es are most likely bungie employees).
That sucks.... I will not be buying the next expansion.
You betch You absolute betch
He didn't say legitimately level black spindles would be reset. -blam!- you Deej and -blam!- you Bungie.
"Match the attack rating for other Year Two Exotics??" My Dark Drinker was obtained at 310? Thinking like this is why you have lost many players in the past and why you will continue to loose players. You act like some rouge government that care little about what the players have to say. I am starting to loose interest. Think I will finally get back to Phantom Pain.
Nothing like owning up to a mistake. Good on you. -99 Customer relations. Don't count on me stopping if you ever have a flat DeeJ. Call AAA, Uber or someone who cares about you the way you do about your community. *prepared to be put into the CRAP DROP OU*
Bearbeitet von exRussian: 10/15/2015 5:40:08 PMI would never buy another expansion ever again. You nerfed all our weapons you made everything we worked so hard for completely useless. Now i have to start from the beginning. This game feels like work.
Bearbeitet von PimpMcKinle: 10/15/2015 2:03:48 AMWhy nerf the spindles people have already acquired?? Why should we suffer for your (Bungie's) mistakes? That mission is hard enough that I believe a 310 sniper (which is just a lazy copy of last year's nerfed legendary) is a justified reward. The only other 310 weapon we can get without going through the raid is the Exotic Sword and even then it was easier for me to get the sword than it was to get the Spindle (relatively speaking). I am ashamed of Bungie right now. They were doing so well with TTK's release and now they put a bad taste back in our mouths with this nerf of ALL SPINDLES. Plus, since it's exotic, why can't the spindle have the original version of White Nail? Renamed, possibly, "Threading The Needle"? Spindle - Needle; makes sense. Plus it would make it so much more worth it to have. Or, at the VERY LEAST have a larger reserve capacity for it. I dump all rounds stupid quick if I get all Crits but the damage by comparison is hardly worth the time it saves in most scenarios, plus it just leaves me without any sniper ammo for when I honestly need it and can't get Crits as fast. When it was 310 it was worth keeping, now I don't know if I even want it anymore.
What about those of us that actually got the Spindle at lv300 and actually grinded in the raid etc to get a good special to infuse to it? Worked my ass off to get mine to 308 only to have it nerfed to 288. Thanks for the kick in the balls Bungie.
Couldn't just let the community have this one, could you?
Hey Deegay a funny thing happened to agonarch rune time to explain it first get out of your lamborghini fat cat liar.
How is this funny? Lol
I got some 309 boots from the raid last week, I assume that was an oversight. But in the sprite of fare play you should go ahead and takes those back. Thanks Deej!
You are silly, deej. Why would you think that a traffic cone would find that funny? Traffic cones do not have emotions.
Bearbeitet von STLNATION: 10/14/2015 8:40:35 PMDeej maybe you could of mentioned i should of waited to infuse the spindle i bought from its blueprint... I bought and maxed it back to 310 only to have you nerf that as well. Not the end of the word. Just miss using it for the raid. Btw imho tkk has been a huge success. I had not played this game in months but am quite happy being back. Ive even ditched my 2nd titan to make a hunter and finished leveling up my worlock. 300+ light on all 3 characters is quite fun.
It's funny that all of a sudden people after patch decide to read this post that's been sitting around for quite a while. Well Deej, at least you know they can read. Even if after the fact.
I feel bad for you and so many of the bungie team. A clearly placed post goes unread/bashed again. Not going to lie, this post is in no means vague. Hope Bungie keeps doing good work on this game. Sorry for the few toxic members of the community.
Yo this is bullshit. That's all I have to say. Nerfing it weeks later after having it. When was that ever cool. Big f.u. to the players bungie
They should have let us keep it that way! We worked very hard on that mission to get the Blk Spndl!!! Or they should have warned that this was coming so I should have infused my other weapons with that. This is not fair!!! BOOOO!!!! BUNGIE! Typical.... Bungie messes up and we pay the price!