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Edited by Sum1 Awes0me: 10/18/2014 1:10:35 AM

I now despise the terminology known as "nerf"

Can these whiners please quit saying x weapon needs a nerf, x ability needs a nerf - its become extremely annoying. You have options, get that weapon and use it, get that character and use their ability, get better and outplay who/what you think is OP! I don't want a game where everyone and everything is on a level playing field. The people that put in more time and effort deserve better weapons. Players that can maximize abilities to their fullest potential deserve to -blam!- in PvP. I hate getting the shoulder charge of death just as much as the next guy but guess what, I learn and try to figure out a way to avoid it. All these whiners need to man up and just play the game. But they can't, they have been brainwashed into thinking that everyone is equal and everyone gets a trophy.... Last thing, I fully endorse people still whining about error codes - especially if its the "BEE"!!!!!

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    3 Replies
    • It's simple people want to nerf what they can't have... Look at wow, every class is a stun rouge who can self heal now!

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      • Bungie, please nerf scout rifles, to OP now, everybody is using them

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        7 Replies
        • So you're saying the word 'nerf' needs....nerfed?

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          • This trend has been always present with the online game that has competitive element. And when people whine enough, they will eventually get what they want.

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          • Pronounce it "Noif". Now it's funny!

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          • Rock beats Scissors, and Scissors calls for a NERF on Rock. Scissors beats Paper, and Paper calls for a NERF on Scissors. Paper beats Rock, and Rock calls for a NERF on Paper... It's a never ending cycle on these forums.

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            • I don't like using the "N" word, but you're right.. I'm getting tired of these nerfers!

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            • 1
              I'm for a new nerf line of destiny weapons

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              • The people that put in more time and effort find weapons that can't compete! The -blam!-ing uncommon auto rifles shit on a huge portion of the legendary and exotic weapons! (Until the hot fix) That's why we need things "nerfed". If you don't balance the PvP you get most of the community using the same guns. What the hell is the point in that? This has got to be the first game I've ever heard complaints about a company ACTUALLY balancing PvP. This is pathetic...

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              • since the latest nerf handcannons have been able to destroy everything in pvp

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              • X weapon needs to be 'weakened' pls oh pls bungie 'weakened' this weapon it's too strong. what's a nerf?

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                • Aside from being an issue caused by the people It is a bigger issue with how easily developers are willing to bend over without restrains for people who have no clue about anything involving the game. That is why the gaming industry will fail in the future as long as the companies try to cater to the people crying nerfs and destroy the game that they set out to make. It's simple, games used to be amazing and fun despite having no reward system in place back then because they were designed in a single matter and people either liked it or they didn't. That is how great games came to be not like this.

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                  5 Replies
                  • Edited by Ryuk: 10/18/2014 12:47:16 PM
           ...enough said xD (an not just dealing with xur)

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                  • Nerf... It's OK, nerfs can be beautiful, and surprising to the enemy ;)

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                    • Edited by NathanW18: 10/18/2014 2:41:56 AM
                      Competitive multiplayer shouldn't favour the players that play 24/7. It should benefit the players that are skilled. They do tend to go hand in hand. If you play a lot, you're probably going to be good. You still shouldn't have a far superior weapon, just because you have more free time. Playing a lot should not allow you to have a weapon that outclasses everything else in PvP. Play time is accounted for in PvE. That is enough. Bungie have even said that they don't want players to all be using the same weapons. If the belief is you can only compete with a certain weapon, something is not right. It seems like a sure fire way to kill a game. People asking for nerfs is irrelevant. Bungie aren't nerfing weapons, just because a loud minority asked for them. They would still buff and nerf weapons, even if the community said nothing. Their data will tell them what everybody is using and doing the best with. They can base their conclusions on that. I'm sure they also play the game themselves and can come to a conclusion what is too good and what isn't good enough.

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                      1 Reply
                      • Thank you for this post. This game isn't about making everything equal or everything exactly the same. These people don't understand that destiny at it's roots, is sharing the same mechanisms as a MMO such as WoW. Lower level gear is not the same as higher ranked gear and it's not like that in PvP as well. These whiners are actually destroying this game. They want another halo game. Or another call of duty. It's sickening. This game isn't meant to play like those. I'm not into this game as much after the last patch. It shows where this game is headed. Down the drain.

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                        4 Replies
                        • seriously i dont even have any of the "nerfed" weapons and im annoyed at this.. yes ive been killed a numerous amount of times by the mythoclast and the hunter blade dancer and the suros etc.. get my point im on the shit end of the stick but id rather it be that way cuz when i do out aim that player with all headshots and win the firefight its a great feeling knowin im beating a person with an "OP" weapon. i rather this game be challenging and have something to stride for instead of being equal as everyone else. than whats the fun in getting to lvl 30 if if my shit is as good as a lvl 5 just with nicer asthetics and a few perks... anyways im ranting i just needed to say that all this nerfing and bitching about guns is ridic. its a game for christ sake

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                        • Edited by Stubbernaut: 10/18/2014 9:22:25 AM
                          So you reckon everyone should be a Bladedancer hunter with a Mythoclast, or cower in fear trying to avoid the outright superior classes/abilities/weapons? You may as well tell someone with depression that they can either keep being depressed or just kill themselves, instead of properly addressing the problems at their source. Everyone having to use the the same thing to be the same power level is total crap, and regardless of what you think, using one weapon/class or being less powerful forever are not "OPTIONS", its the making of a bad game. Balance is a good thing in a game like this. Auto rifles, revolvers, scout rifles, shotguns should all have their niche to give players gameplay choices. People who spend more time on the game should have MORE CHOICES, so they can optimise for their own playstyle better than others, but they should not be outright more powerful. Also, I have no objection to people being more powerful because they can maximise their abilities better than others, because that means that they are BETTER PLAYERS... But having access to abilities that are full on better than others just because you chose one class is not fair on anyone who wants class variety, even according to your own, play more->better stuff logic, since class choice takes 0 gametime/effort.

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                          10 Replies
                          • It's nerf or nothing

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                          • Edited by DEZARATH: 10/18/2014 6:36:53 AM
                            Nerf Herders have found a company that's actually listening to them. Bungie isn't new to this mentality, like a battered wife they've been nerfing entertaining guns and mechanics for years now for the PVP ilk.

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                          • Can we add troll as well its way over used.

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                          • Man could not of said it better my self. With you 100%!!!!

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                          • You say what's on everybody's minds.

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                          • Can we also add "OP" to the list of words hated?

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