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3/9/2024 2:25:03 AM

Help me come up with a magic weapon

Good evening everybody! This is Aifos coming to you alive from Greeneville, where I am writing my second book! Yes that's right, my [i]second[/i] book! Have you not heard of the first? Well now you have, right [url=]here[/url]! In any case, there is a weapon I've been trying to come up with for the sequel since it's inception, and I've had one idea but I'm not totally sure how I feel about it, so maybe you silly Offtopic people can help! If you've read the first book, the weapon that needs to be designed follows the rule of PHM magic. If you haven't read the first book, no worries! Just give me your suggestions, and I can adapt them! [b][u]So here's the general premise of how this works;[/u][/b] People are able to summon MAGIC weapons. These MAGIC weapons take shape subconsciously based on their personalities. Sometimes this is super obvious--someone who's super overprotective, and maybe a little bit clingy might get the ability to summon a shield, that can transform into a bubble to keep people close. Other times it can get pretty symbolic, such as summoning a throwing weapon decorated with the symbol of part of your life that you [i]really[/i] hate to symbolize how much you want to throw it away, but then it has a recall ability to reference how that life always comes back to you no matter how hard you try to get rid of it! [b][u]Here's the personality[/b][/u] The core personality trait we're trying to represent is someone who decided to move on from the past, and to fight for and protect the things they value in this life now. Someone -blam!- that who they were years ago isn't as important as who they are now, and someone who only just realized the value of the light they have in their life in the present. Now gimme your ideas! These weapons are MAGIC and have all sorts of crazy MAGIC abilities, so feel free to go as crazy or plain as you want. The weapon can be medieval, modern, futuristic, whatevers. Any and all ideas are welcome, just as long as they somehow represent the personality trait listed above. And, if it's not too much trouble, please spell out the symbolism. :D Here was my idea: [spoiler]I was thinking a pair of gauntlets that utilize a bunch of light based magic. Like, firing out energy blasts, creating light barriers, that sort of thing. Sort of like, holding onto the light in his life, y'know with gauntlets that have light magic! A hand, holding onto light! But I'm kind of iffy on this idea. Something about it just feels kind of off. Feedback on my idea is appreciated just as much as your own suggestions![/spoiler] [b][u]Tl;dr? Here's my point![/b][/u] I'm trying to create a weapon for my book. There are rules, read above. Gimme suggestions. 'K? 'K! That's all for now folks! Jambuhbye!

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  • Modifié par The First Aifos : 3/9/2024 10:36:05 PM
    Here's the idea so far, in case someone wants to build off of something rather than start from scratch: The weapon is going to be a glaive (thanks RAD), a weapon whose length and fighting style represent looking forward rather than back. They're also associated with defense, with the whole "defending what matters to me now" thing. The handle is going to be mostly solid, with engravings of a wren and a robin on it, while the end is tipped off with a bird talon. These are symbols of the character's dark past. As you get closer to the blade, however, the weapon transitions from being solid to being made purely of light. Having the handle represent his past shows he's not hiding it anymore, but that the weapon transforms into light as it gets closer also shows that he's no longer being held back by it--that the thing that matters most is the light in his life now. The light part of the weapon can change shape, as a representation of the future not being set in stone, and always up to change. (Thanks Breaking!) He also has the ability to call upon some spooky darkness magic to create a dome-shaped barrier around him. This barrier dispels itself in a small explosion damaging things around it. The darkness is a representation of his past, and being able to dispel it in an explosion represents how it no longer keeps him trapped anymore, however, using the darkness to shield him and his friends shows how it's exactly that dark past that's helped him realize the value of the things he has in his life now. (Thanks Emilz!) Tbh, I'm pretty satisfied with it as is, but further ideas are still welcome!

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