I just...
The amount of hate everyone has for each other...
Privilege or oppression was every other word...
Apparently I'm 'fetishized'...
White people appear to be margalinsed, oppressed oppressive demon spawn...
Everyone is trying to out oppress each other...
Im gonna take a lie down.
I used to think that Tumblr was the last great frontier of the internet. I was wrong. [i] I was so wrong.[/i]
Never go on tumblr
Dee white devul has brought nothing but pain to de wurld wit his evul masheens.
[quote]I just... The amount of hate everyone has for each other... Privilege or oppression was every other word... Apparently I'm 'fetishized'... White people appear to be margalinsed, oppressed oppressive demon spawn... Everyone is trying to out oppress each other..[/quote] Sounds like the flood.
Did the same thing OP. Didn't even have to scroll down before I found this. Gave me a good laugh. [quote]Today I went to Starbucks with my genderqueer non-binary friend. I had a bagel, green tea with honey and a late to go and xi had a salad and a water because xi is watching xir weight. We were sitting eating and talking quiet happily when suddenly we heard a little child speaking to his/her brother/sister (my apologies for not knowing these kids’ real gender identities; their father called them “boys” but you can never be too sure, considering the white cissexist bullshit that was about to come out of this father’s mouth, I wouldn’t be surprised if they were girls). Kid B (the younger one) says to kid A, “you’re a lesbian!” and quick as a flash the father lies, “Boy cannot be lesbian, drink your lemonade!” WTF JFC! I WAS APPALLED! This is horrible! I almost jumped over the table and across the chairs and punch that asshole in the face! I mean SO MANY THINGS WRONG with what he said to the poor child. Boys CAN be lesbians if they identify as lesbians. I have a number of cis male lesbian friends. He was blatantly erasing their entire lived experiences with such an ignorant lie! I couldn’t believe what we were hearing (xi was in the brink of tears). The kid was 4 years old. How does that father KNOW that his child won’t grow up to identify as a lesbian! Assholes like this is why I firmly believe cis assholes are scum! This is why I believe in Tumblr Feminism!! -blam!- THE CIS HETERO PATRIARCHY AND -blam!- CULTURE!! [/quote]
its like Jay to the 10th power on that tag. 0/10 would not track.
>tumblr You know where you -blam!-ed up right?
Welcome to the Internet
Such depress Much sadwow