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Edited by Clopfish: 6/22/2019 6:23:54 PM

Enhancement cores are going to hurt new light players.

I was playing with one of my friends the other day who hasn't played in a long time, and while we were playing he was inspecting his gear looked over at the infusion option and said "what's an enhancement core?" I have sincere worries about bringing new players into D2 when the year 1 content becomes free to play. It will be hard to have a new player who was curious, but not necessarily interested in the series to keep playing when they have to abandon a cool weapon because they won't have the resources to upgrade that weapon's attack power. Yes they do have avenues to obtain cores in the form of masterworked leviathan gear, gunsmith bounties, and a rare chance from dismantling weapons. But 2 of those 3 avenues require a player to want to play the game enough to go down those routes... My point is even though some of us (including me) have plenty of cores, they could be a turn off for new players come September. TL:DR New players good. Cores bad. Edit: I made this post because my entire friends list had said that they will play this game when it becomes free to play but one of my friends who played this game became disappointed BECAUSE he had to leave his favorite guns behind practically every 5 power levels. He hasn't played the game since he mentioned it. And another friend quit because his 2 favorite year 2 weapons require cores he doesn't have. So I know that this topic will be a determining factor into their interest in playing this game. I know that my friends would enjoy this game, but I don't want them to have this steep price to play how you want. Especially when they play other games that don't demand steep sacrifices early-ish in their time playing. And I AM NOT calling for enhancement cores to be removed, they are simply just a steep asking price for newer players (who would only have 2 or 3 free methods to obtain them) to use their favorite gear. And for those saying they make using gear a meaningful choice. Yes they do kind of. They flow like water for people who know how to farm them and play the game a good amount already and are as scarce as copper for new players. Yes I understand it won't be a problem for them in TIME. But that's way after their first impression has settled. If there was a workaround to where newer players could not be turned off while still providing a meaningful choice for infusion I believe many players would be satisfied. (Perhaps reducing the core cost to 1 or 2 while doubling, tripling, or even quadrupling the glimmer cost since that would still limit infusions but make infusion more pertinent to time invested rather than luck.)

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  • enhancement cores break masterworking and infusion.

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  • Which is why they need to go. It won't help to GIVE the game away for free...if the progression system DRIVES people away. This is why cores were an INCREDIBLE mistake from a design standpoint. By the time you ramp something up to the point where its a "pain point" for someone who is playing 8 hours a day? You've made the game unplayable for someone playing a few hours a week....or someone who is new or just returning to the game. I said this 9 months ago when Forsaken came out.

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    • New?! I've been here since the beginning and its STILL f*cking me up. I've only got 20 left now because I managed to reset my Valor twice during Iron Banner. But now I've ran out of Glimmer trying to infuse everything.

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      • Psh. They're hurting me.

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      • Edited by Erijian: 6/25/2019 6:43:49 PM
        Having a lack of materials for progression is a part of being new to an mmo so I don't really get your point here. It's not like cores are extremely scarce or rare to get currently either. Besides, when you start you'll have literally no god rolled items so it doesn't really matter what you equip. You just equip whatever until at the appropriate "soft cap" and THEN start farming/infusing. You don't get to look cool as a new player.

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          Just stop with these posts! It’s abundantly easy to obtain enhancement cores now. Move on its part of the game and because of people complaining they’re now just another arbitrary source material.

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        • I am one of those people, I’m just casual. I like to play other games and I’m not committed to destiny. The infusion cores are unnecessary and a big hurdle for casual players. I love the 690 boost which led to me buying the season pass for $15.74. But I can’t upgrade my old exotics because I lack the resources and the drive to grind for ridiculously unnecessary components to do so. When I last played back in September 2018 this was not the case. Why can’t we go back to those requirements. The change seems unnecessary from a casuals prospective. I already have a full time job, I don’t need my game to require 40 hours a week to advance 5 or 10 light. Just seems pointless when there are plenty of other games out there to play.

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          14 Replies
          • To be honest nothing wrong with enhancement cores as they can be obtained quite easily in many bountys. Destiny 2 is a lot more easy then destiny 1 was maybe go play destiny 1 for a bit and you will see for yourself the difference and how destiny 2 is a lot more simple to obtain items

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          • Come on home, mayhem is coming.

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          • great post 👍

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          • Edited by isaac13d: 6/25/2019 1:40:51 AM
            Okay, don't know about anybody else, but I got a way to get most of my stuff up to 680 without burning enhancement cores. Edit: No more people will learn of my method, mwah ha ha ha ha!

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          • Only took you guys 15 years to find a good reason. Alright, I’m on board with this

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          • They join at 750 light at level 50. They will have literally dozens of activities to choose from that don't require light higher than this. They will have to acquire all the legendary weapons and armor with rolls that we continue advancing long before they are ready to infuse. They will have plenty of time to accumulate shards and cores as all of us have done for the last 8 months.

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          • Eh, I get it, but I went from none to having a stock of around 90 with the new system. As long as new players have access to the bounties early on and know not to infuse constantly, by the time they've played through the story, they should be good. I was fully behind removing cores entirely, but you can get nearly a hundred in a week with minimal effort now.

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          • You are right and you are awesome. But is it the cores or the endless time wasting light levels and horrible RNG. No light levels.... no need to re do the same weapon 18 times ever 3 months.

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          • [b][u]IDEA:[/u][/b] change infusing to where it only cost glimmer, 20 planet mats, and three legendary shards, but when you let's say infuse a 740 into a 700 piece of gear, the gear remains at 700 but the number becomes greyed out and you have to start using the gear to level it to its new light level, and if you don't want to wait and do that you can spend 2 enhancement cores to bring it to 740 instantly. this way cores wouldn't be necessary to infuse but would just make it easier. then the meaningful decisions becomes do i want this power increase right now or do i have the time to grind up the light level. you could even add consumables that let you level infused gear through actually using them faster.

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            4 Replies
            • A couple of months ago you wouldn't had gunsmith bounties for cores nor 10 cores on reset crucible rank, you only had spider, were you could buy them, and do the bounties for legendary gear and cores too, it actually is pretty good right now imo, and the gunsmith bounties are fairly easy

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            • its gonna completely make things rubbish for them, my mate started an account a couple of months ago and couldn't infuse nothing on the way up, just had to use any guns he was given and its not that bad until you find yourselves rocking two side arms which happens a lot while levelling up

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              • I have always hated the argument for "meaningful leveling". The game isn't about leveling it's about the endgame content and the loot. Leveling is just a pain point added ontop of a not so great endgame alongside not that grand of loot there. Enhancement cores need to be removed from infusion and put to more meaningful purposes such as with a large investment turning normal perks into enhanced perks or turned into a blue and drop at insane amounts like Motes of Light. As always the best time for Destiny when it came to leveling is the time I didn't have to think about it.

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                9 Replies
                • It's a huge turn-off, and given that most armor sets will not support Armor 2.0 at the start, the point of trying to make infusion "meaningful", or whatever the hell that means, would be pointless. Most players just stockpile them to have 'em, but never really use them for their "intended" use which is to Masterwork weapons and armor. The multiple tiers that use up cores doesn't outweigh the amount you lose for such little gain.

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                • Infusing is hardly a intelligent action before you played for a lot of hours. Then, there's that new system for perks that will come when they start playing (for free). You know the one that will make it so you don't really need to infuse a whole lot. From what I recall, you can put the perks you want on an armor item of choice. Infusing armor before reaching max lvl is mostly either a "fashion choice", a belief that your level counts beyond cap for current activity, or OCD Not going to add to the debate of whether cores is easy to get or not, but for new players this is hardly an issue. Even if the economy wasn't going to change, they would have several cores when at the point where infusing would make sense

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                • Depends if they are dumb/ wont learn from theyr mistakes

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                • I am fairly neutral when it comes to cores. I typically haven't had issues with them, but I'm a fairly hardcore player and use them pretty sparingly. I will say that I have one issue with the arguments to remove cores--they tend to be slightly hypocritical. I'm not saying this in a way to bash you, I don't mean any offense. Bungie could remove cores from infusion tomorrow and I would have problems with it. However, most of the posts I see about this have to do with a player not being able to use their favorite gear while they work on raising their power level. The issue is that this goes against another one of the most hot-topic issues in Destiny, which is gear diversity. I feel like for every post about cores, there's a post about gear being useless, or everyone using the same loadouts. Players are constantly asking for other stuff to try out......and the argument about removing cores is all about keeping people from using different weapons/armor. Don't get me wrong, I totally see what you're saying, and again, I'd be fine with cores being removed. It's just gonna make the pool of gear being used even smaller...whether or not that's a problem is up to you.

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                • Edited by drew012278: 6/22/2019 9:39:13 PM
                  Listen I know everyone who replied here saying it’s fine thinks it will be fine. This game was tailored for you. However the op’s concerns are NOT wrong. He is very very right. His concerns are one of the very things that ran people off in droves and droves. It makes sense that most that are left here love this game now. But if Bungie hopes to bring in new blood and more importantly new capital they had better start really listening. And not just saying they are. And don’t be naive kids bungie needs new money....and if they want to get and keep new people and not run them like they did.........then sorry enhancement chores have to be changed. Because the average gamer wants nothing to do with them. I used to love this game. I spent thousands of hours and d1 a few hundred in d2. The game in its current state is not good. So what am I doing here. One word. Hope. And for goodness sakes don’t tear someone apart because they bring up a concern that you don’t agree doesn’t make you a very nice human.

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                  9 Replies
                  • new players don't have the bad habits of older players. new players have never experienced infusing every few levels. therefore they will learn the economy better, and quicker.

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                  • Stfu

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