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9/30/2020 6:51:31 AM

Bungie, can you clarify some things like what happens after sunsetting?

The moon activities: nightmare hunts, pit of Heresy, Dreambane armor, all weapons acquired from the moon at the Lectern all have 1 thing in common: 1060 power cap Will the moon become pointless? Dreaming city activities: ascendant challenge, Shattered Throne, Blind Well, Reverie Dawn armor, weapons, nightfall specific drop: horrors least all 1060 cap. Will Dreaming City become pointless? Last Wish raid will continue to drop infusable gear but what about the rest of dreaming city? Also... Nessus and EDZ, what about these locations? Any word on a Vendor refresh here either? Will the gear aquired from rank up packages and Nightfall strikes also have a 1060 cap? I dont want to be rewarded with sunsetted gear... so please tell us if anything other than Europa content will be worth playing. Transparent? Absolutely not, just alot of confusion. Do us a favor and fill in these blanks with some information.



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  • Bungle will sunset most of our gear, then re-introduce it with tiny changes and expects us to get back on their hamster tread mill to re-earn it for $80 CDN. Meanwhile, the bulk of the Bungle employees will be slaving away on Matter, leaving all the Destiny Development and Testing to the part time weekend Janitor and his 5 iRoombas.



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    • 由x-MISANTHROPIC-x編輯: 10/1/2020 7:38:37 AM
      So Beyond Light is being described as a "major expansion", but is it? Let's compare against two previous major expansions. TTK - $40. 4 new strikes. 9 new PVP maps. Full raid. Forsaken - $40. 4 new strikes. 9 new PVP maps Full raid. Beyond Light - $40. 1 new strike. 0 new PVP maps. A "raid" ( on balance, i suspect we're looking at something the size of SOTP or GS.) Surely Bungie are holding back a ton of new BL playable content?



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      • 由Spawn編輯: 9/30/2020 12:34:14 PM
        IMO, it makes sense for them to keep it as-is for when Season 12 and Beyond Light launch, at 1060 power. You have to remember, [i]not everyone will own Beyond Light.[/i] There will be Guardians that jump into the Free starting point without any purchase, and Guardians that only own Forsaken + Shadowkeep. Keeping Y2 and Y3 content at 1060 power allows these players that don't have the latest content to still play the content with these older licenses. If Bungie were to increase "Moon" activities to 1360 as an example, that doesn't make any sense for players who don't own Beyond Light and there is no in-game advantage to doing so when they don't own Beyond Light or the Season Pass. All the content there doesn't require an increase in power level anyways and you can complete the content at a 1060 cap. While Bungie mentions that the Raids (Last Wish and Garden of Salvation) are exemptions to this rule ([url=]see here for an exact quote[/url]), the Core content from those DLC's, the story, triumphs, seals, adventures, exotic quests, etc are still available at their own respective power levels. For Guardians like you and me -- that have already completed all that content -- sure most of the activities in those destinations probably won't get a ton of time from us, cause we'll be spending time in the new Beyond Light endgame, with all the new weapons, gear, and activities. Personally, I don't want to keep grinding Moon activities, Garden of Salvation, Master Nightmare Hunts for pinnacle drops -- we've already done that for a year. I want to earn my pinnacle drops in newer content. We saw the same transition when Forsaken was the latest content and moved into Shadowkeep, the pinnacle and power sources all changed. I'd expect to see the same thing for Beyond Light. The system that Bungie is setting up here with power levels sets them up to rotate for future roadmaps and game licenses to still retain some older "legacy" content to stick around for newer Guardians. You can bet that whenever Forsaken content gets vaulted, so will the ability to purchase a Forsaken License, same with Shadowkeep -- just like how right now, you can't buy D2 Vanilla, Curse of Osiris, Warmind, etc. This entry point will be curated and change over time. If they adjust the power levels of older content, I'll eat my words and you can say you told me so. But as is, there is no advantage to them changing these levels for Y2 and Y3 content, it will only cause [i]even more[/i] confusion than you're describing to newer players.



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        55 回覆
        • I would like to know why I should pay $24.99 for Forsaken when most of the content will be gone after November 10th? I didn't think about it before I read these comments but all of the Forsaken content is no longer relevant to the current Destiny 2 content. Does Bungie have a plan for making this content relevant once beyond light is released? I realize a game of this magnitude can be difficult to manage but Bungie needs to develop a system to keep content that isn't vaulted relevant to the any new expansion. Otherwise it is just continuously creating content with no real impact to the story. I am on the fence about purchasing Beyond Light. I am not really excited about how after all these years in the light we are suddenly told that the darkness isn't the enemy. Say what??? Hopefully beyond light is a story that is similar to Return of the Jedi. Another problem I have is ever since Bungie has created the seasonal model of game play, the game has just become a series of irrelevant moments that don't seem to move the story in a meaningful way. All of the Xur bounties ended with no real explanation of the nine. The means to an end missions have a similar feel. We don't really get any meaningful information from Eris at the end of these missions. With all of that said, I still have hope that Bungie won't let us down. Bungie will make Destiny great again! ;)



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          • Im pretty sure the moon is amping up to cap to stay with it. Along with the Prophecy dungeon.



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            • My guess, and I could be a million miles off, is that Bungie will change the little yellow number from 1060 to 1360 and the exact same weapons with the magic new number will start to drop. Call me crazy.



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              • Sunset my gear, sunset my business.



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                45 回覆
                • Sunsetting is such a god-awful excuse to artificially re-add grind, and it's so poorly thought out.



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                  • Playing this game and watching a lot of content get left behind and a lot removed isn't much of an incentive to buy only 1 new area for $40.



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                    • 由RussellMania編輯: 9/30/2020 1:53:46 PM
                      The worst part about sunsetting has been listening to people endlessly moan about it like it’s the end of the world.



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                      • My question is why make the game F2P if most of that free content is being removed



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                        7 回覆
                        • [quote]The moon activities: nightmare hunts, pit of Heresy, Dreambane armor, all weapons acquired from the moon at the Lectern all have 1 thing in common: 1060 power cap Will the moon become pointless? Dreaming city activities: ascendant challenge, Shattered Throne, Blind Well, Reverie Dawn armor, weapons, nightfall specific drop: horrors least all 1060 cap. Will Dreaming City become pointless? Last Wish raid will continue to drop infusable gear but what about the rest of dreaming city? Also... Nessus and EDZ, what about these locations? Any word on a Vendor refresh here either? Will the gear aquired from rank up packages and Nightfall strikes also have a 1060 cap? I dont want to be rewarded with sunsetted gear... so please tell us if anything other than Europa content will be worth playing. Transparent? Absolutely not, just alot of confusion. Do us a favor and fill in these blanks with some information.[/quote] Yes it'll all be useless



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                        • The decision making chicken is currently self isolating. A decision making squirrel was brought in,but unfortunately she has embedded herself in luke smiths beard. Once the decision making chicken is declared negative or the decision making squirrel self evacuates the said Beard our usual decision making pattern will resume and you will not know what we know before we know it before the decision to not do what we were planning. Maybe.



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                          • The moon comes up.



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                          • For Vets, the moon was pretty pointless upon release to be honest. But you bring up great points that I'd be interested to know the answers to.



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                            • The moon and Dreaming City are already pretty pointless.



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                              • haven't the things described as becoming pointless already been pointless? what's confusing? play it or not, get new rewards or don't, seems straight forward.



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                              • -- GDPR: removed by user request --



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                              • Well, it's Bungie. I bet they just add a little icon to the loot from destinations, so you can grind it again, but with new icon and new powercap.



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                              • Yes they will just like all the static roll weapons that got left behind when forsaken came out. It's literally nothing new just suck it up and get a new gun it's not that hard. Pretty much all you do in this game.



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                                • Very valid questions. Have an upvote. I'm really hoping the next few TWABs actually give some insight into the game environment post sunsetting.



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                                • Dreaming City already became pointless when Shadowkeep was released. Only time I visit it so now and then is for the Aphelion Rest lost sector if I need to kill a certain amount of taken enemies.



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                                  • Ok I read moderator reply beneath, can a dev perhaps pitch in? So you gonna keep power cap at 1060 even when everything is sunsetted? That doesn't make any sense whatsoever...



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                                  • You guessed. Europa will be the worthy content for a season or two. The next big thing will be the vault of glass 2.0. Yet enough pre orders and eververse to cash cow and prove to Bungie they can vault and do what they want.



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                                  • I love this game, I've been back into it lately and having a great time with some awesome people. But... With so much change coming, Bungie have been poor at interacting with the community. Theres a huge disconnect between the community and bungie, would be cool seeing actual devs replying to genuine posts here. Theyll no doubt answer things a few weeks before release like they always do, but there needs to be more done outside of that.



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                                  • Not unless you’re willing to pay them more money to bring that contents gear up. Seriously though, it’s a bad reality but I’m pretty sure those activities will become pointless and the gear as well outside of casual pvp. The only use they’ll provide are pretty sceneries and any lore that may have not been acquired from the player. That statement of the pretty sceneries only applies to three of the four since the moon isn’t really pretty to look at imho.



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