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Destiny 2

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8/9/2024 7:38:36 PM

Bungie has turned D2 into trash..straight trash..

D2 is now officially trash...I'm sick of the pale heart grinding.. it gives me's just waste of time to do overthrows.. there's no fun whatsoever in that I'm getting all these pop ups on my screen telling me to do kindling & go to inventory & I have no sunlit armor..not only that.. the pop up won't go away from the bottom of my screen.. I have done everything ..from removing hints & tips..turning off the game & resetting it.. it is time to say good bye to D2..been an original since D1.. shyt played while in iraq while on down time...but now that I'm home...& play regularly.. I see how trash the Game has become...840hrs of D2 game play gone.. all bcuz bungie wants to layoff tech & development support...smh.. I should be able to just purchase the new exotic armor from Pake heart or anything in the game...not grind the same boring -blam!- overthrows...definitely looking for a new solid Game.. & non thats related to BUNGIE..the staff in charge is ruining the game.. nerfing good weapons & removing good content...all grandmaster nightfall should be available..the cosmodrone has been up twice in 4 months since pale heart drop.. u cant tell me there isn't any other available.. these last 4 grandmaster only 1 was fun ..that was the pale heart GM.. someone's not doin there job. So with that being said... IL be searching for a game to replace u D2..sorry.. but this shyt is TRASH..JUST TRASH...

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  • Modifié par Guardian,Archon Of Light : 8/10/2024 3:34:26 AM
    You can only reinvent the wheel so many times , we have seen all this game can do long ago, even Halo fans are bored of playing the same guy murdering aliens for 20 years At the end of of the day Destiny is still going to be replaying x activity with non-garanteed satisfaction an x number of times Unrealistic Expectations by burned out addicts killed Destiny

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