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Destiny 2

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Modifié par RaineyDazed : 3/29/2024 10:50:24 PM

Never thought I’d make this post

Today I watched a Bungie stream that openly spit in the face of their paying customers (by far not the first) Months before beyond light we were told sunsetting was a necessity for the health of the game, I watched as weapons I spent 100’s of hours grinding for became irrelevant, and now they are the excitement of the future as your boot licking streamers make videos in excitement about their return. For example, I’m no pvp god by any means so much so that me and my Service Revolver (probably the only time I’ve actually ran a positive kd) went head to head with meta Lunas Howl for months grinding wins that barely gave me rank only to lose two to three times as much with a loss. Only to finally get it after it had been nerfed and changed to a 140. But, I was proud because my arthritis riding hands finally did it. Last week I decided to play trials for a new Summoner (which I rarely play because I know my place in this game) Only to find out it’s locked behind (must be unlocked in collection despite having two previous versions I’ve grinded for each time in my vault). But the killer for me is Midnight Coup, by far my favorite from og D2, 40,292 kills I have on it and now I’m expected to grind for it again when you’ve removed the content that’s the reason it even exists. Shadow of its former self. FU straight up. Your business practices are truly unbelievable even after all the apologies, layoffs and threats of being taken over by Sony, and the we must do better post. After 7 years I’ve officially uninstalled D2 and yes this is my airport and I’m announcing my departure. Why because Bungie deserves everything that’s happening to them. Despite everything they continue to do the same with promises of change but actually don’t. Your motto seems to be throw this nostalgic stuff at them to make them happy, I’m only now realizing what 90% of my friends list that used to play this game before sunset realized then and stopped playing simply because of your charades and bad business practices. I’m not going to engage your reply’s against my thoughts. This is how I feel, keep being a sheep and throwing money at the screen. FTP (the downfall of D2) makes any argument irrelevant to me at this point because some of us worked our -blam!- off irl to be able to play this game and Bungie didn’t give af. Edit: By changing Rampage on Breakneck to Subsistence and also making all the year one weapons that had different burns all match the same as what is in collections, they've proven it's possible to bring the originals back with updates.

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  • Helldivers 2 broke my addiction towards Destiny, I have taste a game where the devs actually care for the player base and my God the difference is huge and refreshing.

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  • Your departure has been noted. Still not an airport...*chsssh* over.

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  • What a crybaby approach. The entire point of a game is to play. You wrote a novel complaining that you have to play to get things you clearly want. Asinine. People like you talking about a spit in the face have an unhealthy emotional attachment to weapons in a game. Games change, roll with the change.

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    • I understand where you are coming from and no offense or anything but let me ask you a question. If midnight coup was not sunset would you still be using it today? In PvP perhaps it may be viable but probably not because it's stats and set perks are far inferior compared to the hand cannons available today such as eyasluna. What about Pve? Sure outlaw rampage was great back in the day but try running it in a GM or even legend story missions or the coil and it probably won't be too good. Sure it may have been fun to break out for nostalgas sake every now and then but certainly it would not have been a main part of your arsenal. Then when it was re-released most likely you would have gotten the new one with updated stats and rolls and you could have used it in just about all content. So the old one would essentially have collected dust in your vault. If you like midnight coup, you should be happy that you can get a new one with updated perks and stats and can put even more kills on it. As for the grind, it is a looter shooter after all and the grind has never been easier. We all lost stuff in sensetting but ultimately I do believe it did more good for the game then bad as it essentially allowed us to start over. Hope you come back and get a God roll on the new midnight coup friend. Ggs.

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      • It isn’t fair to blame Bungie here, these weapons were in popular demand blame the people who asked for them back.

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        • [quote]Today I watched a Bungie stream that openly spit in the face of their paying customers (by far not the first) Months before beyond light we were told sunsetting was a necessity for the health of the game, I watched as weapons I spent 100’s of hours grinding for became irrelevant, and now they are the excitement of the future as your boot licking streamers make videos in excitement about their return. For example, I’m no pvp god by any means so much so that me and my Service Revolver (probably the only time I’ve actually ran a positive kd) went head to head with meta Lunas Howl for months grinding wins that barely gave me rank only to lose two to three times as much with a loss. Only to finally get it after it had been nerfed and changed to a 140. But, I was proud because my arthritis riding hands finally did it. Last week I decided to play trials for a new Summoner (which I rarely play because I know my place in this game) Only to find out it’s locked behind (must be unlocked in collection despite having to previous versions I’ve grinded for each time in my vault). But the killer for me is Midnight Coup, by far my favorite from og D2, 40,292 kills I have on it and now I’m expected to grind for it again when you’ve removed the content that’s the reason it even exists. Shadow of its former self. FU straight up. Your business practices are truly unbelievable even after all the apologies, layoffs and threats of being taken over by Sony, and the we must do better post. After 7 years I’ve officially uninstalled D2 and yes this is my airport and I’m announcing my departure. Why because Bungie deserves everything that’s happening to them. Despite everything they continue to do the same with promises of change but actually don’t. Your motto seems to be throw this nostalgic stuff at them to make them happy, I’m only now realizing what 90% of my friends list that used to play this game before sunset realized then and stopped playing simply because of your charades and bad business practices. I’m not going to engage your reply’s against my thoughts. This is how I feel, keep being a sheep and throwing money at the screen. FTP (the downfall of D2) makes any argument irrelevant to me at this point because some of us worked our -blam!- off irl to be able to play this game and Bungie didn’t give af.[/quote] You could have just left and saved yourself a lot of time writing this post sweetie.

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          • Not sure you had to “grind” for midnight coup considering it was a static roll

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            • Modifié par Natdeguerre : 3/29/2024 11:28:14 AM
              Bungie are the kings of the re-release. I guess they only commit so much resources and there are only so many versions of say a HC you can make that are truly different. Sunsetting psychologically hit a bad spot for most of us. It took away the feeling of achievement and ownership of our stuff and it left a huge gaping hole in the loot pool at the time that took a long time to be rounded out again. Nowadays they do soft sunsets, by introducing updated perks, mods and reworked subclass- synergies etc. It still sorta makes the old stuff irrelevant, but there is a much better transition into the new. As for the grind. I made the decision right at the start of D2 that I would only play one character, not three. And I would play mainly solo with the occasional lfg. I would not be sucked into any social aspect of the game or go down the rabbit hole too deep. There are many other great games out there. Destiny is fun, but taking breaks from it is essential to that enjoyment. It’s too repetitive and stale otherwise.

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            • Respect man, I uninstalled a month ago and since then I haven't seen any thing that makes me want to come back, rather several signs that tell me I've made the right choice.

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              • Que the Bungie simps that would defend Bungie no matter how toxic the business practice or egregious the lies and/ hypocrites are.

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              • Well said, Sir. I respect your decision. I've quit twice myself, but came back for lack of a good Battlefield game to play instead. Despite a torrent of new games being released constantly, I have not yet become aware of a decent replacement. If anyone knows one, please respond to this comment.

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              • They say they listen to the community. They say they care about the community. But the truth is. They only see MONEYYYY. U can easy see they have no clue what they are doing. Cheaters running wild. Minor updates becomes major downtimes. Maintance 2 times per week.(thuesday and thursday). I dont watch theyr streams,becus I know they only feed us half the truth. Im pretty sure if many started to boycott them we would see huge changes.

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              • Exactly this. A big hypetrain they got rolling, steaming away. Meanwhile nobodys talking about the perks on these re-re-re-released weapons. They’re mid chat. Mid perks. Master of Arms is now Tricorn x1. Oh and they added 2 other perks which are also exactly Golden Tricorn. Mid GL, mid sword, mid void pulse. Mid mid mid. 180 scouts can 2 head 1 body in pvp but Lunas Howl, a 140 cant U wanna rocketjump? Craft Apex with it. They made those handcannons garbage. Coup, Lunas, 150’s gone, Magnificent Howl rework, its all just mid. Like the rework of the Prophecy guns. Mid. Because if theyre better than a raid weapon people don’t need to raid, which means less sales of old expansions. Long term players have always eaten the most -blam!-. But they can eat it now

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              • Good for you. I have yet to uninstall, but I'm on the road to it. The only thing missing is a game that needs the space on my console. I've been here since Beta and across two (maybe three) gens of consoles. Bungie just can't get out of their own way, at this point, hell, at almost any point since the inception of D2. I would love to see a full accounting of the history of this franchise. It will make a great study in how a studio can make all sorts of decisions with deleterious effect, for the right, wrong-headed, and other reasons. I'm not buying anything from Bungie, but I'd buy that book.

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                • 2

                  Lore-meister - ancien

                  Good move I say

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                • It is senior leadership and the shareholders. They have ruined the game with poor decisions. I don’t understand how incompetent people get into these roles but it happens. I like this game I used to love it but you can definitely see that the talent and leadership is lacking over at Bungie. If Sony comes in and takes over early due to low revenue does that mean the shareholders/senior leadership do not get their bonuses? That would at least be a positive.

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                  • [quote]After 7 years I’ve officially uninstalled D2 and yes this is my airport and I’m announcing my departure. [/quote] This is overall a very passionate and heartfelt departure. There's no reason for anyone to criticize you.

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                  • Sorry to see you go. I can relate. At this point they are in free fall. Bungie needs to stop listening to streamers. Fix pvp and introduce new content not old.

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                    • Bye, see you in 2 months! Joking aside, sunsetting served a purpose. Was it a perfect fix? Nope. Was it better than just letting things go? Yes. Most Pinnacle weapons (Recluse, Mountaintop, Luna’s, 21% and Loaded Question) were so strong that nothing else could even compete. To get players to put them down, they either needed to make things even stronger (yes, power creep is a thing) or remove the problems. Would the player response be any better if Bungie just nuked Pinnacle weapons like they did to heavy GLs in Shadowkeep?

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                      • The reason sunsetting was necessary in their eyes was to keep people grinding. I you have godroll weappns, why do you need more? I get it, but I hate it. They need a better system.

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                        • [quote]Today I watched a Bungie stream that openly spit in the face of their paying customers (by far not the first) Months before beyond light we were told sunsetting was a necessity for the health of the game, I watched as weapons I spent 100’s of hours grinding for became irrelevant, and now they are the excitement of the future as your boot licking streamers make videos in excitement about their return. For example, I’m no pvp god by any means so much so that me and my Service Revolver (probably the only time I’ve actually ran a positive kd) went head to head with meta Lunas Howl for months grinding wins that barely gave me rank only to lose two to three times as much with a loss. Only to finally get it after it had been nerfed and changed to a 140. But, I was proud because my arthritis riding hands finally did it. Last week I decided to play trials for a new Summoner (which I rarely play because I know my place in this game) Only to find out it’s locked behind (must be unlocked in collection despite having to previous versions I’ve grinded for each time in my vault). But the killer for me is Midnight Coup, by far my favorite from og D2, 40,292 kills I have on it and now I’m expected to grind for it again when you’ve removed the content that’s the reason it even exists. Shadow of its former self. FU straight up. Your business practices are truly unbelievable even after all the apologies, layoffs and threats of being taken over by Sony, and the we must do better post. After 7 years I’ve officially uninstalled D2 and yes this is my airport and I’m announcing my departure. Why because Bungie deserves everything that’s happening to them. Despite everything they continue to do the same with promises of change but actually don’t. Your motto seems to be throw this nostalgic stuff at them to make them happy, I’m only now realizing what 90% of my friends list that used to play this game before sunset realized then and stopped playing simply because of your charades and bad business practices. I’m not going to engage your reply’s against my thoughts. This is how I feel, keep being a sheep and throwing money at the screen. FTP (the downfall of D2) makes any argument irrelevant to me at this point because some of us worked our -blam!- off irl to be able to play this game and Bungie didn’t give af.[/quote] News flash, all games suck these days hence you play all of them or multiple for fun. I’ve taken year long breaks and returned and no biggie. Don’t like it play something else like I did. Warlander is fun has its problems, Splitgate fun, Red dead online fun, Overwatch 2 fun but like all games especially pvp they have their sour moments. When those come I either find fun in the game or find another game to have fun in. You feel this way because you spend countless hours on just one game and that’s just not healthy for me at least.

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                          • I think of them as new guns that just have the model of older weapons. Weapons in the game are defined by the perks they roll with. They could have just made a new set of 12 weapons with different names and models, and we’d have the same things to grind for. This isn’t recluse, and it isn’t lunas. MoA and MH have been removed from the game, and they aren’t coming back - it’s just a new void smg and solar hand cannon with some new perks.

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                            • they admitted long ago that sunsetting was a mistake, after all it was a old game dev lead idea

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                              • Modifié par whateverman7 : 3/28/2024 7:44:29 PM
                                You played the game for 7 years, so obviously you got your money's worth from it lol. So why the doom and gloom wishing on the game/bungie cause you don't wanna play anymore? Funny lol Anyway, thanks for sharing, have a good one.

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                                • Ladies and gentlemen. Someone else just got triggered by a video game.

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                                  • It's free and sunsetting was needed fir balancing and reducing power creep, it's prob gonna happen in some way again

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