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5/20/2024 2:33:38 AM

So I've been playing Fallout 4 recently

I did NOT know that old dude was my son. I got to the Institute, after ages of side quests, and I am gearing up to kill everyone in the place for the Brotherhood. I find this little kid, who I THOUGHT was Shaun. The one that was stolen from me. Coincidentally I was using Kellogg's pistol, cause I like V.A.T.S. Then an old, vaguely brownish guy, who looked kinda like my (now dead, thanks to Kellogg) wife. He did a thing, and my child got all slumpy. For a moment I was shocked that Bethesda would kill a child on screen. Then I queued up every V.A.T.S. shot I could on the man's face, even before he could speak. Then I made it look like he had a heart attack that violently removed his extremities, leaving him on the sofa. Fought my way out, did some more Brotherhood stuff, and then. I do a little preemptive Googling for my options from here, and I found out the child was a robot, and the old man I ruthlessly, systematically dismembered for "murdering" a child was my son!

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  • Modifié par Hyperion724 : 5/22/2024 5:21:04 PM
    That "Wrinkled old man" AKA "Father" might have been your character's flesh and blood, but he wasn't their son. Shaun died the instant he was taken away from the main character. His mind twisted and poisoned after years of Institute indoctrination. If you side with the Institute, he will eventually reveal that he's the one who freed you from Vault 111. And his reason for releasing you? Not because you're his parent, he was curious as to what you would do.

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