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4/26/2024 6:40:02 PM

Help me come up with ideas for a hypothetical video game, Offtopic

Good evening everybody! This is Aifos coming to you alive from Offtopic, where you might remember not very long ago I was asking for video game recommendations. If your memory is particularly astute, you may even remember one of the games I listed that I had looked into was Super Kirby Clash. I lover Super Kirby Clash. It's very close to being the best Kirby spinoff, though it has one very glaring problem; it's free to play, with everything that entails. Currency you by with real money, stamina timers, countdown timers, that sort of thing. It's a shame. I was hoping someone might recommend me a game similar to SKC, but one that's not free to play, but alas. But then that got me thinking; trying to get into game development is actually one of my goals this year, and making a game like SKC could possibly be a fun project to try. I've been brainstorming a few ideas, but then I thought, wouldn't it be fun to brainstorm together? So, without further adieu, [b][u]here is the general premise of the game:[/b][/u] -The game will be a boss battler. That means no regular levels, only bosses. Think something like Cuphead or Furi. (though Cuphead does have regular levels, but they're few and far between) -The game would have a team of 4. This could maybe have local co-op, but even if it does, it could be played solo, and the other three teammates would be controlled by bots. -Four classes; Attacker/DPS, Tank, Offensive Support, Defensive Support. More on these below. -You can mix and match classes on a team. So if you want, you could have 2 DPS, a tank and an offensive support, or even a full team of offensive support if you wanted. -There may be a leveling system, but for the most part your leveling system would be controlled by your gear. Gear would be crafted from drops from bosses. There are universal drops that most, if not all, bosses would drop, but most bosses would also have unique drops that only drop from them, or only drop from bosses in their biome, or something. -Each boss would have some number of "missions", which are special challenges for when you fight the boss, such as beating it under a certain time, with certain team compositions, or specific weapons. New bosses are unlocked by clearing a certain number of missions. -The idea is this is a short session game, where you can just boot it up, fight a boss or two, then shut it down. A little bit more on the classes: [spoiler][b][u]Attacker[/b][/u] is probably the most self explanatory of the bunch. Whatever abilities they have would be based around dealing lotsa damage quickly. They'd have the highest DPS of any class, but not much else. [b][u]Defender[/b][/u] would be focused on taking damage for the team. Something to help keep everyone alive, but without directly healing them. I'm gonna be honest, I don't actually know what kind of abilities they would have. [b][u]Offensive Support[/b][/u] is a support class that's still designed around wailing on the boss. Their DPS wouldn't be as high as the Attacker, but if they're played right they would help the rest of the team get some extra damage in, while not being all that weak themselves. In SKC, this is the Mage, -blam!- around hitting bosses with the "Time Beam". Hit the boss with the Time Beam enough, and they freeze in time, stopping the timer (meaning higher scores and easier challenges), as well as just giving you an easy opportunity to deal lotsa damage. The Time Beam will probably be the main gimmick in this hypothetical game, too--I love the Time Beam. [b][u]Defensive Support[/b][/u] would have the lowest DPS of any of the classes, but the catch would be they keep their team alive. They're the healer. Besides just healing, they'd also probably have buffs to help the team stay alive as well. Maybe overlaps a bit with Defender?[/spoiler] So, there's the premise. Give me anything you got. While I'm mostly looking for gameplay ideas, such as abilities the classes could have, what kind of genre this game would work best in, that sort of thing, feel free to give other ideas, too, like the general aesthetic of the game, or story junk. One thing to note, is since I do actually plan on trying to do something with this, 3D action games are probably out of the question. This would likely be either top down, or 2D. Here was the idea I was kind of thinking of: [spoiler]I was thinking it could be a top-down twin stick shooter kind of deal. All four of the classes would probably be mages of some kind (though melee classes aren't necessarily out of the question). Every class would probably have some sort of primary attack, with a series of abilities on cooldown. So, the Time Beam for instance, would probably be a big projectile that's only able to be fired off once every 20 seconds or something. While the idea I had right now was that abilities are all unlocked right from the start, and can't be changed, the idea of unlockable abilities is possible, too. So, the Time Beam could potentially be swapped out with a Time Barrage--which fires smaller blasts at quicker intervals or something. This could also be tied to equipment. The only thing to question here is how bullet-hell would it be. It's hard to say, because I'm not totally sure how well the AI allies would be able to work in a bullet hell scenario. But all of this is basically just my first thoughts. I would love to hear any and all ideas! Feel free to build off of mine, or come up with something wildly different![/spoiler] [b][u]Tl;dr? Here's my point![/b][/u] I'm trying to come up with a game idea, mostly for funsies but possibly as an actual project to work on when I (hopefully) get a new computer later this year. See above for a breakdown of the general premise, and throw your ideas at me! But that's all for now folks, jambuhbye!

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  • I've been really into Balatro, so what if each class had a deck of abilities? Attacks, spells, and buffs, which you would draw during combat that could aid your combat. Maybe offense could have like a double-attack card, a dodge card, and something like a short double attack speed buff, for example. Maybe not a super huge focus on deckbuilding, but the ability to change out cards could really help with buildcrafting being more unique.

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