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Destiny 2

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Modifié par liam4521 : 5/11/2024 11:45:51 PM

Exotic Warlock Bond - Essence of the Warlock

Ikora Rey stood alone on her balcony overlooking the Last City. She still had not gotten use to the cityscape without the Travellers presence cast above the city. She had spent countless hours here, watching the city move and thrive. The lights of the city flickered below, casting a warm and comforting glow over the bustling streets. She reflected on herself as a Guardian, a Warlock and her role in the battle against the darkness. She thought of the day the traveller looked upon her and rose her up. She thought of her allies, the new and old. The ones they had lost, Cayde-6. Amanda..and the Speaker. The former interpreter of the Traveller. The one who inspired hope among the people and now lived on in memory. Ikora’s hidden had retrieved the Speaker’s remains, his bo[spoiler][/spoiler]dy and armour. They brought his body back to the Tower for a proper burial and ceremony. She thought of his teaching, his inspiration and all the people who came to support his legacy. To acknowledge the essence he bestowed and grace he displayed. In that moment, all her pain began to fade. The losses she had to face, the fear. Cayde’s death. The pain of loosing her friend all of a sudden lifted away. She was reminded of all the joy he had brought to her life. All the silly, ridiculous jokes. She gave a little chuckle as all the funny memories rushed to her mind. She looked down as she clutched the Speaker’s Bond with both hands. She placed the bond on the counter she stood next to. She returned to her post and as she did her happy memories faded. She felt the weight of fear and responsibility creeping onto her shoulders once more. All of this brought her back to the reality of the ongoing battle that pressed around her. Ikora Rey. The Warlock Vanguard. She looked out over the city, she felt a renewed sense of purpose and determination that they would need to overcome their most formidable foe. The Witness. Exotic Warlock Bond Name: Essence of the Warlock Intrinsic Perk - The Travellers Embrace: Standing in any rift slowly grants you and allies in the rift armour charges, up to 5 armour charges. Additionally, standing in any rift makes rifts both healing and empowering.

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