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1/4/2015 8:17:47 AM

I kicked a kid

I feel bad. Here's the story. We were doing VoG on hard and this kid kept messing around and dying causing us to wipe. Not a few times but more than a dozen. Everyone was pretty cool about it for the most part but eventually we lost a player and I made the command decision to boot the kid from the fire team. I wasn't mad. Wasn't talking down to himI don't have tons of time to play and I gotta get stuff done and hop off (wife, children...) so was that a bad move cause he's a kid. I don't know how old he was but he sounded young but he's a kid and kids mess around and don't listen and it's just a game anyways. Leave a comment and let me know if that was a bad move or justified also feel free to share your own moral dilemmas you have come across while playing destiny. After booting we finished it with a few new players but man I feel bad...I do like my new time breaker though.

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